ocr: Index and Menu, Select an artide 1iTPage 20 of5 Opinion TheReviews Chamber 5u. 1 1.1 13 Friendship. Rules !L 27 ICronite's demo reviews 145 Scene. charts-too Many already? 28 Milkshake's demo reviews 15 Be legal! 29 Space Hars the movie 16 Why do they all ignore us editors - 30 Gallery reviews 17 RokDaZone on Amigal Musicians Interviews Afistfulof Diskmags u - 31 Seen & Paleface 180 Introduction u 32 Corny / Shining 19 Outer Limits - Polaris 33 Fred L ex. Agile 20 R.A.W. - Pure Metal Coders 21 Maggy - Complex TheParty Zone 220 Eleshworld Sonic 23 Freedom Crack - Vega 24 Top Secret - Majic 12 3 ...