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- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Everyone must watch the new series of the most excellently stoneybridge
- programme, if you don't then you should.
- Anyway below is a sketch from the first series:-
- LITTLE GIRL - The Dentist.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Yes, I do know what happens when you go to the Densists. You must go
- with your mum and sit in a brown room wot smells like a cough sweet
- wot has fallen down the toilet. And this is where you do the waiting
- or the lady wot looks like a nurse but is not really a nurse to come
- and get you. And when you are in this changing room you must be
- very quiet. And your mum does read a magazine with pages dropping out,
- and cooking on it, and you are allowed to look at pictures on the
- wall, and you can see a picture of a big toothbrush wot is maked into
- a boy wot can talk, and you must not scribble on it.
- Then the lady does come and get you and says it is time to go in the
- special tiny room. And there's a big chair in it wot is looking like a
- bed, but has no blankets, and it's got electric in it and it will kill
- you if you cry. And you can see the Densist's table and it haves got
- scissors and knifes and forks on it, and they are for chopping off
- your tongue with. And they do get sharpened by a little Dwarf wot
- lives in a cage. Anyway then the Densist does smile and do say "Do not
- be very frightened, please, thank you, febus I'm only going to have a
- look for heaven's sake". And then you must open your mouth really wide
- enough for a puppy to go in.
- Then he does bend over and you can see his hairy nose, and skin does
- fall out of his hair onto your jumper, and his mouth does smell pooey,
- and he must have very brown teeth, with shiny bits, but it is alright
- febus he is the Densist. And then he does tell you to open your mouth
- even bigger. That is febus he wants to get in your throat and have an
- adventure. But he is too big. And then he does say to the pretend
- nurse "Look madam this tooth is made out of milk so you must be very
- careful. And this one is made out of gums. And this one has got a
- great big hole in it" and then he is very angry and he does punch you
- on the tongue with the piliers. And then the pretend nurse she does
- make you try to drink poison. And it is red, and you must never ever
- swallow it, febus if you do, your throat will shrivel up into a snake
- wot will crawl into your tummy and turn into a tape-measure. And it
- will only die if you let it eat Mars bars. And that is what happens
- when you go to the Densists. It is. It's true.
- I will type some more sketches up, if there is any demand; OH
- ABSOLUTELY is on Fridays Channel 4 10:30PM, Watch It, You know what
- they say??? WHY IS GWYNNEDD SO STUPID!!!
- ED'S NOTE ! (Who is Ed anyway ?)
- ----------------------------------
- The times of Absolutely might change a bit from the one's stated
- in this article. So nerr.