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- {3Used in the making of this issue of
- {7=> }2SATANIC RITES {7<=
- {4 Several copies of ASM1 assembler
- {3 DPaint 4
- }2143 {7cans of {2coke
- {7Over {215 {7litres of {2bottled coke
- {1Several hundred phone calls!
- {44 {3Amigas
- {1Over {520 {1disks!
- {2Production team of {6five {2people?!
- {7Stamps
- {3McVitie's biscuits
- {1Arrogant coder's brother
- {5Two dogs (}1NOT {1used for shagging!!{5)
- {3Billy Coloney videos
- {6Flymo Advert played every hour
- {1Amiga Formats {3for {2ceremonial burning
- {4Three `phone boxes
- {6McDonald's Sittingbourne
- {6Obliging McDonald's Sittingbourne-
- {6 Female Staff
- {317 {4stolen credit cards
- {5 2 modems
- {1News of the World `Sex' articles
- {5 6 Manhole covers
- {7 16 paper boxes
- {2AD+D dice (up {6Jezzy's {2nose!)
- {11/2 Ib of prime quality {2vomit {1from
- {2Tanty's {1cats
- {71 {5inflatable doll ({6used by Woddle{5)
- {4 1 {3wet kipper
- {7Selected editions of `{5Your Sinclair{7'
- {51 {1Simpsons {5porno poster {1({7dribbled on
- by Lord Sop/Mercury{1)
- {2About {112 {2Bic biros
- {54 {1external disk-drives
- {6The consumption of a {2History {6exam-
- sheet ({2yum yum - {4Kiwi!!{6)
- {3Jezzy's {4nosey {3neighbours!!
- {21 {7lamp {6({1used for interregating the
- interviewed{6)
- {4And that's it! {3All the above
- ingredients for making your own
- diskmagazine are included in the
- {1`{5Destiny-create a diskmag{1' {3bundle.
- Only }725 quid {3from your local
- {1Superdrug{3.