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- Yet another water-driven car....
- Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
- Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
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- January 21, 1991
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- This document has been graciously supplied to KeelyNet by
- Dan A. Davidson from his own early and ongoing researches.
- We wish to make everyone aware that Dan has asked that this
- information be given the widest possible distribution.
- It is people like Dan who work behind the scenes to help fan the
- flames of expanded consciousness.
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- This article is from NewsWeek - April 19, 1976 - page 78
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- Sam Leach's Box
- "It's the greatest thing since sex," proclaims Patrick McDonald,
- vice president of MJM Hydrotech of Los Angeles. "There will be no
- reason to strip-mine for coal, no reason to run supertankers full of
- oil or build nuclear-power plants."
- The object of McDonald's enthusiasm is a mysterious stainless-steel
- case, about the size of a steamer trunk, equipped on the outside
- with six dials and a gas jet.
- It was developed by an equally mysterious 61-year-old Los Angeles
- inventor named Sam Leach, who claims it will do nothing less than
- produce combustible hydrogen from tap water - without any continous
- source of outside energy.
- If Leach is telling the truth, his hydrogen generator would satisfy
- a dream that scientists have had for decades; an unlimited supply of
- clean energy for homes, autos and industry at practically no cost.
- If he's not telling the truth, it could be the biggest business scam
- since hundreds were bilked by the promoter of the nonexistent Dale
- automobile.
- Leach says his device is really quite simple. Inside the case is an
- UNIDENTIFIED REACTANT METAL. Tap water is fed into the case and an
- electric charge is applied, turning the water to steam.
- The reactant metal SOAKS UP THE OXYGEN in the steam and the hydrogen
- THUS RELEASED is sucked out of the chamber by a vacuum device.
- Leach says the device needs a small charge of outside power to begin
- the conversion process, but that after that it powers itself by
- using the heat produced by the chemical reaction.
- Unlikely as all this sounds, Leach has some believers. Morris J.
- Mirkin, the founder and former head of Budget Rent-A-Car and now
- chairman of MJM, and Randall Presley, president of Presley Cos., a
- California group of home construction firms, have each paid Leach
- $500,000 for "automotive" and "residential application rights,"
- respectively, to the generator.
- When rumors of the device began to circulate, the stock in the
- Presley Cos. shot from $4.24 a share last December 23rd to $20.25 on
- March 25th.
- At that point, the Securities and Exchange Commission stopped
- trading in Presley stock and launched an investigation into the
- possibility of stock manipulation and other violations of securities
- laws.
- Leach commissioned two reputable laboratories to test the generator.
- In press releases prepared by MJM, both were quoted as saying the
- machine worked. But the testing laboratories themselves refuse to
- talk to reporters, saying they promised Leach they would not.
- Skeptics : Leach also is not available to reporters, and he has
- little support among scientists. Most experts say his description
- of the process violates two laws of thermodynamics.
- "It's ridiculous," snapped a hydrogen expert from UCLA. "It sounds
- like a perpetual-motion machine."
- And so far, the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration
- also is unimpressed. "It's possible to produce hydrogen that way,"
- one top ERDA scientist said, "but we don't know what's in his box
- and he won't tell anybody. If I had to make a guess, I'd say it is
- a gimmick."
- Whether is is indeed a gimmick or for real will presumably be known
- when the SEC completes its investigation - or when one of the 86
- patents Leach HAS BEEN ISSUED in countries around the world is made
- public. That may happen early next month.
- In the meantime, the Southern California Gas Co. of Los Angeles, one
- of the firms approached to use the Leach device to generate gas, is
- keeping an open mind.
- "It seems a little unusual, but [physical] laws have been broken in
- the past," says Southern vice president Ray Todd.
- But then, Todd is willing to consider some unconventional
- propositions. Not long ago, he was approached by an inventor with
- an idea for extracting methane gas - the chief ingredient in natural
- gas - from chicken droppings.
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- The following article is from Fate - October 1976 - page 32 & 34
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- Perpetual Motion?
- Last March 28 in Los Angeles representatives of several laboratories
- and some reporters watched what seemed to be ordinary water piped
- into a device somewhat LARGER THAN A BIG TRUNK.
- Knobs were turned and a JET OF FLAME burst forth from a tube and
- BURNED FOR ABOUT 15 MINUTES, until the machine was turned off.
- Samuel Leach, the 61-year old inventor, claims the flame results
- oxygen. Except for the brief electrical input necessary to start
- the process, says Leach, it is self-sustaining and derives (heat)
- from the water itself.
- An inexpensive process to separate hydrogen and oxygen would solve
- the world's energy problems.
- For at least 60 years it has been known that the REACTIONS OF METAL
- One early process mixed POWDERED IRON WITH STEAM. The Chicago
- Institute of Gas Technology has developed a HYDROGEN GENERATOR BASED
- But Derek P. Gregory of the Institute, who has led the push for a
- "hydrogen economy," states that NO KNOWN SYSTEM will approach the
- claims made by Leach.
- "If it works the way they say it does, it is perpetual motion.
- That's impossible," SCIENCE NEWS quotes Gregory as saying.
- The apparatus inside Leach's CLOSED STEEL TRUNK is supposed to
- include TWO STEEL TANKS, each holding GRANULES of an UNIDENTIFIED
- After the oxygen has been bound to the metal, Leach claims the metal
- same metal).
- If it is to be self-sustaining, the heat given off by the hydrogen
- must be MORE THAN SUFFICIENT to remove the oxygen from the metal.
- The laws of thermodynamics say this is impossible.
- It's easy enough to produce hydrogen but some heat always would be
- lost in the process and outside energy would have to be added.
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- The following article is from Fate - November 1976 - page 36
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- Tunnel Vision?
- Science regards the laws of thermodynamics as almost sacred. A Mr.
- Leach insists that "thermodynamicists follow certain things BLINDLY,
- Meanwhile investments made in a Leach invention by several large
- companies are at stake. The stock of Presley, one of the companies
- associated with the invention, has jumped from about $2.00 to $20.00
- and 3/8 on the American Stock Exchange, and the Securities and
- Exchange Commission has ordered an investigation.
- One thing seems sure. Although two laboratories, Smith-Emery
- Company of Los Angeles and the Approved Engineering Test
- Laboratories of Encino, California, disassembled and reassembled the
- apparatus and say they COULD FIND NO HIDDEN SOURCE OF ENERGY,
- definitive operating tests by dispassionate scientists have not been
- made.
- Repealing the laws of thermodynamics seems considerably more
- difficult than amending the Constitution of the United States. But
- wouldn't it be wonderful if Sam Leach has done it. - Curtis Fuller
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- Vangard notes...
- A picture of the device shows the front panel to have two
- large meter type indicators, 3 small pressure indicators, 1
- large pressure indicator, 3 protruding stops which could be
- needle valve adjusters, and 5 knobs.
- A cutaway shows at least eleven drip bottles with a common
- input for each row of bottles. These rows are apparently
- controlled by a single master needle valve adjustment per row.
- There must be three rows of these drip bottles, each row of
- which can be fed singly or in any combination and at any rate
- of water. Apparently, this water then drips into the tank
- where it is electrified to generate steam.
- The steam is then broken down by the metal in its process of
- absorbing the oxygen.
- The device sounds simple enough and has many possible
- arrangements to enhance the effect. At this time, we do not
- have copies of the patents which were said to have been issued
- Those in a position to experiment with various metals might do
- well to check into this phenomena.
- A very simple test would be to use a metal sample under a
- glass jar. As steam was passed over the metal, the hydrogen,
- being a very light gas would accumulate in the top of an
- upside down jar.
- A flame could then be introduced using a spark triggered from
- a safe distance to check for ignition. If the reactant is a
- metal and NOT AN ALLOY, it should be fairly easy to locate it
- by trial and error using different metals.
- Again, if this inspires you to carry out an experiment in this
- area, we would really appreciate you sharing it with us and
- the people interested in such projects.
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- If you might wish to contact Dan, he is listed in our CONTACT1 file.
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- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
- as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
- Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
- Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
- Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
- Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
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- If we can be of service, you may contact
- Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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