ocr: CHIPSET: ' TV:PAL CHIP MEM:1407K FAST MEM:OK - CPU:68020 INDER LINE UP PAGE UP TOP COLOUR FONT - HELP LINE DN PAGE DN MUSIC BOTTOM POINTER PRINT - -VL -1 - - - - : - 1/ - - IOLLI7_). - 111/ - - - VIL.UV 4MOS PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL by Freak of NF4 One. of the things I've been asked about a Lot recently is how Lo include 4SCII text files in AMOS programs, MainLy by peopue Wanting to create their OWM disk-uists or disk-based Magazines but getting stuck at this point. It May sound Laughable - "just Load it in!" I hear YOU cry - but getting it to work, and More (Mportantly getting it to work FAST, ca ...