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- PPMore 1.8 User Manual
- May 11, 1991
- Preface
- =======
- The programs and files in this distribution are freely distributable,
- but are also Copyright (c) Nico Franois. They may be freely distributed as
- long as no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
- No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from the
- author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in original
- unmodified form.
- The above is generally known as freeware.
- If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you find
- any bugs, please let me know.
- Write to the following address:
- Nico Franois
- Corbielaan 13
- B-3060 Bertem
- Contents
- ========
- 1. An introduction
- 2. Usage
- 3. Control
- 4. Using PPMore from other programs
- 1. An introduction
- ==================
- This program was written to complement one of my other utilities,
- PowerPacker (a command and data cruncher). It is used to read normal ascii
- text files or text files crunched with PowerPacker. The program itself is
- about 10K long and when you know you save about 60% when you crunch a text
- file, you can see that this could save a lot of space on your disks.
- PPMore was written as a more replacement (as you could have guessed :-),
- so I tried to keep the keyboard commands the same as well as adding some new.
- There are two main differences between PPMore and More, PPMore uses gadgets
- and it always loads the complete file in memory (More only loads part of the
- file and will load the rest when needed). If you can live with these
- differences, you can replace More with PPMore anywhere you want.
- If you haven't got PowerPacker you are of course missing one of the main
- features of this program. PowerPacker is available as shareware (up to
- version 2.3b) or as a commercial program (version 3.0a). Order a copy for
- $17.50 (Europe) or $20 (outside Europe) from UGA, P.O.Box 881, 3700 AW Zeist,
- The Netherlands (only Eurochecks in Dutch Guilders or cash). The commercial
- version offers several enhancements like 40 to 50 times faster crunching and
- overlay crunching.
- 2. Usage
- ========
- PPMore can be used in four different ways.
- - First of all via the CLI:
- If you enter PPMore without arguments you will get a usage template.
- You use PPMore like this:
- PPMore [<options>] [<file|dir>]
- The program will then load the ascii file and display it. If the file
- was crunched using PowerPacker 2.0 or higher PPMore will first decrunch it
- for you. If the file was encrypted you will be prompted for the password.
- The '-w' option switches on line wrap mode. Line wrap mode determines
- how long lines will be displayed. If it is on (default) long lines will
- continue on the next line, if it is off they will be cut off. Press 'w' to
- toggle it on/off. If a line is cut off a complemented '>' will appear on the
- right edge of the display.
- The other options are explained in section 4.
- PPMore can be made resident so it doesn't have to be loaded every time
- you use it, use the ARP ARes command or the c: Resident command for this.
- You can't make PPMore resident when it is crunched !! The file is supplied
- as an uncrunched command file with the pure bit set.
- If you enter PPMore without options, you will be presented with either a
- file prompt or a filerequester (if arp.library or asl.library is available).
- Entering PPMore with a directory instead of a file as an argument will also
- get you a requester, but it will be positioned in the directory you specified.
- Enter 'PPMore ?' for a little usage message.
- - Via the WorkBench:
- There are three different ways of using PPMore via the workbench: you
- can set the default tool of the (crunched) text file to 'PPMore', you can
- single click the PPMore icon and then double click the text file icon or you
- can double-click the PPMore icon and enter the filename in the string gadget
- (or the ARP filerequester) you will be presented with.
- You set the default tool by single clicking the icon of the text file
- and selecting 'Info' from the workbench menu. You will get a window with
- several gadgets in it, click in the string gadget where it says 'Default
- tool' and enter ':ppmore'. PPMore should be in the root directory of your
- disk for this to work, if e.g. it's in the system directory you should enter
- ':system/ppmore'. Last of all select the 'Save' gadget.
- NOTE: - PPMore will add '.pp' to the filename when the file wasn't found.
- This is very useful in the WorkBench enviroment: you can make an
- icon for 'text.doc' but name the file 'text.doc.pp'. Now the
- WorkBench will show an icon with 'text.doc' as name, but if you
- doubleclick it 'text.doc.pp' will be displayed. (As long as there
- is no 'text.doc' file in the directory !)
- - Once you are in PPMore press 'L' to load a new file, this is
- especially useful if the arp.library is available.
- 3. Control
- ==========
- PPMore can be controlled by keyboard or by intuition gadgets. To get a
- summary of the keyboard commands press <HELP>, the function of the gadgets
- shouldn't be hard to understand.
- A few notes on printing:
- - The printer.device has to be in the devs: directory for PPMore to be able
- to print, you should also have a correct system-configuration for your
- printer.
- - You can continue to read the text when PPMore is printing (this IS a
- multitasking computer ! :-), you can't quit when printing is still in
- progress !
- 4. Using PPMore from other programs
- ===================================
- If you are not a programmer you can skip this section.
- PPMore has two power options to make it possible to use it from other
- programs. This way you don't have to include a text displayer in your
- programs, you just execute PPMore with one (or all) of the following options:
- -@mem,len,flags[,name]
- If you specify this option PPMore will not load a file but instead it
- will display a chunk of memory. You specify the memory addres and
- length in the command line as well as some flags. The current version
- only has one flag: PPMORE_FREEMEM = bit 0 of the flag-word = 0x1.
- When this flag is set PPMore will free the memory after it has
- finished, if it isn't set PPMore will just exit and leave the memory
- alone. This way your program can start PPMore with the PPMORE_FREEMEM
- flag set and exit before PPMore has ended. PPMore will then free the
- memory instead of your program.
- The address, length and flags must be presented as HEX longwords
- seperated by a comma. These options can be followed by another comma
- and a string to give the memory chunk a name, if this string is omited
- PPMore will use the name 'memory'. This string ends with the end of the
- command line so it can contain spaces.
- -Sscreen or -S*
- With this option you can use PPMore on another screen. You must
- provide a screen address in HEX. PPMore will the open the main window
- on this screen. If you specify a '*' instead of a screen address the
- frontmost screen will be used.
- Examples:
- o PPMore -@1A000,1D4E,0,my chunk
- PPMore will open a window 'Listing of my chunk', start
- displaying at address 0x1A000 and stop at address 0x1BD4E. The
- memory will not be freed after PPMore exits.
- o PPMore -Sc2d8a0 -@1A000,1D4E,1,my chunk
- Same as previous but now PPMore will free the memory chunk and
- open the main window on the custom screen with the screen structure
- on address 0xc2d8a0.
- o PPMore -S* myfile
- Load and display the file 'myfile' and open window on the front
- screen.
- NOTE: - The options are case sensitive.
- - The @ option must always be the last option on the command line.
- - If you open PPMore on another screen PPMore will not check if the
- screen closes !! PPMore should always finish before this screen is
- closed !
- - I advise you to use the ARP 1.3 SyncRun and/or ASyncRun instead of
- the AmigaDOS Execute function to execute PPMore from your programs
- because the ARP functions also work when your program has been
- started from WorkBench. I suppose Kickstart 2.0 will offer some
- better ways of executing programs.
- - Watch out when using these options, it is very easy to crash the Amiga
- if you don't know what you are doing !!!
- As always, I hope you find this program useful !
- *****************************************************************************
- First release.
- *****************************************************************************
- '.pp' suffix added to filename when file not found, very useful in
- WorkBench enviroment.
- PPMore now also loads encrypted files. (PowerPacker 2.3a or higher)
- *****************************************************************************
- Rewritten some routines in assembler, results in a slightly faster
- and smaller PPMore.
- Keyboard input improved. Autorepeat of keys is ignored so you can keep
- on pressing <page down> without typing it 20 times ahead !
- Gadget input also improved, now handles repeat.
- PPMore now prompts for a filename when double-clicked from WorkBench.
- *****************************************************************************
- PPMore can now be made resident and is reentrant. (provided PPMore is
- not crunched)
- Improved error reporting, the main window only opens when PPMore is
- going to display the file.
- File is checked to see if it is an ASCII (text) file.
- Two new power-options for use of PPMore from other programs:
- -@ to display memory, -S to open window on a custom screen.
- Fast assembler search function added.
- Display position is displayed in titlebar (percentage).
- Goto n% function added, replaced 'Refresh' gadget with this function.
- Decrunching is 15% faster.
- 'Exit PPMore' only selected when button is released on top of gadget.
- NO bugs removed because none where found. :-)
- Only about 700 bytes larger than version 1.2 !
- *****************************************************************************
- Bug fixed: PPMore 1.3 was not 100% pure, version 1.4 is !
- ASCII check less strict (e.g. now allows files to contain a '©')
- Another 300 bytes shorter than version 1.3 :-)
- *****************************************************************************
- Bug fixed: search/goto window always opened on WorkBench screen.
- Find previous also implemented.
- Load a new file from within PPMore.
- PPMore uses ARP file requester if arp.library is available.
- Line count, as well as goto line.
- Display position as percentage or line number.
- Keypad = movement. (for PC-lovers, yek :-( )
- PPMore now supports all keymaps !! I think especially german and french
- Amiga users will be grateful for this.
- Less than 600 bytes longer than version 1.4 (I love this :-D)
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 1.5a
- Decrunching is 40% faster, this was a stupid mistake in 1.3 to 1.5,
- I accidently used a slower instead of a faster decrunch routine :-(
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 1.5b
- The Guru isn't with me lately, after using a slow decruncher in 1.3-1.5
- by accident I now used a fast but faulty decruncher in 1.5a. It
- sometimes didn't decrunch correctly, this has now been fixed. The
- decruncher is still 40% faster than the 1.3-1.5 one. (and it's 2 bytes
- shorter :^D )
- *****************************************************************************
- Bugs in search fixed, didn't work correctly when used in large files and
- sometimes didn't work at all :-(
- Error output goes to the console when you start PPMore from the CLI,
- WorkBench error reporting still in small window as before.
- The ASCII check was made less strict (again). I got a lot of complaints
- from German users trying to display german documents, this should now
- no longer be a problem.
- If you deactivated the window when PPMore was loading PPMore would hang
- until you resized its window, this has been fixed. (Actually, I
- worked around this problem, I think it was an Intuition bug :-)
- PgUp, PgDn and the shifted arrow keys now do an immediate page up/down
- without scrolling, SPACE and BS still scroll up/down.
- Changed some things so PPMore runs better on Kickstart 2.0, next
- version of PPMore will probably be a Kick 2.0 only version so I can
- make use of all the new goodies of the new OS :^)
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 1.6a
- Small update on special request. Now possible to dump just the visible
- page to the printer instead of the entire file.
- *****************************************************************************
- No Kickstart 2.0 only version yet. Changed some stuff so PPMore looks
- best on Kick 2.0 and still runs on Kick 1.3.
- Uses the all new powerpacker.library => shorter code :^D
- Starting PPMore from the CLI with a directory as an argument now puts
- up the requester positioned in that directory. Extremely useful once
- you get used to this :^)
- Small bug fixed in search routine, it sometimes missed an occurence.
- PPMore filters out form-feeds and replaces them with <FORM FEED>.
- If you are running Workbench 2.0 PPMore will use the asl.library
- instead of the arp.library (for the filerequester).
- Now fully supports system & screen fonts different than topaz 8.
- Automatic refresh when you resize the window (only on Kick 2.0,
- couldn't be done on 1.3 because of bug in console.device)
- Used different technique to find workbench screen size, using
- NormalDisplayRows no longer seemed to work on 2.0 ?!?!?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Percentage background color is now white again on Kickstart 1.3.
- Removed read in low memory when the close gadget was used. Thanks to
- the enforcer I was able to fix this VERY obscure bug :-)
- *****************************************************************************
- Nicer new-look 3D gadgets in window border for Kickstart 1.3.
- Line wrap on/off implemented. If switched off causes all lines to be
- cut off at the right edge of the window.
- Seemed that the asl requester no longer worked on the latest
- Kickstart 2.0 (release V37). Fixed.
- *****************************************************************************
- PPMore 1.8 written by Nico Franois (Yes, Nico is my first name :-)
- thanks to Holger Lubitz for the many bug reports :^) and all the
- useful suggestions.
- (c) 1991 Nico Franois / PowerPeak
- //
- Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever !