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- $402
- Word Readership Evaluation Questionnaire
- Created by Kei of Carnage
- During a recent conversation, the question was asked "What sort of
- person reads The Word?". This lead onto other questions regarding the
- percentages of word readers that own a PC, have internet access or are
- on a computer scene of some sort.
- I decided that since some of you send in article contributions and the
- rest obtain their copies of The Word through a Carnage member or
- associate, that I should get feedback from you so we can get an average
- Word reader template which we can use to gain a better idea of "Who
- reads The Word?".
- So we, the Word staff hope you will take the time to fill in this
- questionnaire and send it in to us. Here's how to get your
- questionnaire in to my hands:
- 1) Mail it to The Word Diskback address on one of your disks. (You
- know, the one with the articles on that you really really really want to
- write and send in to us!).
- 2) Email it to keiofcarnage@geocities.com
- 3) Complete the on-line version located at:
- http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/4500/
- ..and press SUBMIT and everything will be taken care of!
- 4) Email it to another Carnage member or Dick at Dick@emarkt.com Other
- members emails should be in an article somewhere within this issue.
- Ok, on with the questionnaire. Please answer as much of it as possible,
- just turn on your favourite music (preferably loud), keep that can of
- cherry cola nearby and have phun...
- $fff
- ----------------------------------8<----------------------------------
- Handle/Alias/Sig: Age:
- Questions about Computers
- 1) How many years ago did you first use a computer?
- 2) What was it?
- 3) What is the most important feature you can recall about your
- favourite computer ever?
- 4) Can you program? If so, how many languages? (list them)
- 5) Can you do computer graphics (state pixel/ray-tracing/other/all)
- 6) Can you compose music on your computer?
- 7) List the top 3 favourite things you like to with your computer.
- 8) Do you own a PC? Have you ever used one and if so, where?
- 9) Have you ever used an Apple Macintosh? Do you own one?
- 10) Have you ever used a console? (ie Playstation)
- 11) List the computer(s) you currently own and those you once owned.
- 12) Do you buy computer magazines? Which ones?
- Questions about your computer skills
- 13) If you own an Amiga or have used one answer these with a Y (Yes) or
- N (No)
- a) Can you use LHA to create an archive?
- b) Can you un DMS?
- c) Have you ever used ZAP?
- d) Can you navigate your computers hard drive from CLI?
- e) Can you uncrunch a file you do not recognise?
- f) Can you create ascii art?
- g) Can you type fast?
- h) Can you type with both hands (typist style)?
- i) Can you create your own icons?
- j) Can you assign drives?
- k) Do you use XPK?
- l) Can you rip music from non-dos disks?
- m) Can you guess the Word's adult password easily?
- n) Can you recover from hard disk corruption easily?
- 14) If you own a PC or have used one answer the following (Y/N):
- a) Can you use MS-DOS to navigate your hard drive?
- b) Do you use Windows 95?
- c) Have you ever used Linux or tried to install it?
- d) Do you understand what XMS is?
- e) Do you know what SB and GUS are?
- f) Can you create your own icons?
- g) Can you ZIP a directory with subdirectories?
- h) Do you know how Windows95 stores long file names?
- i) Can you view a JPG from DOS?
- j) Can you do ANSI art?
- k) Can you use a compression program for executables?
- l) Do you understand what XM and S3M files are?
- m) Can you edit your startup files?
- n) Can you show hidden files in DOS?
- Questions about your interests
- 15) List your top 3 magazines.
- 16) List your top 3 music tastes (ambient/techno/metal/rock/etc..)
- 17) What is your favourite musical interest? (say none if so)
- 18) What is your favourite car manafacturer?
- 19) List your top 3 favourite sports.
- 20) List your top 3 favourite broadcasted programmes.
- 21) How much TV/satellite do you watch a day?
- 22) How long do you use a computer each day?
- 23) How often do you go out to the pub/club/party?
- 24) What is your favourite:
- a) Drink
- b) Colour
- c) Computer game
- d) Food
- e) Actress/Actor
- f) Singer/Group
- g) Book
- h) Film
- i) Posseion
- j) Animal
- k) Electrical device
- Questions to assess your persona
- 25) You see someone breaking into your car. What do you do?
- 26) You are looking for a place to live. List the top 3 things you look
- for in a place?
- 27) You see a girl/boy in a pub/bar/club you like a lot. What do you
- do?
- 28) Someone says your computer is shite. What do you reply with?
- 29) You see another guy/girl with your girlfriend/boyfriend. What do
- you do?
- 30) You are asked to do a talk for an hour on a computer related subject
- that you know nothing about in front of a room full of people in one
- hour's time and it pays fifty quid. What do you do?
- 31) Your cousin wants to borrow your computer to type her school essay
- on and you owe her a big favour anyway but it's got some dodgy
- stuff on it. What do you do?
- 32) You are caught leeching copyrighted software from
- university/college/work and your head/tutor wants an explanation.
- What do you say?
- 33) A PD company has used your software on their new CD and it has been
- altered. What do you do?
- 34) Someone doesn't send your jiffy back through the post and it's got 5
- disks and an audio tape in it you lent them. They live 250 mile
- away. What do you do?
- Questions about your morals
- Please answer the following with a (Y/N). Don't worry, this info ain't
- going further than me.
- 35) Do you think copying commercial games is ok?
- 36) Do you think copying commercial videos for your own use is ok?
- 37) Do you thin women are all dumb bimbos that need a good seeing to
- every once in a while?
- 38) Do you read mens magazines?
- 39) If a Jehovas witness comes to your door asking you if you have found
- god yet do you give a witty reply like "Why, have you lost him?".
- 40) If you were in deep trouble but you could get out of it by framing
- someone you didn't like, would you?
- 41) There's a wallet on the floor with no id and nothing else in it but
- 50 quid. Do you hand it in to someone?
- 42) A mate offers you a piece of hardware for a price an eighth that of
- it's retail value. It works so do you buy it without asking any
- questions?
- 43) Would you knowingly introduce a virus to the computer of someone you
- didn't like?
- 44) Ever tried hacking/phreaking?
- 45) Ever been arrested?
- Feedback on The Word
- 46) Do you think a monthly release is a good idea? If not how often
- would you suggest?
- 47) Do you think the adult check section is needed?
- 48) Do you think the Word is distributed widely? If not how could we
- improve this?
- 49) Do you think making a HTML version of The Word available on the
- internet each issue is a good idea?
- 50) Is there any improvements you think should be implemented in the
- Word? If so tell us.
- ----------------------------------8<----------------------------------
- $402
- Thanks for completing this questionnaire. Make as much space as you
- want when answering the questions by frequent use of the RETURN key. A
- handle, nickname or alias is all we need as well as your age to gain a
- better idea of who out there is reading The Word. The rest of the
- questions give us more detail and are fun to answer with the last
- section being more informative to us.
- The results will be posted as a file in a future issue and will be in
- the format :
- "Who Reads The Word?
- A Word reader is aged between xx and xx and has been using computers
- for xx years on average...."
- Get the idea?
- Kei
- end