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- (Ted) Ok let's get started. Does anyone have an opening
- remark? ga
- (DBC) Yes, I just saw a piece on CNN news about the
- sightings) in VA over the last several months. Its
- seems they had some sort of conference with dan
- gordon complaining about lack of big media
- coverage. ga
- (Ted) Anyone else see the CNN coverage also DBC when was
- it on today? GA
- (DBC) yes, just about an hour ago.ga
- (Ted) It seems, that Dan Gordon could supply Drax with
- fodder for his JFORUM controversy. GA
- (DRAX) I mentioned the Wytheville thing in the original
- message on JFORUM. You saw the reaction. "Ho-hum."
- GA
- (Ted) Yes, perhaps now you could get some support. ga
- (DRAX) Care to place a wager? Ha!
- (MJ-C) Hi,could everyone identify himself/herself, so we
- can know to whom we are talking. The list of
- users is not of much help. Thanks.
- (Dale) hahahaha, I tried that Marge. No you can't
- (Ted) Ok, one more time... I'm Ted Markley. Others GA
- (DRAX) Jim Speiser
- (Joe) Joe Reichardt
- (DON) Don Ecker
- (Gerry) There is a directory function where people have
- left short descriptions of themselves.
- (Gerry) I'm Gerry Zeitlin
- (Ted) Ok, I guess thats all that care to reveal. Marge
- if you would hit a CR after about 60 characters or
- so you don't go off the screen. GA
- (DRAX) Yes, but its optional, and sometimes doesnt match
- with CO handles. GA
- (Gerry) Can it be searched for user id?
- (DRAX) Yes
- (MJ-C) ?Thanks! I appreciate it. How do I get to the
- directory function?
- (Ted) Marge, In the main menu there is a member
- directory entry try that GA.
- (Ted) There have been some new developments last week
- one or two DRAX has up loaded also I have heard
- rumors that Gulf Breezes is falling under
- question. Any comments? GA
- (MJ-C) Yes, I remembered ALT-S. Both Bob Boyd and Dr.
- Willy Smith have some doubts about Gulf Breeze
- case now Bob Boyd has compiled a 19-pt. letter
- stating his problems with the case. Dan Wright
- has a copy. Bruce Maccabee is analyzing film from
- there and will speak on the photoanalysis at MUFON
- Symposium in Nebraska. Gulf Breeze witnesses will
- be at Neb. Am I doing this correctly or should I
- wait to be recognized to type message?
- (Ted) Ok, just a reminder to those new to our CO. We
- operate under formal rules. If you want to ask a
- question or make a comment type a "?" or a "!" and
- I will take down you name and put you in queue.
- (DRAX) OK, Ted. Just wanted to ask if CNN had anything on
- Gulf Breeze, and also Marge, you might want to
- quickly identify those names for people who are
- unfamiliar to the field (but do it in queue so as
- not to confuse people). GA
- (DON) Ok, a quick one, is there anyway to get a copy, of
- the local Fla. broadcast of the Gulf Breeze news
- tape? ga
- (Ted) Can any one answer That? GA
- (DRAX) John Lear was sent a copy FedEx, I can ask him how
- he got it. GA
- (Ted) Good. Do that GA
- (DON) I tried to call Lear, no answer is he out flying?
- ga
- (Ted) Drax can you comment? I've gotten busy also. GA
- (DRAX) He may be. Try later. GA
- (DON) thanks..
- (Ted) Marge perhaps you could fill us in on some of the
- names you dropped earlier. GA
- (MJ-C) Dan Wright is MUFON's Dir. of Investigations; Dr.
- Willy Smith is a physicist in Florida and he runs
- a computer program called UNICAT with the most
- credible cases. Bruce Maccabee is an optical
- physicist whose specialty is photoanalysis. Hope
- this helps to fill you in on names I mentioned.
- (Dale) Can anyone supply me with some paperwork on the
- proper way to handle an F.O.I.A. request??
- (DRAX) Dale, do you get the International UFO Reporter
- from CUFOS? There was an article by Don Schmitt, I
- believe, which went through the groundrules. I can
- send it to you if you want. GA
- (Dale) OH. I must have it around here, but missed the
- article will let you know. Thanks. GA
- (MJ-C) I Suggest that you contact Barry Greenwood of
- CAUS,(MJ-C) at Mass MUFON,. P.O. Box 176,
- Stoneham, MA 02180
- (Ted) Marge, can you tell us a little about UNICAT ?GA
- (MJ-C) I am not exactly certain of the status of UNICAT
- at present time. at one time it had 400 cases,
- and Willy Smith had a form with criteria and
- information he required for listing a case there./
- If you'd like I can furnish his address., but
- would prefer to mail it to you rather than to put
- it on computer.
- (MJ-C) Ted, I got your EMail. thanks! I put a notice in
- this month's MUFON Newsletter asking for persons
- with modems to join in this ISSUES forum on
- Sundays.
- (Dale) Thanks Marge.ga
- (Ted) Great, I think there would be a lot of mutual
- benefit to ISSUES and MUFON to cooperate. OkGA
- (MJ-C) Are you aware of the recent letter sent by Richard
- Doty to Barry Greenwood of CAUS in which he
- reverses his stand on the Kirtland AFB sightings
- from OSI document, 1980? ga
- (Ted) No, Tell us more. GA
- (MJ-C) Doty authored the documents which detail 5
- overflights of UFOs (disc-shaped in one case) over
- Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in
- summer of 1980/ He also met with Peter Gersten
- (NY attorney of CAUS) and Linda Howe at that time
- and told them more about the sightings. He now is
- denying that he said the things they claim that he
- said, and cites official AF policy, and asks that
- no one contact him again. The letter will be
- published in the next issue of JUST CAUS (CAUS=
- citizens against UFO Secrecy).
- (DON) Ok Drax, two questions for you. First is there any
- more information on the Texarkana case, and the
- most recent msgs that you sent to our board in
- Boise concerned Gulf Breeze and two agents of some
- kind bearing a warrant to seize info. Ok, do you
- or anyone know who they were, and what kind of
- warrant was it, and issued by whom? Fed, local
- etc. and were they genuine? ga
- (DRAX) OK, On Texarkana, no new information that I've
- gotten, except a possible correlation with another
- case just being reported by Washington State MUFON
- (Don Johnson), a pilot reported seeing a "box-
- shaped" UFO near Edwards AFB. Some of the Tex
- witnesses reported a similar sounding craft. As to
- the warrants, I only mentioned that the main
- witness reported having two guys in civvies come
- to his door and wave a "Material Seizure Warrant"
- at him to confiscate the photos and camera. He did
- not turn them over. I know nothing beyond that.
- Don;t know if it or they were genuine or not. GA
- (DON) Ok, in some corners this has the appearance of a
- classic beginning of possible "MIB" interference.
- do you know if there were any other attempts to
- gather info, or breakins, etc, and was the witness
- threatened? Did he report to the local law
- enforcement? ga
- (DRAX) Alas, Don, you're asking for details I'm just not
- privy to. This whole schmear is unfolding as we
- speak, and its hard to get a handle on just what
- is happening or has happened, especially since
- most of what we have heard on this side of the
- country is second or third hand. The details are
- going to spill out, they will just take some time.
- GA
- (Dale) I'd like to switch topics a second. Marge, has
- MUFFON, in Texas, had any problems over the JMP
- letter stating that people would write to Andrus?
- And, received any letters? on this hoax document.
- ga
- (MJ-C) Gulf Breeze newspaper reports two uniformed AF
- investigators visited one of the anonymous
- photographers and demanded the photographs. He did
- not have them to turn over. No, M<UFON in Texas
- has not had any problems that I know of over the
- JMP letter, but Walt Andrus is putting a notice in
- the Journal stating that MUFON is not in any way
- involved with that group, nor will we accept any
- mail for them. Speaking of MIBs, MIchigan MUFON is
- reporting several incidents involving some sort of
- surveillance, including black unmarked helicopters
- over homes of witnesses; investigators' mail being
- sloppily opened and resealed with scotch tape and
- telephones being tapped. Dan Wright has put a
- note of warning to all State Directors in his
- latest newslett er to indicate if they have
- sealed and reopened letters. Is Big Brother
- Watching, or are we just getting paranoid? ga
- (DBC) Marge, what part of MI are these things happening?
- I'm in MI and have heard nothing. I have, however,
- waking in the night a few times by what sounded
- like a helicopter. (Prob. no connection>) ga
- (MJ-C) They are mostly in the Lansing area and in
- Flushing.) ga
- (Dale) I was just wondering if everyone knew that if you
- make a phone call and it is done through the
- satellite, that the NSA makes transcripts and then
- goes through it for buzz words.ga
- (DRAX) They must be having a field day with THIS
- conversation, then!
- (DON) does ma bell know?
- (Ted) Yes. I have heard that also. So you better watch
- out, you better not try. GA
- (Gerry) Also have some thoughts about this buzzword
- monitoring. I'm sure they do it, but I also know
- the technology for speech recognition is still
- pretty primitive except perhaps at NSA but
- actually it is difficult for machines to recognize
- words unless they are trained to recognize them
- when spoken by specific speakers.ga
- (DRAX) Its my understanding that the NSA is about five
- years ahead of the rest of the world in computer
- technology also, my gosh, the Sharper Image offers
- telephones with speech recognition capabilities,
- that don't require training! GA
- (MJ-C) I have been told about the NSA monitoring phone
- calls by satellite. Someone from A T & T told me
- that. Also, all overseas calls are recorded by
- NSA. I also have reports of strange happenings on
- calls to Indiana from Michigan. ga
- (Ted) What kind of happenings? GA
- (MJ-C) Michigan investigators called Indiana from a home
- of a friend and got the same phone interference he
- got when calling that investigator at his Michigan
- home from the caller's Michigan home. ga
- (Gerry) Have to agree with the replies to my comment. I
- guess I should have thought it through more
- carefully.ga
- (DON) Ok, this phone interference phenomena is an old
- story in ufology, it go's back over 30 years, and
- Keel addressed it in several of his books rather
- well. So it would appear that whoever is doing it
- has had the tech. for quite a while. ga
- (Dale) I was just going to say that I don't think that
- there is anyone here who hasn't had to send
- something 2 to 3 times in the mail for it to get
- where it was suppose to go and has anybody that
- you know of ever filed with NSA for FOIA request
- on whether they had a file with your name on it,
- or are they exempt, since we don't even know what
- their charter says. ga
- (Dale) NSA = National Security Agency
- (Ted) I don't think you apply to the NSA for FOIA
- information.
- (DRAX) Just wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts on
- APRO finally calling it quits. Did you know about
- that, Marge? GA
- (Ted) I think it is a shame. Someone should pick up the
- ball (torch) and carry it on. I nominate DRAX!!!!
- GA
- (DRAX) I will not seek, nor will I accept........GA
- (Dale) Jim, When did this happen? Can I keep my ID card
- (New Director of APRO) and it is scarry to think
- that there is only 1 real civilian organization
- left.ga
- (DRAX) According to Tom Mickus of ParaNet Pi in Toronto a
- letter was sent out by an APRO underling whose
- name escapes me saying that Coral is just in such
- poor shape that she cannot continue publishing,
- and the membership is dwindling steadily. The
- letter ended "Goodbye for APRO." Sad, after 36
- years. GA
- (Dale) By civilian, I meant that MUFON, I believe is the
- only organ that allows a low life like me to bee a
- State Section Director I don't believe CUFO's does
- this.ga
- (MJ-C) NSA is not exempt under the FOIA. We have NSA
- documents. I didn't know about APRO. Sad! Jim,
- should we go to ask Coral to donate the files to
- the U of A? I doubt if she would let MUFON have
- them, but there must be a wealth of case info.
- there.
- (Ted) Perhaps Phil Klass would like the files eh? GA
- (MJ-C) Also, DRAX, did you know that John Timmerman is
- going to be in Phoenix on May 14 with the CUFOS
- photo exhibit? ga
- (DRAX) Yes, Dale called and told me GA
- (DRAX) I didn't know the photo exhibit would be there
- too, though I think we would have to pry the files
- from Coral's cold fingers. But t'would be nice to
- give them to U of A (or maybe Barry? Ha!) GA
- (Ted) I was only joking about Phil Kl Ass. GA
- (Dale) I like your spelling Ted
- (DRAX) I HOPE so! Ha!
- (MJ-C) I am going to have to leave you guys to go to an
- MJ-? meeting. Is ther3e anything else I can
- answer for you? Sorry to have to call it quits.
- Duty calls. ga
- (Dale) I can't believe I spent $18.95 for Kl ass's new
- book of which most is old stuff...who profits from
- UFO's? the Pro's or the anti's? I measured the
- book its less than an inch thick.ga
- (Ted) Marge, I hope you will Log on soon and pick up you
- email. I wish you a Good Evening. Nite MArge! GA
- (DRAX) APRO underling = Robert G. Marsland. Night Marge
- (MJ-C) I will, and in June, we are going to have several
- prominent UFOlogists here, incl. Mike Swords,
- Barry Greenwood, Walt Webb, Budd Hopkins, and so
- we will arrange to log on that Sunday and have a
- great conference. Nite all! ga
- (DRAX) <Ahem>
- (Ted) Nite marge. <GO DRAX>
- (DBC) nite marge
- (Dale) Geraldo Drax Rivera?
- (DRAX) No, just kidding.
- (DRAX) I gotta go too. Bowling time. See y'all!
- (Ted) Hookem good Drax! GA
- (Ted) <drax has a chic waiting I'll Bet> GA
- (Dale) Bowling, not Balling.
- (DBC) This is probably totally coincidental but I
- noticed on the last couple of COs there have been
- 2 to 3 users (SIG, monitoring? or handles) showing
- a node DCE which is Arlington VA...Isn't that CIA
- headquarters and where is NSA?ga
- (Ted) AH HA. The SOURCE is located in Arlington VA,
- Those Thieves!!!! <ga don>
- (DON) Ok, I've read from dl last year on one co. that
- Phil Kl ass had his "people monitor this ch. so if
- various reports are correct that our govt. takes
- this subj. seriously, do you really think that
- they would not have a vested interest in
- monitoring this forum. no, I didn't think so. I
- guess it really is past 1984, eh?? ga
- (Gerry) NSA is at Ft. Meade, MD. You have to assume that
- this conference is in the open. But why get
- paranoid about it?. Anyway, NSA is very large and
- I would expect there to be interested folks there
- just as anywhere else.ga
- (Ted) Ok. You know anyone of us might be associated with
- NSA. Perhaps... But no! GA
- (Dale) If you want to know about the NSA, read "The
- Puzzle Palace" by John Bamford...Also, Klass does
- have spies in the wings they send all my local
- stuff to Klass from Free-Net in Cleveland lastly,
- my sister in law worked for NSA, and they have
- orders after they are out to report anyone that
- tries to talk to them about their activities up to
- 5 years after separation.ga
- (Ted) Ok. Mike welcome. Just a reminder to those new to
- our CO. We operate under formal rules. If you
- want to ask a question or make a comment type a
- "?" or a "!" and I will take down you name and put
- you in queue.
- (DBC) speaking of sensitive issues, anyone know anything
- new about the ontario triangle? Did Neil P get
- scared off by someone loading last week's CO in
- DL10? Ted did you speak to him by phone? also has
- anyone found the map????!!!!ga
- (Ted) Ok. Yes I spoke to Neil Yesterday. HE said he.
- could not be with us tonight but would be back
- nest week. I asked Neil to prepare a White Paper
- similar to the one prepared by John Lear. I asked
- that he be sure to include VERIFIABLE facts such
- that we may investigate and be prepared to ask
- more meanful questions.GA
- (DON) Earlier we were talking about paranoia in the
- connection with the govet or NSA. it is not a case
- of paranoia, but everyone should be aware that the
- govt takes these cases much more seriously than
- they let on. ga
- (Randy P) Yes...I reviewed Publications of the U. S.
- Geological Survey, 1971-1981, and cannot locate
- any citations which would relate to Neil Palumbo's
- case. I have not done a full DIALOG search but
- did establish that an Aerogmagnetic Map of
- Westernmost New York is contained in the USG (open
- file) OF 75-0028, and an in depth seismic survey
- consisting of high-resolution seismic reflection
- profiles and sediment samples from Western Lake
- Ontario is contained in OF 80-0550. I cannot find
- any evidence which would corroborate Neil's
- claims, however. I will mention that the classic
- book in this area is Ivan Sanderson's Invisible
- Residents, which mentions sightings like Neil's in
- the same area. ga...
- (Ted) Thanks Randy. That was a nice piece of
- investigative work. I hope you can return next
- week when (if) Neil returns.
- (Randy P) I have an upload which goes into further depth
- which I will put up later...ga
- (Ted) Mike did you want to make a comment? GA
- (MIKE) Not aware of all you're talking about
- (Ted) Mike - ok, just sit back and listen (read) we're
- talking about UFOs and related issues. <ga>
- (Gerry) Ok. I spoke to a friend at Ames who suggested
- that the area would be better covered by LANDSAT,
- not SEASAT and that NASA was forced to divest of
- the distribution of these photos but that if I
- would tell her the coordinates and times needed,
- she would tell me which photos to get and how to
- get them. I sent email to Neil about this but he
- did not reply.ga
- (Ted) Neil doesn't get on too often. BTW did you all
- know that you can see who has been in the ISSUES
- forum (or any other for that matter) by typing "u"
- at most "!" prompts? <GA>
- (Randy P) Thanks...anyone can obtain the satellite
- images...I have an upload which goes into some
- depth on how to get these, including the reference
- numbers for all the LANDSAT catalogs for use in
- any university library which is a Congressionally
- designated Government Depository Library. From
- Neil's description, I believe he has a LANDSAT
- image (originally ERTS). In order to validate the
- in water image he believes he is seeing, it would
- be necessary to look at several loops from the
- bird...each locale in the U. S. is imaged once
- every 18 hours in four spectral bands. ga...
- (Ted) Please upload you're file into the DL10 Database.
- GA
- (Gerry) I'm not surprised to hear how available these
- images are. Actually I was wondering exactly what
- I had volunteered to do. Decided it was just to
- open a dialog with an interested person at Ames.
- And I did get a suggestion as to a non-paranormal
- explanation. Mind you I'm not by nature a
- "debunker" in the worst sense of the term. But I
- was told that zooplancton could be responsible for
- what Neil saw. They form quite large formations
- and local currents can make them be repeatable
- over long periods of time. ga
- (Randy P) I don't doubt that Neil has seen strange things
- entering and leaving the lake...as this is well
- documented and has been going on up there for
- several years. However, I doubt that he is seeing
- a structure in the satellite image. Normally,
- perfectly clear water would appear black in the
- false colored composite image made from the four
- spectral images. One needs to view the black-and-
- white individual shots from each spectral band.
- ga...
- (Ted) When I spoke to Neil I asked him if perhaps he was
- seeing planes disappearing in the horizon at
- night. He said he didn't believe that was so.
- Then I ask how BIG were these things (expecting to
- get points of light) he said "about the size of a
- quarter at arms length." FOr what its worth that
- is it. he also claims top be using "color" IR
- Kodak film. Now I don't know too much about IR
- film but IR is just another wavelenght as are
- colors. (Unless there is some Pseudo colorization
- technique. ANy comments? GA
- (Randy P) He may be using color film with an IR filter...but
- the size he describes for the lights he is seeing
- doesn't agree with some of the sightings over the
- Great Lakes which Sanderson, et. al. have
- documented over the years. I am fairly familar
- with photoimagery, and have never heard of a color
- IR film. ga
- (Ted) Neil claims that the film he is using is KODAK IR
- 35 mm film. (Not color film with an IR filter.)
- We use IR film in some of the products that are
- manufactured at my company. (We use an IR laser
- diode) I have asked our chemist/film people to
- contact Kodak for more info....
- (Ted) By the way, I hope all of you have, or get, the
- opportunity to read. my message board on
- "QUESTIONNAIRE" it is suggesting a "brain trust"
- if you will of ISSUES members. GA
- (DON) Ivan Sanderson, and the book he wrote "Invisible
- Residents?" I am not familar with it, could you
- discuss what the subject covers? ga
- (Randy P) The book Invisible Residents is by a fairly
- legitimate scientific type (Ivan Sanderson), so
- should be available in many libraries. It is
- probably the classic work on sightings of unusual
- "vehicles" entering and leaving bodies of water.
- The book also covers many other types of sightings
- of "balls of light", dissappearance of crews of
- ships, and other odd happenings over water. I
- believe it was the first place where I saw any
- theories of "vortices", and its chapters 10 and 11
- are a classic reference on this subject as well.
- I recommend it to anyone interested in getting
- some background on what Neil Palumbo is talking
- about. I'm going to have to check out in a
- while, but will do the upload later.
- thanks....ga...
- (DON) Ok, and thank you randy.
- (Ted) Randy, thanks for coming by tonight. we all
- enjoyed the data and interpretations of same that
- you have provided see you next week and (I hope)
- on the message board. Nit Randy! GA
- (Randy P) nite...
- (Joe) bye, Randy
- (Dale) Bye Randy. As a side note, if anyone is looking
- for books, etc. and I know it is difficult. I
- have over 1000 books and about 6000 newsletters
- and magazines. If you have a request for a book or
- copies of material leave me mail.ga
- (Ted) Thanks dale that is mighty generous of you. We
- will all be wanting library cards to the Wedge
- Foundation. GA
- (Gerry) I know it's getting late but I did wonder if
- anyone had read the file on "1st Earth Battalion"
- which is in the veterans' forum and if anyone has
- any thoughts about it.ga
- (Ted) Gerry. Which dl is it in and what is th eactual
- name of the forum? ga
- (DON) Vetsig
- (Gerry) standby and I'll ... right, vetsig ... but
- standby... it's vetsig/dl7/earth.1st and it refers
- to a unit of "warrior monks" of the US Army which
- was trained in psychic warfare and which has just
- been disbanded.ga
- (DON) Where is John Lear when we need him?
- (Ted) We'll) look it up.
- (MIKE) Speaking of Lear. Has anybody heard of video
- release to press yet ALA Lear.txt?
- (Ted) No. Mike do you have reason to believe there is
- one? GA
- (MIKE) I thought he mentioned a tape to be released in
- March?!
- (Ted) Ok, he mentioned a tape that he had which was just
- a collection of previously released stuff.) Also
- he claimed that there would be a "Big
- Announcement" soon but didn't get specific. GA
- (Joe) Where can I get a list of BBS's that cover UFO
- material? GA
- (Ted) Ok, I can't give you a list but a good bet is to
- get a list of PARANET BBS. Jim SPeiser (DRAX) is
- the chief honcho of ParaNet. ANd it is based in
- Pheonix. Send me EMAIL and I'll give you some info
- on it. GA
- (Joe) Thank, will do. ga
- (Dale) I forgot...oh yees... I think Lear was talking
- about the Moore release...by the way on WBZ 1030
- AM, right now, they are talking about the
- Whytheville incident. they are trying to get the
- people on the line. ga
- (Ted) Let'm call us!!! <DON you're next GA>
- (DON) Ok, I was going to refer Joe to Jim's Paranet bbs,
- but you beat me to it however I do have a list
- here, called the Pagan bbs. ga
- (Ted) Ok, Don give it to us!!! GA
- (Ted) WAIT!!! Better yet why don't you send it to me
- EMAIL and I'll get it into the DL10. GA
- (DON) Sure, my pleasure!!
- (Joe) Thanks Don. ga
- (Ted) Ok..
- (Ted) I was going to say earlier that sometime in May
- there will be new forum software and when that
- occurs we will have our own Conference room for
- use during non-Sunday times. Just for us Guys
- (and Gals). To try out the new software type GO
- PRACTICE at any "!" prompt.
- (Dale) Hope your listening to 1030 they are calling. No
- answer
- (Ted) 1030 doesn't make it to NJ sorry GA
- (DON) Idaho either!
- (Dale) Crip...It's Boston....and I'm in Cleveland.
- (Ted) Dale, who is calling? GA
- (Dale) Don't know his name...have to listen but the
- number is 617-254-5678
- (Ted) My phone is busy right now! GA
- (Dale) Call him later Ted, he'll be on a couple hours.
- (DON) Well since I can't get that station. I've been
- wondering for months. DBC in ANN, what does DBC
- stand for, and where is ANN? grin ga
- (Ted) DBC stands for Don't Be Curious! GA
- (DBC) Don, it stands for DB Closet-UFO-enthusiast.ga
- (DBC) will let you know by Email.ga
- (DON) Ah, now we know. who Phil's contact is!!!! GRIN
- (Ted) Folks. It is getting late and I'm am going to have
- to check out <need to prepare my NSA report to
- Phil Kl ass> GA
- (Dale) Ted, call that number 617-254-5678 and go over the
- sighting will record and send it to you. ga
- (Ted) Sorry dale I missed that? GA
- (Dale) I said...call 617-254-56788. I'll tape it and send
- it to you.ga
- (Ted) What will I hear? Or will I be on a Boston talk
- show? GA
- (Dale) Yes...You'll be on WBZ-radio 1030 AM and be on a
- Boston talk show. he just mentioned Don Gordon,
- but the station must not be answering after
- hours.ga
- (Ted) Ok I'll give it a try. (but only for a couple of
- minutes.) Nite all ....