Read this text before you or your children start playing with a video game.
Warning on the risks of epilepsy (Decree 96-360 of April 23, 1996 relating to the warnings concerning the video game)
Some people with epilepsy have photosensitive epilepsy - this means their seizures can be triggered by flickering lights or small patterns. In addition, some people only have attacks with flickering light. These people expose themselves to seizures when they look at certain televised images or when they play video games. This phenomenon can even appear when the subject does not have medical antecedents or never was confronted with an epileptic seizure.
If you or a member of your family has already presented some symptoms related to the epilepsy (giddiness, eye trouble, involuntary contraction of the eyes or muscles, loss of conscience, orientation disorder) in the presence of luminous stimulation, please consult your practitioner before playing.
We advise the parents to be sure that their children comply with the following rules when they play with a video game:
It is necessary to avoid playing when in a state of tiredness or lacking of sleep.
Set up the luminosity of the display to be placed in a well lightened room preferably facing a low reflecting surface. Avoid placing the display facing a window and use a filter.
The display should be positioned as far from the eyes as the cord of connection permits. A computer display should never be nearer than 30 cm .
Do not play more than 60 minutes and then take a 10 minutes rest.