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- Do you also have those little#
- bastards in your town, wearing#
- some Baseball jacket of some New#
- York Baseball or Football team#
- they do not even know. They#
- probably don't even know where New#
- York is! Well, this article is#
- dedicated to those sonuvabitches. #
- All facts gathered by Majestic of#
- Brainstorm. #
- Ok, let's talk about the worst:#
- Harlem. #
- Well for all you freaks who are#
- now thinking of a place somewhere#
- in the middle east I'll quickly#
- tell you where Harlem is. You#
- probably all know where New York#
- City (Manhatten) is, right? Ok,#
- well Harlem is a sub-section of#
- the City (like Bronx etc..). Most#
- of the inhabitants are black#
- people, most of them also don't#
- have a job. Ok, some information#
- so that you can imagine what it is#
- like in Harlem. Ok, as I used to#
- live in New Jersey (Ramsey), I had#
- some contact with New York City. #
- I knew this guy whose father was#
- cop in Manhatten (not Harlem), and#
- he told me this. #
- "Well, normaly you shoot with your#
- gun first in the air, to warn the#
- guy, and then you shoot him. In#
- Harlem it is different, you first#
- shoot the person, and then you#
- shoot in the air." A taxi drive#
- told me this on my way to the#
- airport "See that car out there?"#
- (I said "Yup", and I looked at a#
- car which had the wheels, the#
- glass, the hub-cabs, the chairs,#
- all of the insides everything#
- taken out.) The taxi driver then#
- said: "See the car? That car had#
- a break-down yesterday evening". #
- It's true, you better not have a#
- break-down in Harlem, especially#
- if you are white. Because untill#
- you'll get help you'll probably be#
- already robed. No kidding! I asked#
- a taxi-driver once to drive me#
- through Harlem, I felt like#
- looking at the place that every-#
- body always talked about. But the#
- taxi driver responded me: "No#
- sorry, take another cab". #
- So I asked one more, and not to#
- my astonishment he also gave me#
- some fony excuse why he wouldn't#
- drive me through Harlem. #
- I wasn't really disappointed be-#
- cause I had enough crazy stuff to#
- look at in New York itself. For#
- examples all the bums with their#
- rather dirty look which were#
- hanging around in Central Park,#
- and boiling some strange stuff in#
- their rusty tin-cans. Or standing#
- on the corner and drinking out of#
- some bottle wrapped up in a paper#
- bag so that you wouldn't see that#
- they were just DRINKING some#
- throut medicin (remeber, throut#
- medicin contains alcohol!!). The#
- most terrifing thing about bums#
- which I saw was when I spodded a#
- bag-lady (a woman without any#
- home) eating out of some garbage!#
- Yuk! I was happy when my train#
- came I could quickly go home to#
- New Jersey, but how many people#
- can't do that? #
- Those people who live in such#
- places for all there life have to#
- become sort of immune to that#
- kind of stuff. I mean I really#
- couldn't deal with it if every-#
- time I get home, I would see some#
- bum eating out of my garbage! Ok,#
- we shouldn't see only the bad#
- stuff in Harlem. There are also a#
- few people who really do care#
- about the neighbour hood. People#
- who would like that Harlem would#
- once again become like it used to#
- be. A place where the police-man#
- around the corner knows your name#
- and your reputation. A place were#
- you can go out at night, without#
- being scared for you life. Today#
- it's different. Death in the#
- neighbour-hood has become normal. #
- A lot of the kids that grow up in#
- Harlem won't even finish school. #
- Every second kid drops out of#
- school!! Drugs play a great deal#
- in Harlem. A great amount of#
- children grow up already addicted#
- to cocaine. And if they don't#
- grow up already with their daddy#
- selling the stuff then they might#
- sell it themselves when they grow#
- up. A drug dealer in Harlem said#
- to a Nation Geographic Magazine#
- Reporter "On Wall Street you get#
- a lawyer, here you kill." #
- #
- If you have any comments about#
- this article then write them to#
- us, see for address in the#
- address article. #
- #
- Majestic/Brainstorm #