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- ; ASCIItoKW3 v1.00
- ; Public Domain
- ; 95.03.26 - 95.03.29
- ; This program takes an ascii text file and converts it to
- ; Kindwords3 format. Kindwords3 can load ascii files - but not
- ; very well. It links all lines of text in one large chunk,
- ; ignoring paragraphs and joining some words together. ASCIItoKW3
- ; hopefully improves on this. However, YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AT
- ; YOUR OWN RISK! It's a hack - and may not produce a perfectly
- ; correct file. I take no responsibility for any loss of data
- ; or anything else bad that may happen to anyone who uses this
- ; program.
- ; Carl Read
- ; CyberCraft
- ; PO Box 4032
- ; Mayfair
- ; Hastings 4201
- .Initialize:
- WBStartup
- ;This function when used with colours 1 or 2 produces the right
- ;shading for windows and gadgets etc. regardless of what
- ;Kickstart the program is running on. The exception is menu
- ;colours and window colours. Using shade{} on them will screw
- ;up the look of the menus.
- Function Shade{sh}
- If ExecVersion<36
- If Int(sh+.49)=1
- sh=2
- Else
- If Int(sh+.49)=2 Then sh=1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Function Return sh
- End Function
- quitFlag=0
- ev.l=0
- ldPath$=""
- ldFi$=""
- paras=0
- fiSize.l=0
- long.l=0
- Dim text$(32000)
- Screen 0,0,0,640,DispHeight,2,$8000,"ASCIItoKW3 v1.00.",Shade{2},Shade{1}
- RGB 0,9,10,10:RGB Shade{1},0,0,0
- RGB Shade{2},15,15,15:RGB 3,15,14,12
- .Menu:
- MenuColour 2
- MenuTitle 0,0," Project "
- MenuItem 0,0,0,0,"Open","O"
- MenuItem 0,0,0,1,"Save As ","A"
- MenuItem 0,0,0,2,"Help","H"
- MenuItem 0,0,0,3,"About","?"
- MenuItem 0,0,0,4,"Quit","Q"
- MenuTitle 0,1," Options "
- MenuItem 0,3,1,0," Join Lines"
- MenuItem 0,1,1,1," ASCII Output"
- MenuState 0,0,1,Off
- .Gads:
- GadgetPens shade{1},0
- Borders 2,1
- BorderPens shade{2},shade{1}
- TextGadget 0,132,-15,4,1," OK "
- TextGadget 1,138,135,0,1," OK "
- TextGadget 2,238,135,0,1," OK "
- .Wind0:
- Window 0,0,10,640,DispHeight-10,$0100|$800|$1000,"",2,1
- SetMenu 0
- .Start:
- Gosub MainLoop
- End
- .MainLoop:
- Gosub AsciiOpen
- While quitFlag=0
- Gosub CheckEvents
- Wend
- Return
- .CheckEvents:
- ev=WaitEvent
- If ev<>0
- winNo=EventWindow
- If (ev AND $100)=$100 Then Gosub MenResponse
- If (ev AND $200)=$200 Then Gosub CloseResponse
- If (ev AND $40)=$40 Then Gosub GadResponse
- If (ev AND $4)=$4 Then Gosub TidyWindow
- If (ev AND $400)=$400 Then Gosub KeyResponse
- EndIf
- Return
- .ChEv:
- ev=Event
- If ev<>0
- winNo=EventWindow
- If (ev AND $100)=$100 Then Gosub MenResponse
- If (ev AND $200)=$200 Then Gosub CloseResponse
- If (ev AND $40)=$40 Then Gosub GadResponse
- If (ev AND $4)=$4 Then Gosub TidyWindow
- If (ev AND $400)=$400 Then Gosub KeyResponse
- EndIf
- Return
- .MenResponse:
- men=MenuHit
- it=ItemHit
- Select men+1
- Case 1
- Select it+1
- Case 1 ;Open
- Gosub AsciiOpen
- Case 2 ;Save As
- If paras>0
- Gosub KW3Save
- EndIf
- Case 3 ;Help
- Gosub DoHelp
- Case 4 ;About
- SizeLimits 100,30,344,170
- Window 2,142,12,344,170,15|$10|$20|$400|$1000,"About ASCIItoKW3.",2,1,1
- SetMenu 0
- Gosub AboutDraw
- Case 5 ;Quit
- quitFlag=1
- End Select
- Case 2
- Select it+1
- Case 1 ;Join Lines
- End Select
- End Select
- Return
- .KeyResponse:
- WindowInput winNo
- If Inkey$=Chr$(139) Then Gosub DoHelp
- Return
- .TidyWindow:
- Select winNo
- Case 1 ;
- Case 2 ;
- Gosub AboutDraw
- Case 3 ;
- Gosub HelpDraw
- End Select
- Return
- .AboutDraw:
- Use Window 2
- WLocate 0,2:WColour shade{2},0
- NPrint String$(" ",12),"ASCIItoKW3 v1.00."
- NPrint "":WColour shade{1}
- NPrint String$(" ",14),"By Carl Read."
- NPrint String$(" ",8),"Released 29th March 1995."
- NPrint "":WColour shade{2}
- NPrint " ASCIItoKW3 is non-copyrighted public"
- NPrint " domain software. Spread it, modify it,"
- NPrint " (it's written in Blitz Basic 2 and the"
- NPrint " code is PD too), and generally feel"
- NPrint " free to do whatever you want with it."
- NPrint "":WColour shade{1}
- NPrint String$(" ",15),"Carl Read"
- NPrint String$(" ",15),"CyberCraft"
- NPrint String$(" ",10),"PO Box 4032 Mayfair"
- NPrint String$(" ",13),"Hastings 4201"
- NPrint String$(" ",14),"NEW ZEALAND"
- Return
- .DoHelp:
- SizeLimits 100,30,542,170
- Window 3,49,24,542,170,15|$10|$20|$400|$1000,"ASCIItoKW3 Help.",2,1,2
- SetMenu 0
- Gosub HelpDraw
- Return
- .HelpDraw:
- Use Window 3
- WLocate 0,2:WColour shade{2},0
- NPrint " ASCIItoKW3 v1.00. By Carl Read - CyberCraft."
- NPrint "":WColour shade{1},0
- NPrint " This program takes an ascii text file and converts it to"
- NPrint " Kindwords3 format. Kindwords3 can load ascii files - but not"
- NPrint " very well. It links all lines of text in one large chunk,"
- NPrint " ignoring paragraphs and joining some words together. ASCIItoKW3"
- NPrint " hopefully improves on this. However, YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AT"
- NPrint " YOUR OWN RISK! It's a hack - and may not produce a perfectly"
- NPrint " correct file. I take no responsibility for anything bad that"
- NPrint " that may happen to anyone who uses this program."
- NPrint " With the menu option `Join Lines' unselected, no attempt"
- NPrint " will be made to join lines into paragraphs. With `ASCII Output'"
- NPrint " selected, files are saved in ascii format and not KW3 format."
- NPrint " Future: Better docs for a start! Also, better paragraph"
- NPrint " creation is needed."
- NPrint " See `About' in the menus if you wish to get in touch."
- Return
- .AsciiOpen:
- prompt$="Load ASCII file."
- path$=ldPath$:fi$=ldFi$:noFiCheck=0:Gosub FiRequest
- If ldError=0
- ldPath$=path$:ldFi$=fi$
- Gosub AsciiLoad
- Else
- Gosub SelMen
- EndIf
- Return
- .AsciiLoad:
- a$=ldFi$
- If ldPath$<>""
- If Right$(ldPath$,1)<>":" Then a$="/"+a$
- EndIf
- a$=ldPath$+a$
- errFlag=0:pError=0
- SetErr
- errFlag=1
- End SetErr
- fiSize=Exists(a$)
- If errFlag=0 AND fiSize>0
- If ReadFile(0,a$)
- ;Clear out previous strings.
- For n=0 To paras:text$(n)="":Next
- ;Load file.
- paras=0:po=0:c$="":WColour shade{2},0
- Flag10=0:Flag13=0
- For long=1 To fiSize
- Gosub ChEv
- FileInput 0
- b$=Inkey$
- If b$=Chr$(10) OR b$=Chr$(13)
- If b$=Chr$(10) AND Flag13=1 Then Flag13=2
- If b$=Chr$(13) AND Flag10=1 Then Flag13=2
- If Flag13<>2
- If b$=Chr$(10)Then Flag10=1
- If b$=Chr$(13)Then Flag13=1
- text$(paras)=c$:po$=c$:Gosub PrOut
- c$="":paras+1
- If paras=32000
- long=fiSize:pError=1
- errMes1$="Too many lines of text!"
- errMes2$="No more than 32000 allowed."
- Gosub ErrMessage
- Gosub SelMen
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If Flag13=2 Then Flag13=0:Flag10=0
- Else
- c$+b$
- EndIf
- Next
- If c$<>"" AND pError=0
- text$(paras)=c$:paras+1:po$=c$:Gosub PrOut
- EndIf
- ;Remove leading spaces if all lines have some.
- Use Window 0:paraJoin=MenuChecked(0,1,0)
- If paraJoin=-1 AND pError=0
- WColour shade{1},0
- a=-1
- For n=0 To paras-1
- Gosub ChEv
- ;text$(n)=Replace$(text$(n),Chr$(13),"")
- po$=text$(n):Gosub PrOut
- If text$(n)<>""
- If Left$(text$(n),1)=" " AND (a=-1 OR a>1)
- For m=1 To Len(text$(n))
- If Mid$(text$(n),m,1)<>" "
- b=m-1:m=Len(text$(n))
- EndIf
- Next
- If a=-1
- a=b
- Else
- If b<a Then a=b
- EndIf
- Else
- a=0
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Next
- WColour 3,0
- If a>0
- For n=0 To paras-1
- Gosub ChEv
- text$(n)=UnRight$(text$(n),a):po$=text$(n):Gosub PrOut
- Next
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ;Process text.
- WColour shade{2},0
- If paras>1 AND paraJoin=-1 AND pError=0
- a=0:b=0:Use Window 0
- While a<paras
- Gosub ChEv
- If text$(a)=""
- text$(b)="":a+1:b+1:po$="":Gosub PrOut
- Else
- text$(b)=text$(a):a+1
- If a<paras
- c=0
- While c=0
- Gosub ChEv
- If text$(a)="" OR Left$(text$(a),1)=" "
- c=1:po$=text$(b):Gosub PrOut:b+1
- Else
- If Right$(text$(b),1)<>" "
- text$(b)+" "
- EndIf
- text$(b)+text$(a):a+1
- If a=paras
- c=1:po$=text$(b):Gosub PrOut:b+1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Wend
- Else
- po$=text$(b):Gosub PrOut:b+1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Wend
- If b<paras
- For n=b To paras-1:text$(n)="":Next:paras=b
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ;Compute file size.
- WColour shade{1},0
- If pError=0
- fiSize=paras*8+558
- For n=0 To paras-1
- Gosub ChEv
- po$=text$(n):Gosub PrOut
- fiSize+Len(text$(n))+(Len(text$(n))AND 1)
- Next
- svFi$=ldFi$
- If Len(svFi$)>4
- If Right$(svFi$,4)=".asc"
- svFi$=UnLeft$(svFi$,4)
- Else
- svFi$=Left$(svFi$,21)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- svFi$+".KW3"
- If svPath$="" Then svPath$=ldPath$
- MenuState 0,0,1,On
- Gosub KW3Save
- EndIf
- Else
- Gosub LdingProblems
- EndIf
- CloseFile 0
- Else
- Gosub LdingProblems
- EndIf
- ClrErr
- Use Window 0
- Return
- .LdingProblems:
- errMes1$="Problems loading file!"
- errMes2$="Processing canceled."
- Gosub ErrMessage
- Gosub SelMen
- Return
- .SvingProblems:
- errMes1$="Problems saving file!"
- errMes2$="Saving canceled."
- Gosub ErrMessage
- Return
- .PrOut:
- Use Window 0
- WLocate 0,po*8+2
- NPrint Left$(po$+String$(" ",79),79)
- NPrint String$(" ",79)
- po$="":po+1:If po=20 Then po=0
- Return
- .KW3Save:
- prompt$="Saving as a KW3 file."
- asciiFlag=MenuChecked(0,1,1)
- path$=svPath$:fi$=svFi$
- If asciiFlag=-1 Then fi$=".asc":prompt$="Saving as an ASCII file."
- noFiCheck=1:Gosub FiRequest
- If ldError=0
- svPath$=path$:svFi$=fi$
- Gosub KSave
- EndIf
- Gosub SelMen
- Return
- .SelMen:
- Use Window 0:WColour shade{2},0
- po$=String$(" ",29)+"Select a menu option.":Gosub PrOut
- Return
- .KSave:
- a$=svFi$
- If svPath$<>""
- If Right$(svPath$,1)<>":" Then a$="/"+a$
- EndIf
- a$=svPath$+a$
- If paras>0
- errFlag=0
- SetErr
- errFlag=1
- End SetErr
- If errFlag=0
- If WriteFile(0,a$)
- FileOutput 0
- If asciiFlag=0
- Restore KW3Dta
- For n=1 To 4:Read a:Print Chr$(a):Next
- Print Mkl$(fiSize)
- For n=1 To 426:Read a:Print Chr$(a):Next
- For n=0 To paras-1
- Print Chr$(87)+Chr$(84)+Chr$(88)+Chr$(84)
- long=Len(text$(n)):Print Mkl$(long)
- Print text$(n)
- If (Len(text$(n))AND 1)=1 Then Print Chr$(0)
- Next
- For n=1 To 132:Read a:Print Chr$(a):Next
- Else
- For n=0 To paras-1
- NPrint text$(n)
- Next
- EndIf
- Else
- Gosub SvingProblems
- EndIf
- CloseFile 0
- Else
- Gosub SvingProblems
- EndIf
- ClrErr
- Else
- errMes1$="Nothing to save!"
- errMes2$=""
- Gosub ErrMessage
- EndIf
- Use Window 0:WColour shade{2},0
- Return
- .CloseResponse:
- Select winNo
- Case 1
- Case 2
- Free Window 2
- Case 3
- Free Window 3
- End Select
- Return
- .GadResponse:
- gad=GadgetHit
- Select winNo
- Case 1
- Case 2
- Free Window 2
- Case 3
- Free Window 3
- End Select
- Return
- .FiRequest:
- Use Screen 0: ShowScreen 0
- MaxLen a$=250:MaxLen b$=192
- a$=path$:b$=fi$:If a$+b$="" Then a$="RAM:"
- ldError=0
- SetErr
- ldError=1
- End SetErr
- If ldError=1 Then ClrErr:Return
- If ExecVersion<36
- pathFi$=FileRequest$(prompt$,a$,b$)
- Else
- pathFi$=ASLFileRequest$(prompt$,a$,b$,"",164,13,312,DispHeight-16)
- EndIf
- If pathFi$="" Then ldError=1:ClrErr:Return
- If Exists(pathFi$)=0 AND noFiCheck=0
- errMes1$="That file doesn't exist"
- errMes2$="or is empty."
- Gosub ErrMessage
- ldError=1
- Else
- ldError=0:a$=pathFi$:Gosub StripFile
- If b$+c$=""
- path$="":fi$=a$
- Else
- path$=b$:fi$=c$
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ClrErr
- Return
- StripFile:
- b$="":c$=""
- For n=Len(a$) To 1 Step-1
- If Mid$(a$,n,1)="/"
- b$=Left$(a$,n-1):c$=Mid$(a$,n+1):n=1
- Else
- If Mid$(a$,n,1)=":"
- b$=Left$(a$,n):c$=Mid$(a$,n+1):n=1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Next
- Return
- .ErrMessage:
- Window 1,20,24,312,70,14|$10|$20|$400|$1000,"Error Message.",2,1,0
- SetMenu 0:WColour 3,0
- NPrint""
- NPrint Left$(String$(" ",18),18-Len(errMes1$)/2)+errMes1$
- NPrint""
- NPrint Left$(String$(" ",18),18-Len(errMes2$)/2)+errMes2$
- FlushEvents
- aa=0
- While aa=0
- ev=Event
- If ev>0
- If EventWindow=1
- gad=GadgetHit
- If (ev AND $20)=$20 AND gad=1 Then aa=1
- If (ev AND $200)=$200 Then aa=1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Wend
- Free Window 1:FlushEvents:ev=0
- Return
- .KW3Dta:
- ;First block of data.
- Data 70,79,82,77
- ;Four byte total file length (minus 8) inserted here.
- ;Second block of data.
- Data 87,79
- Data 87,79,87,86,82,78,0,0,0,8
- Data 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,87,70
- Data 78,84,0,0,0,10,1,0,0,8
- Data 116,111,112,97,122,0,87,73,78,70
- Data 0,0,0,184,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,47,117,147,236,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,193
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,87,68
- Data 79,67,0,0,0,54,0,1,0,13
- Data 0,12,21,192,0,12,21,192,0,0
- Data 84,96,0,0,0,0,0,0,140,160
- Data 0,0,56,64,0,0,56,64,0,0
- Data 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,2,0
- Data 0,1,0,0,0,46,0,0,0,0
- Data 87,83,77,68,0,0,0,54,0,2
- Data 0,0,10,170,0,0,15,255,5,156
- Data 15,0,12,151,0,13,15,112,0,207
- Data 15,15,15,208,1,196,9,142,7,102
- Data 6,8,13,203,0,60,0,72,1,1
- Data 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,87,80,70,48,0,0,0,20
- Data 0,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Data 87,80,65,82,0,0,0,28,0,0
- Data 84,96,0,0,84,96,0,0,0,0
- Data 0,0,140,160,0,2,0,0,0,1
- Data 0,0,1,2,0,124,87,84,65,66
- Data 0,0,0,0
- ;Paragraphs are to be inserted here.
- ; Each paragraph consists of four bytes (87,84,88,84) followed
- ; by four bytes giving the paragraph length and then the
- ; paragraph itself. If the paragraph length is an uneven
- ; number then a zero byte is added also.
- ;Last block of data.
- Data 87,72,69,68,0,0,0,6
- Data 3,1,0,0,0,0,87,80,65,82
- Data 0,0,0,28,0,0,84,96,0,0
- Data 84,96,0,0,0,0,0,0,140,160
- Data 0,2,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,2
- Data 0,124,87,84,65,66,0,0,0,0
- Data 87,84,88,84,0,0,0,0,87,70
- Data 79,84,0,0,0,6,3,1,0,0
- Data 0,0,87,80,65,82,0,0,0,28
- Data 0,0,84,96,0,0,84,96,0,0
- Data 0,0,0,0,140,160,0,2,0,0
- Data 0,1,0,0,1,2,0,124,87,84
- Data 65,66,0,0,0,0,87,84,88,84
- Data 0,0,0,0