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- }0a000
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- {a Kingston Communications Report.
- -------------------------------
- Typed, tried and tested by Case of
- Chaos.
- ----------------------------------
- This file has been produced as a
- low-down on Kingston Communications
- telephone network whose exchanges first telegraphic switchboard was
- serve the population of Hull and opened in London. In 1899, the
- Beverley. Telegraph Act was passed permitting
- municipal authorities to establish
- local telephone systems under licence
- }0oddf1oddf2occf3occf4obbf5obbf6oaaf7oaaf
- {2{nHULL S PHONE HISTORY{1{a from the Postmaster General, Hull
- }0o99f1o99f2o88f3o88f4o77f5o77f6o66f7o66f
- Corporation applied for and was
- granted a licence on the 8th of August
- Alexander Graham Bell invented the 1902 and the Hull telephone System was
- telephone in 1875 and in 1879 the born. Five other local authorities,
- Brighton, Glasgow, Portsmouth, Swansea area. In its largest Transaction to
- and Tunbridge Wells started their own date, the City Council approved
- service but by 1913 only Hull's system approved the purchase cost of £192,423
- was still in operation. in January 1914 and established the
- Hull Corporation as the sole telephone
- Having borrowed £43,000, the authority for the area.
- Corporation was able to open its first
- exchange at Trippet baths in A succession of licence renewels
- Wincolmlee on the 28th November 1904, enable the Corporation to continue
- a 20 position Ericsson/Bell Manual operating it's own telephone system,
- Switchboard, with 1,000 subscribers. as Hull Corporation until 1974 and
- then as Hull City Council.
- By the end of the second year the new
- undertaking had 1,895 subscribers and New negotiations under the
- a surplus of over £1,385. Telecommunications Act of 1984
- resulted in the granting of a licence
- When the licence came up for valid until 2010. Changes in local
- renewal in 1911, the Post Office made government finance regulations
- it's renewal conditional upon the threatened the financing of long term
- Corporation purchasing the whole of technological development requirements
- the former National telephone and in 1987 the Council formed a
- Company's plant and premises in the municipal company to take over the
- running of the Hull telephone telecommunications skills to expand
- Department. The new company was it's activities into the broader
- called Kingston Communications (Hull) communications market both in
- PLC and became operational on 7th Humberside and other areas across the
- December 1987, as the only publicly country. These activities include the
- owned and operated telephone network provision of major PABX networks for
- in the UK. large organisations, the design and
- installation and maintenance of data
- The new company pressed ahead with communication systems, key systems for
- its development programme with a business, fax machines, computers
- particular emphasis on changing over ranging from word processors and desk
- to a digital network utilising System top publishing to fully networked
- X exchanges capable of handling the multi-user systems. The company's
- voice and data comms needs of the Hull unique experience places it in an
- area into the next century. This ideal postion to provide expert
- programme was completed a year ahead independant advice and service on most
- of schedule on the 28th November 1990 voice and data systems.
- exactly 86 years from the opening of
- their first exchange.
- In recent years the company has
- utilised it's wide ranging More ->
- }0oddf1oddf2occf3occf4obbf5obbf6oaaf7oaaf
- {2{nHULL S X-SERVICES{1{a just dialled a guy who also lived in
- }0o99f1o99f2o88f3o88f4o77f5o77f6o66f7o66f
- Hull (Poor chap!) and we both decide
- we want to talk to some other guy.
- I'd hit my Recall button and get a
- These are quite an interesting dial tone, then dial the other guy and
- feature of Hull's telephone equipment, he answers, then I hit my Recall again
- you do need a DTMF telephone not a and dial 3, and hey Presto!! All the
- pappy pulse, and such facilities guys are now chatting away on a
- include Call Diversion, Call Waiting, conference call.
- Conference Call (more about this
- later), Reminder Calls, Incoming and But that's only three guys I hear
- Outgoing Call Barring and Abbreviated you say!! Well, although I would be
- Dialing. For some of these services unable to call anyone else as each
- you may have to sign a contract and subcriber is only limited to two
- pay a small service fee but most trunks it is possible to get a load of
- incurr a charge only when they are people together by the following
- used. procedure. Firstly this is only for
- guys in Hull but other guys from other
- The most used/abused feature has to towns may be called as I will descibe
- be the Conferencing system; it's not in a moment!
- exactly AT&T Alliance as it has many
- limitations, for instance say I had Right then, phreak1 dials phreak2
- }0oddf1oddf2occf3occf4obbf5obbf6oaaf7oaaf
- and phreak2 dials phreak3 then {2{nOTHER GOOD STUFF{1{a
- }0o99f1o99f2o88f3o88f4o77f5o77f6o66f7o66f
- connects us all together then phreak3
- calls phreak4 and connects us all
- again and so on. I don't know exactly In Hull there are around 4 or 5
- how many people can be connected like sub-exchanges and 1 main exchange, one
- this but my reckoning is that it would is only a ten minute walk from my
- be quite a few, anyway you have quite house, and whilst dialling around
- a few Hull Subscribers conferencing these exchanges I came across some
- away and Phreak3 decides that they amazing things, such as a couple of
- want such and such a phreak from test numbers I found whilst scanning,
- Halifax on so then Phreak3 would hit I do not know if these are exclusive
- recall,dial the Halifax phreak and to phreaks in Hull (ME!) but one of
- then hit recall again then dial 3, them has ANI with ringback, this
- phreak3 has used up his two trunks but number when dialled states the number
- still Halifax phreak is connected and you are dialing, (ANI=Automatic Number
- still the other Hull phreaks could Identification), then states "Start
- dial other out of town phreaks but the Test!!" you then replace the handset
- price still has to be considered as and wait a minute or two for the
- this is not free. You pay for the exchange equipment to test the line
- call you make and 10 pence covers the you are dialing from if all is ok the
- use of 2 trunks. (Sad Eh!!) telephone will ring and when you pick
- up the receiver you will hear "Line to them screaming about when I see you
- Testing Ok, Line Testing Ok, Dial next next Paul, David or whatever it was
- test" you then receive an interrupted good fun at the time but not as much
- dial tone and by pressing different fun as PHUN!! Anyway I was doing this
- No's will either quit testing and dialing six digit local numbers when
- return to a standard dial tone or bang!! "You are Connected to Blah
- perform a dialing test or a Coin Blah Blah" What the fuck is this I
- pulsing test (Payphones???!!!). thought and it is this that got me
- interested in telephones and
- I found this number using an phreaking, well at first I thought I
- interesting method; as once way back had been cought for fucking around and
- when I thought that to dial the US you I nearly shat so I smacked the
- needed to have a telephone that was telephone back down and then a minute
- like something from Startrek, anyhow, or two passed and it started ringing
- I was screwing around dialing people which shit me even more so I picked it
- and telling them to guess who it was up and said hello to which a now
- hoping that they would say a name and familiar female voice replied "Line
- so I could say "Yeah how you doing" Testing Ok"..MMM interesting I thought
- and have a chat to them about there must be other numbers than this
- Sharron's sists getting septic and all one, so a few months passed and I got
- sorts of crap and then just plainley myself a little tone dialer (A.K.A.a
- say "Well fuck off then!!" and listen White Box) which I converted to
- produce A,B,C and D tones not to be 1. ANI with Ringback.
- confused with abcd on certain boxing / Dial 177 or (0482 801456)
- programs floating around and this then
- give my little dialer the status of a 2. Line Status.
- Silver Box but still to this day have / Dial 171 (STD) (Subscribers #)
- never found a use for the ABCD tones
- apart from occasionaly getting a Anyway how about you guys who are
- message that there is a fault or a reading this scanning around your
- Bloop tone. Well I started to dial 3 local exchanges and sending any of
- digit numbers from 100 to 200 and your finds with instructions,
- about half way through scanning found of course, to your favourite mag on
- the same Line Test but on 3 digits disk Satanic Rites. I will be sussing
- instead of 6. Also another one I out and scanning new areas so maybe a
- found is where you dial the test no. few more will turn up? who knows???
- then dial the STD(Hull only) and the
- subscribers number and it will then Rumour has it there is a main test
- notify you if the telephone is on the number allowing testing on a massive
- hook or engaged. Quite wierd but damn scale, maybe that could be for all
- interesting. Anyway here are those 2 those codes (FOC #s) from
- numbers for you BT subscribers to try, paytelephones!!!
- who knows they might work.
- }0oddf1oddf2occf3occf4obbf5obbf6oaaf7oaaf
- {2{n TO GET INSIDE A {1{a
- }0o99f1o99f2o88f3o88f4o77f5o77f6o66f7o66f
- }0oddf1oddf2occf3occf4obbf5obbf6oaaf7oaaf
- {2{n FORTRESS{a{1
- }0o99f1o99f2o88f3o88f4o77f5o77f6o66f7o66f
- This method only works around 5th one and open it in the comfort of your
- November, right then, go and buy some own home. SEE SR #3 for more
- airbombs from the local firework details.......
- outlet, take out one airbomb, not
- airbomb repeaters, and proceed tol
- light and stick it into the coin
- return slot, then hurridly move out of
- the way, hide, then let the airbomb
- explode and if you go back when the
- coast is clear chances are that you
- will be staring at the inside of the
- Payphone, MMM what are all those FOC [Ed-Thankyouverymuch. Just what I
- #'s for?? Then you can just fuck off like to see. A well-written article
- and your local Telco will just think sent with its own clip-art. Edible.]
- it was kids mucking around!
- Alternatively, you could just steal