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- From: Bill Cooper
- To: All Serious UFO Researchers
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- First let me give you my background so that you can evaluate this
- communication as any good investigator should always do.
- United States Air Force 61-65 1) Strategic Air Command
- United States Navy 65-75 1) USS Tiru (SS-416),
- 2) USS Tombigbee (AOG-11)
- 3) Naval Security & Intelligence Group, Camp Carter, RVN (Vietnam
- 4) (Operational Investigation)
- Uss Charles Berry (DE-1035)
- Reported to ONI
- 5) Staff, CINCPACFLT (Member Intelligence Briefing Team)
- (POIC Pacific Fleet Command Center) Reported to ONI
- NOTE! During my stint at CINCPACFLT (Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet) I held
- a TOP SECRET SI security clearance (the highest at that time I thought until I
- saw the highest). I saw and handled every message and or communication which
- was sent or received during my watch. As a member of the briefing team it was
- my job to compile information and help brief the top brass including
- CINCPACFLT every morning on all events which happened during the last 24
- hours. I can safely say that I know things that you cannot even imagine. If
- you think that the government and or the military is honest with you then you
- are without any doubt a fool. They could never be completely honest even if
- they wanted. I really wish I could explain but I cannot ever do it.
- Since leaving the military I have worked with several civilian
- organizations which are connected with the Defense Intelligence Network. It
- would not be smart for me to divulge their names or function. Suffice it to
- say that they exist and I worked for them.
- I left the Intelligence community in 1980. I attended college in Long
- Beach, California where I obtained a Degree in Photography. For 3 years I
- owned and operated ABSOLUTE IMAGE, a gallery and studio of Fine Art
- Photography. I sold this business and joined the Education Business.
- Airco Technical Institute Admissions Representative
- Adelphi Business College Executive Director
- UES Corporate Marketing Executive
- Pacific Coast Tech Executive Director
- NOTE! Just recently I was visited by Intelligence Officers and accused of
- attempting to make known information concerning UFOs that had come into my
- hands during my military ser vice and specifically concerning MJ-12, Majic,
- Aquarius, UFO, Bluefly, Moondust, Snowbird, and others. Allegations which I
- (of course) flatly denied. This took place the day after a lengthy phone
- conversation with Stanton Freidman. Other things happened which made me decide
- not to play with these people and from my military experience I knew I could
- not win. I cannot ever divorce myself from the Intelligence co mmunity or my
- obligations to them. Th e consequences would be very grave indeed for me and
- those who rely upon me. I wish to make it very clear that I am absolutely
- loyal to the United States and do not desire to do anything which would
- endanger the National security. I also have an obligation to mankind and the
- earth and will try in every LEGAL way that I can find to expose what I know to
- be a cover-up of the true facts by the U.S. Government and Military
- establishment.
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- When I read the introductory letter from The New Project Blue Book several
- things leapt out from the page. The first was "Inspired, and name-approved,
- by the United States Air Force". The Air Force has no interest in
- investigating any UFOs except for the ones the y have under lock and key and
- the only purpose the New Project Blue Book could have is to function as a GREY
- DISINFORMATION OPERATION. It can only be a PSYOP (psychological operation)
- aimed at the whole population. The second thing, after I recovered from the
- first shock was the name "Project Blue Book". This term is already familiar
- to the American people and is commonly accepted as "the official UFO
- investigative arm of the United States Air Force" (Government). The third was
- "are sworn to uphold any secret, or sensitive, information, which comes to our
- attention in the search for the UFO information, and to with-hold any
- information which could be considered to be detrimental to the security of our
- country". Secrecy is the whole reason that nothing every comes to light and
- every trail leads to a dead end. The fourth was "Therefore, any source may
- feel free to offer information to this office and know that the information
- will be confidential, and reporter -anonymous". Thes is guaranteed to prevent
- anyone from c hecking the facts behind and Blue Book finding. The fi fth
- striking revelation was "The new Project Blue Book is not an Air Force-funded
- agency, but is, by design, a civilian agency-of former military personnel". I
- have worked for several civilian agencys-of former military personnel and in
- every instance they were an extension of the Defense intelligence network.
- (Did any of you listen to the Iran- Contra hearings, for example?) All of this
- was in the introductory letter.
- The release held even more surprises. The first paragraph alludes that it is
- not only "name approved" but is "the United States Air Force Investigative Arm
- for Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's)" which has been "reorganized". This
- is a blatent attemp to mislead the American people into thinking that the New
- Project Blue Book is in fact the original PBB which has only been reorganized.
- The last part of the sentence includes a statement that must be a Freudian
- slip of colossal nature and reads "comprised of (but not limited to), present
- and former, Air Force and other U. S. government AGENC Y personnel".
- (Emphasis mine) The term Agency personnel is almost exclusively reserved to
- mean Intelligence community or Intelligence agents and is similar to the CIA
- use of the word Company. The last sentence states that they "will study
- future UFO sighting reports, but devote further indepth studies of the older,
- classic, sighting reports". Otherwise termed diversionary tactics.
- Paragraph 2 seems to be innocent enough but continues on a diversionary note.
- Paragraph 3 is revealing also. "will be directed by industrialist Bill Pitts,
- a veteran investigator for all (all?) civilian UFO organizations and various
- government agencies". What Government agencys were investigating UFOs and why
- does the Government denie it if Mr. Pitts does not? Again a deversionary
- statement "team will re-evaluate the older reports" etc.
- Paragraph 4 continues with "earlier sarcer-era sighting reports". Why the
- obsession with the old stuff when the most grea test flap in history is taking
- place right now?
- Paragraph 5 is potentialy the most dangerous and could result in the loss of
- hard evidence and exposure to the Intelligence community of anyone who wished
- to step forward and reveal info from government service. The appeal to those
- type people seems to be designed to accomplish just that end. For example the
- loss of metal samples taken from the Zamorra- Soccoro landing site.
- Bryon Smith's ending letter also has some nice tidbits. "Bill.......has
- decided to make Paranet his Comput er Link information system." With Jim
- Spiese r's permission I hope. Paranet is now an official disinformation
- disemination facility and AFOSI and NSA are laughing their heads off.
- Also in this ending letter is the statement, "I will not quote his words here
- concerning a subject that is all ready sensational and highly controversial",
- which is a direct reference to the MJ-12 and or Lear (which is 50%
- corroboration of MJ-12) material and divulges the entire mission of the new
- Project Blue Book.
- With the Air Force approved name Project Blue Book, Ai r Force cooperation,
- investigation of the old classic cases, appeal for hard evidence and release
- of the "gag restriction" but only with PBB, and ridicule of the MJ-12
- investigation along with who knows what else, AFOSI and NSA has pulled off a
- coup of monumental proportions. In the public's eye They will now become the
- official Air Force spokesman (meaning for the government) and the rest of us
- will be fringe loonies. If you doubt this then you do not know the Ame rican
- people. They will listen only to th e constituted authority which is Project
- Blue Book.
- The Intelligence Officer who dreamed this up and made it a reality is a genius
- and should receive a promotion (he/she probably will). If Ufologists fall for
- it they are dead and so is our only hope of ever solving this phenomenon.
- Going after MJ-12 is the answer. I know this to be true but I cannot reveal
- to you what I know or how I know. I checked with my contacts within the
- Intelligence Community and my assesment of the new Project Blue Book is right
- on. Those of you who also have Intelligence contacts are encouraged to
- verify.
- I encourage you to read my background again now before reading the next
- paragraph then I encourage you to read the next paragraph very carefully.
- I firmly believe that the U.S. Government has in its possession several craft
- which are commonly described as UFOs or Flying Saucers. I firmly believe that
- The U.S. Government has in its possession several bodies of Alien beings
- called EBE's. I firmly believe that one of these craft along with the
- bodies was recovered from a small Island off the Norwegian coast during the
- 70's. I firmly believe that the first ones were recovered in this country
- from New Mexico and that this incident resulted in the establishment of MJ-12
- to oversee the proper usage of the discovery and to maintain absolute secrecy.
- I firmly believe that attempts were made in New Mexico to fly recovered discs
- and may have been successful. I firmly believe that other craft have been
- recovered in the United States and in other countries. I firmly believe that
- the MJ-12 material contained in the Lear text is correct. I have no knowledge
- whatsoever of the other material contained in the Lear text but believe that
- in light of the MJ-12 documents and the reputation of Mr. Lear that it should
- be investigated and not dismissed out of hand. I firmly believe that the
- original Project Blue Book was a diversionary tactic to passify the
- population. I firmly believe that the condon report was a setup to justify
- the demise of the original Project Blue Book and lay the issue to rest. I
- firmly believe that the issue did not die as planned. I firmly believe that
- part of the Intelligence Community would like to expose MJ-12 but the majority
- does not. I firmly believe that the research and ultimate release of the
- MJ-12 documents by the research team of Moore, Shandera, and Freidman hit the
- target dead center and the Intelligence Network is seriously concerned. I
- firmly believe that the new Project Blue Book is a brilliant scheme
- implemented as a diversionary tactic to again pacify the population and
- relegate everyone else to the unofficial or fringe loonie catagory. I have
- great admiration for the person or persons who created the concept. All of
- the above constitutes my personal and private belief in the matter of UFOs and
- Flying Saucers. Any response to, or questions regarding this document should
- be posted on the message board of Paranet Alpha or Compuserve E-mail.
- Bill Cooper
- They do me wrong who say I come no more When once I knock and fail
- to find you in; For every day I stand outside your door And bid you
- wake, and rise to fight and win.