ocr: - LINR Contents netrace TOMRES Browse 2 MAIN MONU A 00/ hey MBies!, WELCOMe to WORLD elite liSt vl.0 bu CANADA'S I 00/ 1-1 OWN FLAShBACK!/tR51. i CICATED this list senies to SHOW 1- V aND abventise the SEPCRATION bETTWCCN elite aND LAME!!! V iN tHi5 relense i iNCLUDED MOST of the elite bOARDS iN the WOnLD! tHi5 TeLeAse i5 to SHOW you the bOARD5 iN a betten FOMMAT tHAN jUST FUCKING IAMC text, cOZ all tHo5e peorue WANT i5 thene nAMe OUT iN the SCeNe! bUT tHi5 tOOR Me like 2-3 WEeRS t0 get all the phoren INFORMATION, INSTED of 30 MINS if i WANTED to FALLOW iN the OTHeR LAMCRS fOOT STeP5. pLU5, th ...