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- C U F O N
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- Computer UFO Network
- Seattle Washington, USA
- (206) 776-0382 8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit 300/1200/2400 bps.
- SYSOP - Jim Klotz Information Director - Dale Goudie
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- UFO Reporting and Information Service
- Voice Line - (206) 721-5035
- P.O.Box 832, Mercer Island, WA 98040, USA
- This the first in a series of CUFON editorials: 07-JULY-1992
- ==========================================================================
- The most talked-about material in UFOlogy so far this year has to be the
- "NASA Tape" first introduced to most of us by Mr. Don Ecker on the June 5,
- 1992 Hard Copy Show, and again later on the Larry King Show, June 26, 1992.
- In fact, this tape has completely taken over most discussions on the subject.
- Many theories have been put forward to explain the apparently anomalous
- change of an object's trajectory in the featured portion of the tape. Put
- simply, the explanations fall into two groups:
- (1) the event is normal and can be explained conventionally, and
- (2) a truly anomalous event is shown.
- Mr. Dale Goudie of the UFO Reporting and Information Service points out what
- is perhaps the most important part, certainly a neglected part of the event,
- which can be seen if one continues to track the object as it apparently moves
- out into space. Note that it * AGAIN * changes direction, back towards the
- Earth on yet another trajectory! (This is visible on the Hard Copy segment 3
- minutes, 9 seconds after the start of the segment on NASA tape, when Don
- makes the remark "... propulsion system not made in Detroit.")
- If the first change of direction and speed are the result of the shuttle's
- maneuvering thrusters as some have theorized, what caused the SECOND change
- of trajectory? We believe that this second direction change makes the
- "maneuvering jets" explanation untenable.
- We do not understand why this part of the event has not been discussed. Mr.
- Dale Goudie mentioned the second change of trajectory prior to the Larry King
- Show. during the Laura Lee Show (a Seattle radio call-in show), June 20,
- 1992, on which Mr. Don Ecker was the featured guest.
- Mr. James Oberg was positioned opposite Mr. Ecker on the Larry king
- broadcast. Much was made by all participants of Mr. Oberg's association with
- NASA, but no mention was made of his connection to CSCIOP. Mr. Oberg is a
- principal member of the UFO Subcommittee of the Committee on the Scientific
- Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. He has been described as
- "(Phillip) Klass' right hand man." His Air Force career and position at
- NASA's Johnson Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston aside, the close
- relationship with CSCIOP establishes his position re. UFO.
- Also mentioned as being an anomalous object on a different portion of the
- same NASA tape, is the so called "domed disk", which supposedly appeared
- under digital video enhancement. If this is a truly anomalous object showing
- structure, why has this part of the tape not been center stage? Perhaps
- speculation about 'space wars' is more entertaining than mere existence of
- anomalous objects in near earth space?
- We believe that speculation about 'interplanetary wars' or SDI technology
- being brought to bear on 'aliens,' is harmful and futile. There is no frame
- of reference to judge the true velocities or object sizes in the NASA tape,
- much less any information which can support such speculations. We think that
- speculation, of which there is a great deal in the UFO literature and press,
- diverts attention into areas which do nothing to advance understanding of the
- phenomena.
- It is not wrong to speculate (or better to hypothesize and then test the
- hypothesis.) What is wrong, is to present speculations as fact. The UFO
- literature is abounds with unverified, unprovable assertions accepted and
- promulgated as fact. Many UFO books are primarily composed of previously
- published material rehashed. Hence the speculations of others are
- perpetuated as "fact."
- In this case, such a rush of people hungry for any UFO event has produced a
- storm of wide-ranging discussion and controversy in which this tape is now
- mired. It's value as documentation (or "proof", if you like) has been
- reduced to virtually nothing; it has become a non-event.
- Interested people, in these latter days of UFO popularity, rush onto any
- apparently interesting case en masse. Reports of "investigators" and the
- merely interested overrunning supposed "landing sites" and persons brave
- enough to report a close encounter, spark little concern or comment. Many
- good cases are damaged in this manner. It seems that this kind of thing
- happens in many "good" UFO cases; those in which there is valuable factual
- information to be had.
- The tape does, however, remain interesting, and should be investigated and
- whatever provable information which can be developed from it be carefully
- documented.
- Jim Klotz - CUFON SYSOP
- Dale Goudie - CUFON Information Director