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- EZZA'94
- Yes, just when you thought you were sick and tired of me telling
- you what you thought.......!......IT'S...........
- WAFFLE IV - The Search for Spoc....A Plaster
- for my finger, cause it hurts....
- Before we start, a quick apology to all those millions of people who
- realised that Waffle III was missing so I have decided to put two
- sections of waffle in this issue for good measure. Aren't you the
- lucky ones.....
- Yes, the dispute of where the olympics are going to be held in the
- year 2000 is over. The hopefuls where Bejiing, Sydney, Istanbul, and
- Manchester........Hold on a minute......Manchester, England? So lets
- get this right, we can either have the olympics in a nice hot,
- colourful and interesting country like Austrailia or we can have it in
- England where it rains all the time and there is nothing in Manchester
- of any interest except perhaps Terry "Stuff and Nonsense" Christian
- from "The Word". And the Manchester supporters have the nerve to say
- "it'll be a close one". Yes, course it will. O.K., let's look at the
- paper and see who has won..............Well what a suprise Austrailia
- have won....... Damn! I was sure it was going to be Manchester.
- That's it, I'm going for a cry............
- You know what failed it for poor old Manchester........Paddy Ashdown.
- The morning of the decision he appears on national telly to give a
- speech on how deprivated Manchester has become. To rub it in he
- mentions the drugs, crime, etc. which has caused all the destruction.
- God, he makes it sound like Los Angeles. Speaking of L.A., the
- American Football team have got a very appropriate name after the
- riots haven't they. (It's Raiders, just in case you didn't know, L.A.
- Raiders..........God, some people just don't know anything do
- they.......It makes my blood boil. Don't you think that is a stupid
- saying because blood can't boil. Well, it can but you most probably
- die.
- I've just watched the three computer related programs that are on
- telly and I've come to the following conclusions.........That bloke
- on "Bad Influence"who tells us all the cheats isn't funny. Why
- doesn't he shut his mouth and get on with it? I thought Gamesmaster
- was dreadful before, but now that they've managed to find an even
- more irritating presenter than Dominic Diamond. Give them a clap for
- that I say. Oh, yes I have seen one programme of the new series of
- Games World on Sky and that has also become much worse. They have
- scrapped the review program and replaced with a live program
- broadcasted from somebody's home in the country. The one I just
- watched had these three liverpudlian kids who thought they were God
- on every game out. They managed to lose the first two games so I
- turned it off. I just hope that the rest of Liverpool aren't so
- stupid and irritating as those three kids.
- I bet you're all depressed beacause I haven't done any beautifully
- hand drawn pictures for this issue of ZAM. If this doesn't "sell" as
- many copies as last time you'll know why won't ya. (Sell ? Sell ! -
- It's free ! - Ed)
- A quick warning: Don't play Indy 500 or Formula One Grand Prix with
- a Konix Speed King joystick because you'll need an overdose of
- painkillers afterwards to stop you're hand hurting.
- A quick mention to those bastards at Saturn Software mail order who
- still owe me about seventeen quid after not giving me my copy of
- Monkey Island II. BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ---------------------------
- The "Useless Comment At The Bottom" By Gears
- Yeah, I saw that proggy with the livva-puddlians on. They were
- doing this highly expensive micro-wave-oven-satellite
- cooker-telephone link up thingy where kiddies play games using the
- touch-tone bleeps on the phone. Ya know... 2 to go up, 8 to go down...
- etc... Anyway, you need your own TV, satellite (or cable) and phone
- to do it. Apparently it's an experiment for games via fibre-optic
- cable. Good huh ? Wibble.....
- Anyway, I'm off now. Gotta edit something else. Busy inn I ?