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- ' **********************************
- ' * Routine to wordwrap text in s$ *
- ' **********************************
- S$="This routine will wordwrap any text found in the variable s$, and will"
- S$=S$+" work acording to the amount in ll, which tells it how much characters"
- S$=S$+" you wish to have in each line. The finished result will be returned"
- S$=S$+" in f$."
- LL=38 : Rem amount of characters in line
- While Len(S$)>0
- L$=Left$(S$,LL)
- S$=Mid$(S$,LL+1)
- R$=Right$(L$,1)
- If R$<>" "
- S=Instr(Flip$(L$)," ")
- If S>0
- R$=Right$(L$,S-1)
- S$=R$+S$
- L$=Left$(L$,Len(L$)-S)
- End If
- End If
- L$=Left$(L$+Space$(LL),LL)
- Print L$
- Wend