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- Vol. 1 No. 1 (1 January 1993)
- Published by: | Editor:
- |
- Baron Carlos's Castle BBS | Carlos A. Steffens
- +1-202-863-1493 |
- FidoNet 1:109/160 | Primary hatching
- MufoNet 88:4202/0 | by John Komar
- |
- ------------------------------------+--------------------------------
- For information, copyrights, article submissions, obtaining copies and
- so on, please refer to the end of this file.
- Table of Contents
- 1. EDITORIAL ..................................................... 1
- Editorial: Genesis! .......................................... 1
- 2. ARTICLES ...................................................... 2
- 1991: The UFO Year In Review ................................. 2
- Attempted Murder vs. The Politics of Ufology .................. 5
- UFOs, U.N. and GA 33/426 ...................................... 8
- 3. BOOK REVIEW ................................................... 10
- The Montauk Project - Experiments in Time ..................... 10
- 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS/WANTED .......................................... 12
- 5. EUFON INFORMATION ............................................. 13
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 1 01 Jan 1993
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- Editorial: Genesis!
- by Carlos A. Steffens (1:109/160)
- A new year and with it comes a new computerized magazine: EUFON. EUFON
- will attempt to provide some sort of uniformity to UFO researchers.
- Because the articles published in EUFON are from real people, you will
- be exposed to real investigations and real experiences. Any person can
- submit an article, you do not have to be a recognized authority in the
- field anymore. For that same reason, we encourage you to get in touch
- with the authors of the articles you find relevant so that you can
- arrive at your own conclusions. Finally, you will also find in EUFON
- the announcement of the latest activities dealing with UFOs, such as
- symposiums, meetings, and others. In short, EUFON will keep you up to
- date as to what is happening in the UFO investigation arena.
- In this first issue, you'll find the report of UFO sightings for the
- year 1991 as updated by the National Sighting Research Center. It is a
- very comprehensive statistical study of UFO related phenomena and comes
- courtesy of The MUFON-Net BBS. You will also find George P. Hansen's
- open letter regarding the controversial Linda Napolitano abduction case.
- Finally, you will read the latest regarding the United Nations and their
- efforts regarding UFO investigations. EUFON will attempt to include a
- monthly book review. This month's book is "The Montauk Project".
- Because all articles published in EUFON are provided by people
- interested in UFO, we encourage you to submit articles with the results
- of your own investigations, as well as your opinions on current cases,
- issues, or other articles seen here. Although this issue is rather
- short, we hope that, with your contributions, we will grow to be a
- comprehensive review of what is going on in ufology.EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 2 01 Jan 1993
- [Provided courtesy of The MufoNet-BBS network]
- - UPDATE -
- by Paul Ferrughelli
- 1991 was definitely a Year of Change. For the first time in
- five years, UFO reports described as "lights/illumina-
- tions" out numbered the reports of "objects/shapes".
- Lights and Illuminations represented 57.4% of 201
- reported sightings. Another changed characteristic for
- 1991 was the Peak Month of UFO sighting activity. Janu-
- ary became the peak month of UFO sightings, compris-
- ing 15% of the total for the whole year. (See Figure 1 ) For
- the past two years, October had been the Peak Month
- for UFO reports, but in 1991, October ranked LAST. The
- summer months were more active than in 1990.
- Florida was the leader by a Substantial margin, Florida
- reported 54 sightings for 1991...83% (45) of these sight-
- ings were described as "lights/illuminations". Of the
- Florida total, Gulf Breeze reported 63% (34) of the
- Florida total. Indiana led the nation (7) in reporting Close
- Encounter UFO sightings. A usually quiet state, North
- Carolina ranked 4th in 1991 with 14 UFO reports and 5
- Close Encounter Sightings (CES). Other States with
- higher than normal averages were, Oregon and New
- Hampshire.
- New Jersey ranked 9th in 1991 with 4 UFO Sightings. All
- four reports were of "Objects/Shapes" and were observed
- during night time visibility. Two of the four reports
- were CES.
- A surprise for 1991 was the Peak Time of Day for UFO
- reports. (Refer to Figure 4) The mode (peak) time is
- clearly 8:00 P.M. represents 21% sightings and the
- normal lull activity time was between 6:00 A.M. and 5:00
- P.M were only 9.3% of the sightings occurred. A consis-
- tent pattern over the past five years has been to observe
- UFO sighting activity in the LATE HOURS of the evening.
- In 1991 there were 20 towns or cities in 13 states report-
- ing a total of 96 UFO sightings. Those twenty towns
- reported two or more sightings within the 12 month
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 3 01 Jan 1993
- period of 1991. Those 96 sightings represent 48% of
- the total reports for 1991. This is higher than normal but
- not unusual due to Gulf Breeze, Florida, reporting 34
- sightings.
- Nocturnal Lights accounted for 74.5% of the total
- reports, this is higher than the five year average
- of 67%. Daylight Disc reports for 1991 were
- 5.5%, which is lower than the five years average
- or 8.3%. The Close Encounter Sightings (CES)
- were also lower representing only 18% of the
- total, the five year average is 22%
- Although 1991 was a year of change in some aspects of
- the UFO phenomena, there were no significant events
- that occurred. The fact that 57.5% of the total sightings
- were of lights/illuminations (15% higher than the five year
- average) may be significant in that it may be related to
- the 8:00 P.M. Peak Time for sightings (this has not oc-
- curred in the past 5 years). The quality of sightings
- occurring at 8:00 P.M. was actually higher than the five
- year average for the Combined Peak Times. There
- were 14 reports of Trace Cases of Crop Circles in the
- USA in 1991 (these were not included in the UFO data
- and are only considered applicable if a UFO was
- observed before or after the event).
- There were several odd "probability" sighting cases in
- 1991. There were two Deltoid sightings in North Carolina
- which occurred during the day in two separate towns at
- the SAME time of day, 11:45 A.M. These two reports
- occurred within 2 months of each other. The duration of
- these Deltoid reports were 3 seconds and 4 seconds in
- length. What is the probability of two Deltoid reports to
- occur at the same time, and have a duration almost
- exactly the same? There were three reports of "Rec-
- tangular" shaped objects in Pennsylvania, two on the
- same day and both with five weeks of each other.
- Gulf Breeze, Florida is still reporting high numbers of
- UFO reports in 1991. Several of these sightings have
- been documented of video tape. Many of the Gulf
- Breeze reports were that of a single "red light". When
- looking at the sighting data over the past five years of
- with respect to COLOR ONLY, Red was the leading
- color.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Annual Total............................... 201 Reports
- Peak Month......................... January 15% of Total
- Geographical Span.............................66% of USA
- Leading State.................... Florida 26.8% of Total
- Peak Distribution Month)............. 21st to 31st 34.4%
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 4 01 Jan 1993
- Peak Time of Day.................. 8-9 P.M. 21% of Total
- Lull Time of Day.......6 A.M - 5 P.M...... 9.3% of Total
- Peak Day of Week............... Wednesday 18.1% of Total
- Lull Day of Week.................. Monday 11.7% of Total
- Peak Reports by Shape Class........
- Lights/Illuminations....... 57.4% of Total
- Lull Reports by Shape Class........
- Rectangular ................ 2.6% of Total
- Peak Reports by Hynek Class........
- Nocturnal Lights........... 74.4% of Total
- Peak Duration of Report.................. 3 to 9 Minutes
- Sightings Reporting Sound................. 8.3% of Total
- Sightings Reporting No Sound............. 91.7% of Total
- Sightings During Daytime Visibility....... 9.2% of Total
- Sightings During Twilight Visibility...... 4.6% of Total
- Sightings During Nighttime Visibility.... 86.2% of Total
- Reports Described as Objects/Shapes
- ......................... 42.6% of Total
- Reports Described as Lights Illuminations.
- .......................... 57.4% of Total
- Multiple Witness Reports ............... 68.8% of Total
- Signal Witness Reports.................. 31.2% of Total
- Most Common Sound Reported.......................... HUM
- Leading Single UFO Description.................... LIGHT
- Top Five Ranking States.............. FL, IN, CA, NC, PA
- Recurring Sighting Locations..........20 Towns/13 States
- 1986 THRU 1990
- An important aspect of the UFO Data Base is to com-
- pare Annual Data to the cumulative average data
- compiled over time. With 1000 UFO reports in the data
- base, it is now possible to compare the 1991 data and
- look for any significant changes in the data. Below is
- the five year recap data on those 1000 sightings.
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Peak year for UFO reports................. 1988 with 291
- Peak year/Month of reports........ October 1989 with 47
- Combined Peak Month over 5 years
- .............. October.. 13% of total
- Combined Lull Month................. June. 4.3% of total
- Peak State Reporting over 5 years
- ............ Indiana.. 21.5% of total
- Combined Peak Time of Day..........9 PM.... 17% of total
- Combined Lull Time of Day......... 8 AM... 0.4% of total
- Combined Peak day of Week .....Wednesday..17.1% of total
- Combined Lull Day of Week......Saturday...10.6% of total
- Combined Peak Reports by Shape Class
- Lights/Illuminations..... 35.7% of total
- Combined Lull Reports by Shape Class
- Rectangular........... 3.0% of total
- Combined Hynek Class...Nocturnal Lights.. 66.7% of total
- Peak Duration of Reports..1 to 5 minutes. 20.6% of total
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 5 01 Jan 1993
- Combined Sightings Reporting Sounds...... 12.5% of total
- Combined Sightings Reporting No Sound.... 87.5% of total
- Reports During Daytime Visibility........ 9.5% of total
- Reports During Twilight Visibility....... 5.6% of total
- Reports During Night Time Visibility..... 84.9% of total
- Reports Described as Objects/Shapes...... 60.0% of total
- Reports Described as Lights/Illuminations 40.0% of total
- Combined Multiple Witness Reports........ 36.6% of total
- Most Common Sound Reported............... HUM
- Top 5 Ranking States over 5 Years...... IN,FL,PA,CA,MI
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Attempted Murder vs. The Politics of Ufology:
- A Question of Priorities in the Linda Napolitano Case
- by George P. Hansen
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- ABSTRACT: UFO abductee Linda Napolitano claims that she was kidnapped,
- assaulted, battered, harassed, and nearly drowned by two agents of the
- U.S. government. Prominent ufologists Budd Hopkins, John E. Mack, David
- M. Jacobs, Jerome Clark and Walter H. Andrus, Jr. accept these claims.
- Hopkins has collected extensive materials that could be used to help
- apprehend and convict the agents. Yet Hopkins, Clark and Andrus have
- vigorously argued that these crimes should not be reported to law
- enforcement authorities; they indicate that such could be "politically
- damaging" to UFO research. These ufologists are asked to defend their
- decision and priorities.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Budd Hopkins' case involving the abduction of Linda Napolitano by a UFO
- has been discussed in the Wall Street Journal (May 14, 1992, pp. A1,
- A10), Omni (April 1992, p. 75), Paris Match (17 Sept. 92, pp. 13-14, 18,
- 96, 98), and the New York Times (October 5, 1992, pp. B1, B2). The
- Mufon UFO Journal labeled it "The Abduction Case of the Century" (August
- 1992, p. 9). By virtue of this intense interest, it will become an
- exemplar for the study of UFO abductions.
- Briefly, it is asserted that at about 3:15 a.m. on November 30, 1989,
- Linda Napolitano floated out of her 12th floor apartment in lower
- Manhattan. Allegedly three witnesses in a car about two blocks away
- observed Linda and three humanoid figures emerge from a window and
- ascend into a craft hovering over her building. Two of the witnesses,
- Richard and Dan, were government security officers who were guarding the
- third witness, a dignitary. More than a year after the case, Richard
- and Dan wrote to Hopkins describing what they saw, and a few weeks later
- they visited Linda in her apartment. Hopkins has never met these two
- but has over 80 pages of letters from them, and he has accumulated much
- other material pertinent to the case.
- The affair is quite complex, and the story is now only beginning to be
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 6 01 Jan 1993
- told. Hopkins presented a few details at the 1992 MUFON convention in
- Albuquerque and then in the September 1992 issue of the Mufon UFO
- Journal. One of the most disturbing elements of the case is that
- felonies were allegedly committed by the government agents; these
- include assault, battery, kidnapping and attempted murder.
- Hopkins' published account of this aspect is so sketchy that some might
- consider it deliberately misleading. His entire written summary is only
- one sentence long: "In April and again in October 1991, Linda would
- suffer hours- long forced confinements and interrogations at the hands
- of these confused frightened `law-enforcement' officers; she would be
- struck by a car during a chase through the streets of lower Manhattan"
- (Mufon UFO Journal, September 1992, pp. 13, 14). Hopkins' brief
- statement hardly conveys the gravity of the situation. It suggests that
- he may have taken these matters much too lightly.
- The kidnappings and attempted murder
- On January 28, 1992, Linda Napolitano contacted Richard Butler and
- requested a meeting because she was concerned about her personal safety,
- and she was worried that Hopkins might not be able to adequately protect
- her. Linda had earlier become friends with Butler at meetings in the
- home of Budd Hopkins. On February 1, 1992, Linda met with Butler along
- with Joseph Stefula, a former Special Agent with the U.S. Army Criminal
- Investigation Command who has extensive contacts in law enforcement.
- During the meeting, Linda stated that in April 1991 she encountered
- security agent Richard on the street near her apartment. She was asked
- to get into a car that Dan was driving, but she refused. Richard then
- picked her up and, with some struggle, forced her into the automobile.
- Linda reported that she was driven around for 3 1/2 hours and
- interrogated about the aliens.
- At the MUFON symposium in July 1992, Linda was asked if she had reported
- the kidnapping to the police. She said that she had not and went on to
- say that the kidnapping was legal because it had to do with national
- security; she later commented that she did not want to go head to head
- with a government agency because she might be killed and pieces of her
- might be found in the East River (Hopkins did not dispute these
- statements). Linda did remember another car being involved with the
- kidnapping, and under hypnotic regression she recalled the license plate
- number of that automobile, as well as part of the number of the car she
- was in. Hopkins reports that the numbers have been traced to particular
- agencies.
- During the February 1 meeting with Stefula and Butler, Linda reported
- that on the morning of October 15, 1991, Dan pulled her into a red
- Jaguar sports car. Linda happened to be carrying a tape recorder and
- was able to surreptitiously record a small part of Dan's questioning,
- but within a few minutes he discovered and confiscated it. Dan drove to
- a beach house on the shore of Long Island. There he demanded that Linda
- remove her clothes and put on a white nightgown, similar to the one she
- wore the night of the UFO abduction. He said he wanted to have sex with
- her. She refused but then agreed to put on the nightgown over her
- clothes. Once she did, Dan dropped to his knees and started to talk
- incoherently about her being the "Lady of the Sands." She fled the
- beach house, but Dan caught her on the beach and bent her arm behind
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 7 01 Jan 1993
- her. He placed two fingers on the back of her neck, leading Linda to
- believe that it was a gun. He then forced her into the water and pushed
- her head under twice. He continued to rave incoherently, and as her
- head was being pushed under for the third time, she believed that she
- would not come up again. Then, a "force" hit Dan and knocked him back
- onto the beach. Linda started to run but heard a sound like a gun being
- cocked. She looked back and saw Dan taking a picture of her (the
- pictures were eventually sent to Hopkins). She continued to move, but
- Richard came running, seemingly out of nowhere. He stopped her and
- convinced her to return to the beach house, and he told her that he
- would control Dan by giving him a Mickey Finn. She agreed to the plan.
- Once inside, Richard put Dan in the shower to wash off the mud from the
- beach. This gave Linda a chance to search the premises; she recovered
- her cassette tape and discovered stationery bearing a Central
- Intelligence Agency letterhead.
- In a brief conversation on October 3, 1992, Hopkins told me that Linda
- came to him shortly after she arrived back in Manhattan after the
- kidnapping. She was disheveled, had sand in her hair, and was
- traumatized by the experience.
- Linda also reported to Stefula and Butler that on December 15 and
- December 16, 1991, one of the men had tried to make contact with her
- near the shopping area of the South Street Seaport. He was driving a
- large black Fleetwood sedan with Saudi Arabian United Nations license
- plates. To avoid him, Linda said that she went into a shop during the
- first incident. The second day a similar thing happened, and she stood
- next to some businessmen until he left the area.
- Evidence accumulated by Hopkins
- Hopkins reports accumulating much information about the identities of
- Richard and Dan, and this could be extremely helpful in a criminal
- investigation. He has approximately 80 pages of letters from the two
- men. These might potentially be used to identify typewriters on which
- they were produced. They may also contain fingerprints. Hopkins has
- tape recordings of Richard and Dan; perhaps these could be used to help
- identify them by voiceprints. Hopkins claims to know which government
- agency employs the two. He says that he knows the identity of the
- dignitary they were guarding, and this person should be in a position to
- help locate and identify Richard and Dan. (Linda told Stefula and
- Butler that the dignitary was Javier Perez de Cuellar, then Secretary
- General of the United Nations.)
- The counsel of ufology's leaders
- The reader may be tempted to dismiss Linda's account as a preposterous
- script for a grade B movie, and I personally do not believe her claims.
- However, several notable figures in ufology have expressed the
- conviction that Linda is telling the truth. On October 6, 1992, I spoke
- with Dr. John Mack, former head of the psychiatry department at Harvard
- Medical School, and he confirmed that he had met Linda and concluded
- that she was not the type of person to make up this kind of story. That
- same day I also spoke with David Jacobs, a professor of history at
- Temple University, an abduction research colleague of Budd Hopkins, and
- author of the book Secret Life. He too believed that Linda was telling
- the truth.
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 8 01 Jan 1993
- Hopkins presented additional secret evidence to Walter Andrus and Jerome
- Clark who are now both persuaded of Linda's honesty. Andrus and Clark
- are arguably the two most influential figures in U.S. ufology. Andrus is
- International Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and he
- organizes the largest annual conference on UFOs in the country and
- regularly writes for MUFON's monthly magazine. Clark is a columnist for
- Fate magazine, editor of International UFO Reporter, and a
- vice-president of the Center for UFO Studies.
- At a meeting in New York City on October 3, 1992, Linda said that she is
- willing to testify against Richard and Dan (though she had previously
- indicated that she was afraid of filing charges herself). I informed
- those at the meeting that I was prepared to make a formal request for a
- federal investigation of the attempted murder of Linda. Hopkins,
- Andrus, and Clark all vigorously objected to this, and they strongly
- urged me not to do so. They said that such action would be "politically
- damaging" to ufology. I was extremely puzzled by their reasoning and
- their apparent priorities. On October 5, 1992, two days later, I called
- Andrus to make certain that I understood his position. I asked him to
- join with me and request a formal investigation of these allegations by
- the proper law enforcement agencies. I explained to him that UFO
- researchers were generally not qualified to investigate attempted
- murder. I was taken aback when Andrus asked me what right I had to
- raise these issues. He again urged that the crimes not be reported.
- The following day I spoke with Clark. He told me that he accepted
- Linda's statements, and he reaffirmed his opposition to reporting the
- crimes.
- I have not been given a satisfactory explanation for their views. At
- risk is not only the safety of Linda but also that of the general
- public. If federal agents have engaged in kidnapping and attempted
- murder, they should be brought to justice. The matter is of great
- concern for the general citizenry and for the conduct of UFO abduction
- research. I call upon Clark, Andrus, and Hopkins to publicly explain
- their rationale and priorities.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- UFOs, the U.N. and GA 33/426
- by John F. Schuessler
- Late in 1978, prominent UFO researchers approached the United Nations
- with the suggestion to set up some type of international clearing house
- whereby investigators and researchers would be able to coordinate on an
- international level scientific research into unidentified flying
- objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of the observations,
- research, and evaluation of such activities. The UN General Assembly
- responded favorably by adopting Decision GA 33/426. Unfortunately,
- nothing was done to bring the decision to fruition and it lies dormant
- to this very day.
- Early in 1992 Mohammad Ahmad Ramadan, President of the United Nations
- Parapsychology Society, suggested it was time to reacquaint the United
- Nations with Decision GA 33/426 with the intent of forming the agency
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 9 01 Jan 1993
- called for in the Decision. In order to make this happen, he felt it
- necessary to have a series of presentations aimed at providing an update
- on the UFO situation. He then proceeded, with the strong support of
- MUFON's Robert Bletchman, to organize the United Nations Symposium on
- Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Future which occurred on October
- 2, 1992, just ten days before NASA was to begin it's SETI (Search for
- Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program.
- The symposium was not aimed at traditional academia or the media. It
- was felt that traditional academia has proved to be insufficient in
- solving problems of this magnitude and needs help itself in having
- credibility for the future. As far as the media is concerned, it is
- saturated with UFO data and all of those concerned have already made up
- their minds - for or against. No UFO witness will make them change
- their minds, unless they see for themselves. The mission of the
- symposium, then was not to change people but to network with those who
- already are willing to listen, especially among the United Nations
- non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Amnesty International, Red
- Cross, Greenpeace, B'nai Brith, etc. The organizations are the greatest
- catalyst of change in modern times. For instance, they fought very hard
- to force President Bush to attend the Earth Summit in Rio. It was noted
- that the "old guards" of politics and science would be apprehensive,
- fearful we were pulling the carpet from under their feet. Therefore,
- the tone of the symposium was to present the data and leave the audience
- to decide for themselves, the way I believe it should always be done.
- Hundreds of representatives of the United Nations NGOs meet weekly to
- investigate problems having a worldwide scope. Many of these
- representatives did attend the symposium and responded favorably. The
- Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium was filled to capacity.
- We were fortunate in having Linda Howe available for a special noon
- program prior to the symposium, but held in the same auditorium. She
- provided a Crop Circle Mystery Update in a special hour and a half
- program.
- Symposium speakers were each given one hour to present their message.
- After a brief introduction by Mr. Ramadan, Stanton Friedman gave an
- energetic and entertaining presentation entitled "The Cosmic Watergate."
- I followed with the "Medical and Scientific Evidence." After a short
- break, the program resumed with a presentation on "The Human Evidence,"
- by Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD. of Norway. Dr. Kilde revealed her own
- personal abduction experience. The final presenter was Dr. Norma
- Milanovich, speaking on the "Cosmic-Spiritual Evidence and Experience,"
- using material channeled through her computer.
- After a question and answer period by the panel of speakers, an open
- letter to the Secretary-General, from the panel of speakers, was read
- aloud to the audience. The letter was to be hand delivered to the
- Secretary-General on the following Monday.
- The UFO mystery is not limited to the United States. It is a worldwide
- problem. Therefore, it was appropriate to bring this strong message to
- the United Nations, with the expectation that the UN will proceed to
- form the UFO agency called for by Decision GA 33/426. There is hope
- that it will be done correctly this time. EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 10 01 Jan 1993
- Book Review
- The MONTAUK PROJECT - Experiments in time.
- Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon
- ISBN 0-9631889-0-9
- First Printing June 1992
- Sky Books Box 769
- Westbury NY
- This is the story of Preston B. Nichols, a very strange story it is. The
- degree of strangeness rates a good 9 out of 10 and, if the old adage
- "Truth is stranger than fiction" is anything to go by, then perhaps
- this is evidence that the book represents the 'truth' as may be known to
- the author. I, for one, was unable to put it down until the last page
- was read. I was too tired to begin it again, but that is the compunction
- that I felt last night.
- At the eastern most end of Long Island sits Montauk Point, known to most
- New Yorkers for its scenic beauty and landmark lighthouse. To the
- immediate west of the lighthouse, there is a mysterious and derelict
- Air Force base on the grounds of the old Fort Hero. Although it was
- officially decommissioned and abandoned by the USA Air Force in 1969,
- it was subsequently re-opened and continued to operate without the
- sanction of the US Government. The entire financing of the base is also
- a mystery. No funding can be traced either to the military of the
- Government. Officials of the government have probed for the answers
- without success.
- The secrecy of the operation has prompted legends to thrive across Long
- Island. However, it is unlikely that any of the local people of
- Montauk, or those who spread the tales, know the full story of what
- actually went on there.
- A circle of insiders believe the Montauk Project was a development and
- culmination of the phenomena encountered aboard the USS Eldridge in
- 1943. Popularly known as the "Philadelphia Experiment", the ship
- actually disappeared while the Navy conducted radar invisibility
- experiments. According to these accounts, over three decades of secret
- research and applied technology actually ensued. Experiments were
- conducted that included electronic mind surveillance and control of
- distinct populations. The climax was reached at Montauk in 1983. It was
- at that point the Montauk Project tripped open a hole in space time to
- 1943. Perhaps the person best qualified to tell the story is Preston
- Nichols, and electrical engineer and inventor who has studied the
- Montauk Project for the better part of a decade. His interest in part
- was spurred on by unusual circumstances in his own life. He was also
- able to legally acquire much of the equipment that was used for the
- project. His continued investigation ultimately revealed his own role as
- the project's technical director. Despite having been brain washed and
- threats to silence him, he has survived and has decided it is in the
- best interest of all to tell his story.
- So says the introduction. It seems that Mr Nichols has been one of the
- persons to have worked with Duncan Cameron and Al Bielek, both of whom
- have previously released some detail into the activities of certain
- groups involved with the exploration of space-time matrix and mind
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 11 01 Jan 1993
- control.
- The account is very well written, lucid and not too technical for the
- layman reader. If what the book purports to have been achieved by man is
- true, then virtually nothing is impossible. eg. Instantaneous travel
- from A to B, whether B happens to be on Mars in the year 125,000 BC, or
- Earth in the year 6035; creation of monsters or beings at will;
- transference of one person's "soul" or "signature" to another
- (walk-ins?); re-juvination of body by manipulation of a person's
- time-line; The Seeing-eye, by the use of a portion of a person's hair or
- other personal effects, it is possible to see through the eyes of that
- person in real-time and experience their view. This is only the tip of
- the iceberg...Far out!, you say? Well, perhaps but read it as science
- fiction if you must, above all, read it.
- The price - ouch, here in Australia $32.00 - in America $15.95
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 12 01 Jan 1993
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Metro DC MUFON UFO Conference
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Metro DC MUFON UFO Conference: Saturday February 6, 1993. $15.00.
- Quality Hotel, Silver Spring, MD.
- - Kevin Randle
- - Major Ed Dames
- - Panel Debate: Should the US government publically
- acknowledge the reality of UFOs?
- - <Other speakers to be announced>
- For more information contact Mike Regimenti 410-974-0649.
- EUFONews 1 - 1 Page 13 01 Jan 1993
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- Editor: Carlos A. Steffens
- Distribution Sites:
- Baron Carlos's Castle BBS | MUFONET-BBS Network
- +1-202-863-1493 | +1-901-785-4943
- FidoNet 1:109/160 | FidoNet 1:123/26
- MufoNet 88:4202/0 | MufoNet 88:88/0
- The Electronic Unidentified Flying Objects News (EUFON) is published
- monthly with the purpose of providing up to date information to those
- persons interested in the research of UFOs. It is a compilation of
- individual articles contributed by their authors or their authorized
- agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation does not
- diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these
- articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of EUFON.
- Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise EUFON is
- copyright 1993 Carlos A. Steffens. All rights reserved. Duplication
- and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
- in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or EUFON.
- OBTAINING COPIES: Issues of EUFON in electronic form may be obtained
- from the Baron Carlos's Castle BBS via manual download or file request.
- PRINTED COPIES may be obtained from Carlos A. Steffens for $10.00US each
- PostPaid First Class within North America, or $13.00US elsewhere,
- mailed Air Mail. Physical address obtainable from Carlos A. Steffens
- for purposes of obtaining PRINTED COPIES only.
- SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
- EUFON. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
- EUFONART.ZIP, available from the Baron Carlos's Castle BBS for download
- or file request.