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- What follows is a direct transcript used with permission, of an
- interview I conducted with John Lear, author of Lear.txt in the files
- section. Hopefully, this interview will answer some of your questions
- as well as some of mine.
- Brad Langton 02-Feb-88 approx. 1:30AM to 3:30AM
- <LANGTON> Ok, we're "live" so to speak... you just mentioned that
- there were 70 other species in contact with this world... of which 4
- others were overt...are they aware of the EBE's?
- <LEAR> Yes they are. The types I will mention are listed in a USAF
- Academy Physics book called Introductory Space Science Volume 2. I
- refer to Chapter 13 about page 8 which lists the ones that are most
- seen. They are the EBE's the "blondes". (also called the Nordics).
- They look just like us but are invariably blonde haired and blue eyed.
- Don't know where they come from but they do not interact with us
- except for a few abductions now and then.
- <LEAR> We also have a species that is similar to us in appearance but
- they are about 7 ft tall and the main difference is that their eyes
- wrap around the head a little more than ours. Another type listed is
- a small species about 4 ft. tall, very hairy and extremely strong for
- their size. We don't know where these guys come from either. All
- this was in the aforementioned text which was withdrawn by the Air
- Force in the early 70's from the book. But there are several people
- that have the original book. The EBE's are about the only ones where
- we are pretty sure where they come from and that is Zeta Reticuli 1 &
- 2, a binary star system visible only from the southern hemisphere,
- spectral class of G 2 and 38 light years from here. It is possible
- that they use some form of the Einstein Rosen Bridge theory (wormholes
- in space) to get here. We know all this from the work that Marjorie
- Fish did in the in the early 70's. There is a good article about it
- in Astronomy Magazine Dec 1974. There was also a reprint of this
- article in 1976 which had all the comments and rebuttals and rebuttals
- to rebuttals by Carl Sagan, Bob Schaefer etc etc.
- <LANGTON> I remember reading about the characterizations of ET's that
- you have described about 25 years ago. I also recall a book by a
- George Adamski or Adamson... not sure which, regarding these golden
- haired aliens. In the Interrupted Journey, I believe it was Betty
- Hill that under hypnosis revealed many of the invasive techniques used
- on abductees. Also, Perhaps it was in the article on the Zeti
- Reticuli Incident that a woman under hypnosis reconstructed a 3D model
- of the Zeta Star system with the relative positions of the other stars
- as they would have appeared as established by computer modeling. I
- guess one of the primary questions is, if there are other forms
- visiting and/or interacting with humans, are they completely
- insensitive to these "arrangements" put out by the EBE's with the
- government?
- <LEAR> This may be hard to swallow but its my information from
- government sources that the blondes adhere to a universal law of non-
- interference and even though the EBE's are not doing us any favors
- that they, the Blondes will not do anything about it unless the EBE's
- do something that will affect another part of the universe. Back to
- Adamski. He has been labeled as a fraud however like all things
- nothing is all black or all white. Some of his stuff was true. But
- its hard to separate which stuff. He claimed that the Blondes came
- from Venus or Mars which is highly, highly unlikely. As far as the
- map it was drawn by Betty Hill under hypnosis in 2 D. It was Majorie
- Fish that did the interpretation to bring it into 3 D.
- <LANGTON> I was uncertain about who exactly was the originator of the
- map, so I gather that the map must necessarily be a matter of
- speculation regarding its veracity as well. I'm curious also as to
- the government's plans, if any, to deal with an uprising of EBEs
- should that eventuality occur... or would the technological gap make
- such an attempt untenable.
- <LEAR> It's my understanding that we have already lost the battle.
- This is the reason why MJ-12 is in such a panic. They had a lot of
- well laid plans to inform us etc. etc. and when the deception was
- confirmed about 1984 it was all out the window. Back to Betty Hill
- for a minute...under hypnosis she recalled being given a pregnancy
- test...a needle was inserted in her stomach. She recalls saying that
- this was no pregnancy test here on earth (1962)
- <LEAR> Amniocentesis was developed around 1972-1973 and uses the exact
- same procedures. In 1986 a British doctor had given an amniocentesis
- to a woman and was looking at the fluid under a microscope. He saw a
- tiny speck and started enlarging it. When he got it big enough to see
- what he found was what looked like a computer chip attached to one of
- the chromosomes. This doctor and 6 others wrote an open letter in
- Nature Magazine, one of Britains' most respected scientific journals,
- along with a picture of the chip, and asked any doctor or scientist
- anywhere that could held explain what they were seeing. If you do not
- have a copy of this page, I can send it to you.
- <LANGTON> That would be helpful. Also the Vol, issue, date etc.
- Recently in the INF treaty negotiations, Gorbachev indicated that
- despite prior claims, they too were working on an SDI program... Is
- there any connection between our program and theirs and if the battle
- is lost, why are these attempts being made?
- <LEAR> I wish I knew the answer to that. Several rumors have come out
- of the test site recently and one of them was that every test shot
- this year has been to make a giant room. The shots are very clean and
- as soon as everything subsides they move in equipment to make walls,
- ceiling, floors and various levels.
- <LANGTON> Several critics have highlighted the apparent discrepancies
- between our medical technology and that of the EBEs as to synthesizing
- plasma material. Also, technological gaps between our cultures
- suggest that solicitation of indigenous humans for their undertakings
- seems akin to asking help from chimpanzees... my analogy... what about
- these concerns?
- <LEAR> All of these questions are valid and show a lot of thought.
- All I know is what I wrote. Its very hard to speculate the reasons
- why or why not a species almost a billion years older than us would do
- anything. This is not a cop-out...I just don't know and don't want to
- guess.
- <LANGTON> Given that material that you have access to is ambiguous on
- some of these issue and that there may be a hidden agenda on the part
- of the EBEs regarding the purposes for their being here, is it not
- also possible that, assuming there is a "truth" here, which I'm sure
- you understand, must remain unsubstantiated in the absence of hard
- data, that the government may also, unknown to you or perhaps others
- "in the know," a failsafe mechanism to undermine this whole EBE
- project if the need should arise?
- <LEAR> Its my understanding from those 'in the know;' (and as late as
- one week ago) that the situation is 'ominous'.
- <<< LONG PAUSE >>>
- <LANGTON> Please understand my pauses... have to consider the next
- question...
- <LEAR> Ok, meantime looking for the date and issue of Nature.
- <LANGTON> I recall now, one of my users requested information on the
- "Roswell Incident" and if it were in any way tied to any of this?
- <LEAR> Yes, the Roswell crash was the first recovered flying saucer
- crash in the U.S. Bill Moore located 90 material witnesses to the
- crash. It was near Corona, N.M. and a few months ago I interviewed
- Mrs. Procter near whose ranch this thing crashed. 4 bodies were
- recovered. There is one person still alive at this moment who helped
- Mac Brazel drag some of the wreckage to the shed. He and Brazel were
- approached at that time by (I know its hard to believe but the guy is
- going to come forward soon) an alien who told them both to keep their
- mouths shut. He is the last guy alive that was directly connected
- with that retrieval.
- <LANGTON> Are you saying that the others involved were murdered?
- <LEAR> No. No. They have just passed away. That was a long time
- ago. The last guy to die was Maj. Jesse Marcel, The intelligence
- officer at Roswell who went out and helped pick up the wreckage.
- Before he died a few years ago he went public with his account which
- was that the crash was not a balloon or a radar reflector or an
- airplane. He didn't state what it was, but said it was not of this
- earth. I have a transcript of the cassette tape of his memories of
- picking up the wreckage, its only a page long if you would like me to
- send that.
- <LANGTON> Of course, any information you have will be helpful... What
- of yourself, why are you coming forward now, particularly placing the
- spotlight on yourself... aren't you concerned that there may be some
- sort of repercussions from the government regarding the stir this is
- and will continue to cause?
- <LEAR> Hopefully the spotlight will be on the information and not on
- myself. No there is not too much worry because, well let me say that
- 5 years ago I wouldn't have gotten away with this but things are so
- screwed up now that one voice talking to...what 50? 100? people
- can't make any possible difference. Also if something was going to
- happen it would have happened a few weeks ago. I wrote Dr. Lew Allen,
- Director of JPL and MJ-12 member that I was going to do a story on his
- participation in MJ-12 particularly because JPL employed 8000 people
- in the Southern California area. I also enclosed a copy of my
- hypothesis and told him it was on ParaNet and CompuServe. Dr. Allen
- has a reputation of responding to all mail in a very prompt manner.
- But me? I didn't hear anything. Not even a "John Lear you must be
- crazy." He wrote a letter to Max Fiebleman of Los Angeles on the 18th
- of December. Max had sent him a copy of the Hudson Valley video and
- asked Dr. Allen to look at it. Dr. Allen responded that he had taken
- a quick glance but did not have the time for anything more and on the
- basis of what he saw determined that it was a blimp. He also wished
- Max a Merry Christmas. Now......this is one of the worlds greatest
- scientists? Not interested in that Hudson Valley video tape?
- Gimme a break.
- <LANGTON> There are certainly a lot of inconsistencies seemingly from
- everywhere on this issue. As you know, Jim Speiser and ParaNet are
- often published in some form, usually a quote from Jim, in the major
- UFOlogy magazines... I would suspect that this matter will be reaching
- a lot more people than just those of us here in the BBS community.
- What of the future...can we expect more information, hard or soft
- evidence that will help align the apparent inconsistencies or at best,
- give a more cohesive picture of some of the answers to questions that
- your original release has raised?
- <LEAR> I would be very surprised if some kind of statement from the
- government is not forthcoming within the year, more probably within 6
- months possibly much sooner... That's about all I can speculate from
- the information I am getting.
- <LANGTON> Well, you can be assured that we will be continuing to watch
- these developments should they occur. Last year there was a similar
- promise of major information by year's end... you got in just under
- the wire but the other information was not this information, at least
- not necessarily as coming from you. Time is running short for me here
- and I want to thank you for incurring the phone bill for this
- interview but I think it is important that we try to get as many
- answers on this as possible. Do you have any closing statements that
- you would like to make at this time?
- <LEAR> Just to thank you for your time and I will be sending you the
- aforementioned documents etc.
- <LANGTON> Thank you very much John, your participation will no doubt
- add a level of credibility to your desire to spare little expense in
- helping us find the truth about all this.
- <LEAR> Thanks again, and talk to you later.
- <<>>
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