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- Gears
- ---------------
- Hokay ! Here is my editors bit ! I've edited and coded this mag aswell as
- writing for it, so excuse me of if I waffle on a bit ! I'm very tired now
- and the release date is upon me !! Here goes ....
- ----------
- Anything said in this mag is the opinion of the person writing it. Zircon
- accepts no responsibility for any bad stuff happening to anyone ! (Yes,
- the crap disclaimer is BACK aswell !)
- Zircon has a strong team of lawyers who will screw everything out of
- anyone wishing to bring court action against us. They are also available
- for divorces and large newspaper companies.
- The case involving the ZAM disk, some vaseline, an Amiga, a video digitiser,
- a beautiful naked girl and a video camera was never proved and we didn't
- use the picture. However, the picture will be available after we have proved
- our case at the appeal court ! Waaaaap !!!
- But seriously ! Please take the serious articles seriously and the funny
- articles with a large dose of salt !! We don't want to offend !!
- -----------------------------
- ZAM ISSUE 1 - Released September 1992.
- ZAM ISSUE 2 - Released November 1992.
- ZAM ISSUE 3 - Released February/March 1993.
- ***********
- ZAM ISSUE 4 - Released March 1994.
- ***********
- Yes ! After a WHOLE year in a PD coma We ArE bAcK !!! Hitting you with more
- ideas, style and comedy than ever before !!!! Ah yeah ! We are now offering
- you a bigger chance to contribute than ANY other disk-mag available !!!!
- It's easy to do !! Just move the mouse to that big REPLY button and press
- it !! Then type in ANY comment you want and send ZAM-4 back to us with an
- SAE and we'll send disk 1 of ZAM-5 or (if you request) a fresh copy of
- ZAM-4 !!! Coo !
- -------------------
- Over the past few months I have seen the amount of disk-mags multiply, but
- all seem to have the same look and the same `feel' to them. I'm not saying
- that there aren't any good ones, I'm just saying that they all tend to try
- the same menu options etc. So, one day I looked at all these mags and tried
- to find something that they hadn't tried. I looked at GrapeVine, Propaganda,
- The Jungle, Visual Intensity, Upstream, Digital Disk, etc...etc.... there
- are a lot more, but I can't mention them here as I'd run out of disk-space!
- Anyway, they are all very, very, good but they all had the same look and
- the same options. As one Amiga Format reviewer said, "this mag is put
- together in a similar style to ...... disk mag". I then had a look at some
- paper-mags, Amiga Computing, Amiga Format, Amiga Shopper etc. They had
- different lay-outs ! Why couldn't this be so for disk-mags ????
- So, that very same day I decided to get ZAM back on the rails and give
- it a face-lift. I had almost abandoned it, and it was only the constant
- whails from my contacts that re-started the mag ! So, I DID something new
- and different with a REPLY function. The idea is that when you read
- something that you agree / disagree with you can put your feelings down
- instantly and easily. You can advertise your club, group, library,
- software, hardware or shop ! I don't care what it is ! You can even
- ask questions ! Respond to other readers questions ! Anything ! The
- possibilities are endless - put simply, if it'll fit in the REPLY box
- we'll publish it (provided it doesn't cause a war or start a court case)
- And so here it is !!! Sure, it's a bit short on articles ! We have been
- away for a long time AND it means MORE space for YOU! HIT THAT REPLY
- BUTTON !!!
- --------------
- It was programmed in a week and has only three menus because of the amount
- of articles that can be put on one menu. It's the first time I've done
- any sort of programming since I had a Speccy 48, so don't expect too many
- flashy bits yet ! There should be about 30 articles on each menu page - I
- know that other mags use a whole menu page with 10 articles in it just to
- pad it out ! The next issue of ZAM will have more menus and, therefore,
- more articles !
- The music was done by Projex who used to be in a group called Colour. He
- gave permission to use this mod, so we have ! Contact us Projex, just
- hit that REPLY button man !
- Drawn by Emkay, who I haven't heard from in a while. I hope that you'll
- get in touch with us Emkay so that we can use your stunning artwork in
- ZAM-5 !!!
- MegaSoft are handling the spreading and distribution end of the ZAM
- disk, and I am currently collecting the REPLY text that you send !
- MegaSoft do a vast range of PD and commercial software, so don't
- hesitate to contact them with your enquiries. Find their address in
- the CONTACT US article.
- I'd just like to grab this opportunity to tell everyone about KEW=II,
- which is a very fine PD library indeed ! It is not like any other
- PD library - because it operates just like a Pick n' Mix ! You can
- choose any program you want, and have it put on a disk with lots
- of other programs of your choice. This way you'll ALWAYS get what YOU
- want !!! Write to them at :-
- P.O. Box 672,
- South Croydon,
- Surrey.
- CR2 9YS.
- And don't forget to mention Zircon when you write!
- Actually, I might not have time to send this out for testing, but be
- sure to know that ZAM will be (hopefully) bug free ! Anyway, the
- people testing are :-
- Cosmic, Bob, Mark, Fudge, Shot, Ezz.
- An A1200 HD, 800 cups of tea, lots of late nights, hundreds of disks,
- headaches, and a large dollop of madness.
- I would like to make a plea, no.... I would beg whoever wrote the
- articles marked "???" to contact me !!!
- Erm..... Oh yeah... The next issue is due out in May/June 1994, but
- we'd like all REPLY text sent to us a few weeks before !! Anything
- that's late will go into the next issue.
- As you can see, this NEW edition of the mag is a bit thin on
- articles, so we will use ALL of your comments in the next mag -
- we want YOU to write THIS mag !!! DO IT NOW !!!
- Have fun, and enjoy the mag !!