ocr: Dark Forees pule the Realma! Niiseny and desclation AV the constant bediellows of humans. elves and avames AIIRe. The ashgrey blanket of drudgery is er- axpanding. covering castles and Reeps, huts and iean-10s. Like a beacon piereing the murky togs. a band of eizards. mages and OTCNTOTE have taRen their stand against the Evil Forees. The Nagie Guild has entered the Seene!! ofe Aeed more etaarda 31 % ae A mustetan. graphtsan. AWPRET, coder. anpthing. Nvite to: Calso for aweapping) Her!y/IHG CMGS H Morten sn Huldreveien 51 N-1374 Borsen -