ocr: ISSUE #5 MORE LAST MINULE NEWS ICEMS Page No. 59# Hot news and Gossip? Hot news and Gossip? An new group is born? Relax Sweden World Vision=DEAD: CRD joined furorat Elite of Dawn/ACU has left and joined Crane is dead. They formed Artch? forces with Metalic of Decay, Their new name is INFINITY" MULCUM from Sweden joined rriendship? S5lipstream wanted to join Mayhem but Mailbox of P.M.C. joined Alive*"*"" not. under the Mayhem name 50 it, WOS decided a new name Reaktor: Reaktor Mad of C.0.P is Now Warlock of C.0.P.: has 3 BBSs in uk, 1in New Zealand and 1in USA* Team-X Might join Reaktor 2* Mr.B ...