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- @H@4Colloquial Swedish Lesson 1
- @A@5Kult + Jude
- @FHdiamond24
- @FAbeton13
- @FMprime08
- {5@2
- 2We, here at the Zoo believe that greater international relations should be
- 2built and maintained with our friendly foreign neighbours. It is in this
- 2spirit that we present the first in a series of lesson where you can learn
- 2how to speak the national language of Sweden, Swedish. This course is unique
- 2in the way it not only managers to teach even the beginer simple, useful,
- 2everyday phrases, but also provides the ability to speak as if in the
- 2native Swedish tongue. Before long you will be able to merge seemlessly into
- 2a new home life in happy, go lucky Sweden. You too could one day be
- 2appreciating Volvos, Abba and Ikea as they roll of the production line.
- 2But remember don't over work and get `buksmarter`!!!!
- {2@3
- 3eldfast form - oven-proof dish
- 3
- 3Hennes son heter Joakim - Her son is called Joakim
- 3
- 3Utrikesdepartementet - Foreign Ministry
- 3
- 3Nedre botten - Lower Ground
- 3
- 3farfar - (paternal) grandfather
- 3
- 3Der har du ratt i - You are quite right
- 3
- 3Arbetet var slut for dagen - Work was over for the day
- 3
- 3ett medelalders bitrade - a middle-aged assistant
- 3
- 3friluftsmuseum - open air museum
- 3
- 3apple - apple
- 3
- 3ta/ -r tog pa sig skulden - take the blame on oneself
- 3
- 3krigarkung - warrior king
- 3
- 3kompis - buddy
- 3
- 3korv - sausage
- 3
- 3yrkesliv - world of work
- 3
- 3plasthandtag - plastic handle
- 3
- 3magsar - stomach ulser
- 3
- 3buksmarta - abdominal pain
- 3
- 3Det var ofta en fredag - It was often on a Friday
- 3
- 3Nagra av dem ville tala om det for oss - Some of them want to tell us
- 3
- 3stro - sprinkle
- 3
- 3Visst gor hom? - Dosen't she though?
- 3
- 3Napolenbakelse - puff pastry and cream cake with pink icing
- 3
- 3det gar inte Adam - it is not possible, Adam
- 3
- 3jag soker Jan Forsberg - I'm looking for Jan Forsberg
- 3
- 3Hjalp mig laga middag, ar du snall! - Help me make dinner and you are nice
- 3
- 3bra popskivor - good pop records
- 3
- 3en bra skola - a good school
- 3
- 3melittafilter - coffe filter
- {3@2
- 2We hope this first lesson has provided a thorough introduction into the land
- 2of the Swedes. We hope to complemewnt your Swedish course with similar ones
- 2in Nickaraguan, Arabic and Welsh.
- X0*]