ant.lua documentation Petr Machata, This document describes usage of ant.lua, the collection of helper functions for Enigma map designers. ================================================================================ 0] PREFACE ================================================================================ 0.1 Revision history -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- version 0.1.3: 2003-06-19: Proofread, some typos fixed, some sentences changed Added chapter 'Puzzle kinds' version 0.1.2: 2003-05-11: Added chapter 'Multiple wholes per one target' Changes in a chapter 'use_cells' version 0.1.1: 2003-04-25: Number of typos fixed version 0.1: 2003-04-13: this covers ant.lua for upcoming Enigma 0.8 first release of document 0.2 Table of contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0] PREFACE 0.1 Revision history 0.2 Table of contents 1] INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is this document 1.2 How to contact author 1.3 Distribution policy 1.4 New versions of this document 1.5 Bugs 2] ABOUT ant.lua 2.1 What is ant.lua 2.2 What is it good for? 2.3 How to use it 3] VISUAL MAP DESIGN 3.1 Simple things first 3.1.1 What is it, how to use it 3.1.2 Using cell{} 3.1.3 Parents of cell{} 3.1.4 Drawing map 3.2 More complicated then 3.2.1 Default parents 3.2.2 Default cell meanings 3.2.4 use_cells 3.2.3 Layered maps 3.2.4 Drawing per partes 3.2.5 Multichar maps 3.3 cell{} to depth 3.3.1 Checker floor 3.3.2 Random floor 3.3.3 Curried function construction 4] FUNCTIONAL APPROACH 4.1 Fills, borders, ... 4.2 init.lua counterparts - set_, draw_ 4.3 Coordinate mangling 5] OBJECT GROUPS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Common multiples 5.2.1 Multielement functions 5.2.2 Group actions 5.2.3 Rubber bands 5.3 Generic multielements 5.3.1 add_multicell 5.3.2 add_multiobject 5.3.3 add_multitag 5.4 Worm holes 5.4.1 Forewords 5.4.2 Technical background 5.4.3 Setting up cell{} functions 5.4.4 Setting up the map 5.4.5 Post-execution code 5.4.6 Multiple wholes per one target 5.5 Railways 5.5.1 What are railways 5.5.2 Technical background 5.5.3 Setting up cell{} functions 5.5.4 Binding the train to railway 5.5.5 Setting up the map 5.6 Puzzles 5.6.1 Forewords 5.6.2 Technical background 5.6.3 Setting up puzzle 5.6.4 Fake puzzles 5.6.5 Puzzle kinds 5.7 Slopes 5.7.1 Forewords 5.7.2 Technical background 5.7.3 Setting up cell{} functions 5.7.4 Setting up the map 5.7.5 Post-execution code 5.7.6 Mixing several slopes 5.7.7 Fake slopes 5.7.8 Invert slopes 5.8 Afterwords 6] HELPER FUNCTIONS 6.1 Debugging 6.1.1 Warnings 6.1.2 Debugs 6.2 Clone table 6.3 Sending messages ================================================================================ [1] INTRODUCTION ================================================================================ 1.1 What is this document -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document tris to uncover hidden treasures of ant.lua, the library of helper functions for Enigma level designers. If one level is created with help of this, I reached my goal. Please, no great expectations. I'm not very experienced in English and I have never written such a document before. I did my best, but you know how it is... 1.2 How to contact author -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions, bug reports, misunderstandings, typos, flames and praises, regarding both this documentation and ant.lua library, please send to: my e-mail: ant_39 at enigma-devel ML: enigma-devel at 1.3 Distribution policy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This documentation is covered by GNU GPL, v.2 or later. Interpret the document's source text as the 'program' and adhere to the following terms: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 1.4 New versions of this document -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most probably, any new version will be located directly at Enigma CVS repository. If it isn't there, ant.lua was probably discarded from source tree either, and so the documentation is obsolete. 1.5 Bugs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several things missing in the document yet. There could be a complete reference of ant.lua, though I'm not very sure whether ant.lua itself is not better source. Not all examples were tested. I often rely on my knowledge, so if something doesn't work, the bug doesn't have to be in library. Besides this, the document should be completely rewritten by someone better in English. This is utopia, so we simply have to get enough with this. ================================================================================ 2] ABOUT ant.lua ================================================================================ 2.1 What is ant.lua -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ant.lua is lua module that should help level designers to create their maps. At this time, graphical level editor is being worked on, or maybe the works already pushed it to somehow usable stage. In older times there was nothing alike, so enigma maps were created by manually placing stones and floor squares to their places in a simple programming language. This tool made it a way more comfortable to me. It's possible that the editor will make this module useless, so further development will stop. It will probably stay in enigma source repository in future, as many maps and also some other libraries (ralf.lua for example) use it. 2.2 What is it good for? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, for creating enigma maps. Now seriously. Basic idea behind creating maps to enigma is that you use a function every time you want to place a stone, every time you place a floor square, etc. You draw the level procedurally, use functions for filling, distribute items, stones, floors, actors, etc. There are loops, well known from programming languages (while, repeat, for, for each), but level creation process is not very simple even with them. For this reason the level developers tend to use some sort of visual map creation. You draw the level to a simple string grid, tell to the library that all #'s are stone walls and all *'s are say puzzle stones, and then call a function. It reads your definitions, looks to string map that you have just made, and turns them to ugly LUA code, that in turn changes to beautiful and precious elements of Enigma world. 2.3 How to use it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's look at how a simple map can look like, if it's created with ant.lua. First, how does it look without it: enigma.ConserveLevel = TRUE levelw = 20 levelh = 13 create_world(levelw, levelh) oxyd_default_flavor = "a" -- Default flavor for oxyd stones. draw_border("st-brownie") fill_floor("fl-hay", 0,0, level_width,level_height) set_stone("st-fart", levelw-1,0, {name="fart"}) set_stone("st-timer", 0,0, {action="trigger", target="fart", interval=10}) oxyd(3,3) oxyd(level_width-4,level_height-4) oxyd(level_width-4, 3) oxyd(3,level_height-4) oxyd_shuffle() set_actor("ac-blackball", 10,6.5, {player=0}) This is a welcome map for Enigma. First level in Enigma level package. You have to have a great imagination to create maps in such a way. You have to use precious coordinates and dozens of commands, nothing very simple. Great for small levels and fast stings, but complicated levels are difficult to create this way. Using ant.lua, the code turns to look this way: Require("levels/ant.lua") cells={} cells[" "]=cell{floor="fl-sand"} cells["#"]=cell{stone="st-greenbrown"} cells["~"]=cell{stone={"st-timer", {action="trigger", target="fart", interval=10}}} cells["*"]=cell{stone={"st-fart", {name="fart"}}} level = { "~##################*", "# #", "# #", "# 0 0 #", "# #", "# #", "# O #", "# #", "# #", "# 0 0 #", "# #", "# #", "####################" } oxyd_default_flavor = "a" set_default_parent(cells[" "]) create_world_by_map(level) oxyd_shuffle() Generally, you will save no lines of code, but make things look clear. This will ease maintenance works, debugging (yes, even in lua maps there can be bugs...) and so on. If other people look to your code, it will be clear to them what have you meant, where to look for particular elements, and so on. At the very top of file, you have to include ant.lua with the Require function. Then you prepare name space of your elements, this time it's called cells. You may have several maps in your file, each of them using different name space, so that "#" in one map is stone wall and in other map it's metal block. This is seldom used, but it's possible. Then, you occupy name space with cell keys. In our example, there are four keys - "#" for green-brown stone, " " for sand floor, "~" for timer stone, that triggers fart each 10 seconds, and "*", the fart stone itself. After cells{}, there is a map itself. It incorporates all of the declared elements (cell keys), plus element "O" (letter o), which automatically stands for black marble (if you don't override it), and element "0" (a zero), which is oxyd stone (again, if you don't change it). Finally, oxyd flavor is selected (the way oxyd stones will look like), default parent is set up, map is created, oxyd stones are mixed. All done. We will look at default parent later on. You should know for now, that this is a default "base" element for each map cell. The command itself tells to ant.lua: "let there be sand floor everywhere, if not said otherwise". Well, this is enough for now. If you are interested, read on, really interesting things are yet to be said. It you are not, I'm sorry for bothering you. I really didn't meant to. ================================================================================ 3] VISUAL MAP DESIGN ================================================================================ 3.1 Simple things first -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1.1 What is it, how to use it ............................... The thing that you have just seen was an example of visual map design. You draw the map to the string grid, declare which key produces which element, and let ant.lua draw the thing. The way how your string map looks like is very near to how the world will look like once it gets rendered, thus visual. ant.lua has also the features that make your life easier even if you want to use procedural way of map design. These are not subject of this chapter and are to be discussed later. 3.1.2 Using cell{} .................. Once more, look at the declaration of cell keys: cells={} cells[" "]=cell{floor="fl-sand"} cells["#"]=cell{stone="st-greenbrown"} cells["~"]=cell{stone={"st-timer", {action="trigger", target="fart", interval=10}}} cells["*"]=cell{stone={"st-fart", {name="fart"}}} First you create table of cell functions. Then you fill it with keys, and each key bind with its meaning. The core part of this declaration is function cell(). It's to be seen on each declaration line, and it can be used to declare any combination of floor, stone, item and actor. It can also "inherit" from other cell function, which will be discussed later. Generally, there are four ways how to use cell function: cells[" "]=cell{floor="fl-sand"} cells["#"]=cell{stone="st-rock2"} cells["s"]=cell{item= "it-spring2"} cells["o"]=cell{actor="ac-whiteball-small"} That is, you can create any part of Enigma world with cell functions. You can also mix things together, like this: cells["&"]=cell{floor="fl-water", stone="st-grate1"} Each stone, actor, item and floor may have an attributes. Attributes of an object affect its behavior. For example, look at switch stone. This stone can make an action. It can open doors, turn boulders, turn on lasers etc. Zillion of things. Attributes say what exactly will it do. Or timer stone (we had one in an example above). Timer stone does an action in exactly specified intervals. Kind of action and the interval are driven, surprisingly, by an attributes. Attributes of element are defined this way: cells["~"]=cell{stone={"st-timer", {action="trigger", target="fart", interval=10}}} cells["*"]=cell{stone={"st-fart", {name="fart"}}} Syntax is as follows: something = cell{stone={"st-something", {attrib1=value1, attrib2=value2, ...}}} And similar for floors and others. Knowledge of attributes is basic for customizing behavior of the objects. You can get it by looking at a /enigma-dir/doc/CREATING-LEVELS, or, better, by studying Enigma sources. Particularly the file /enigma-dir/src/ and /enigma-dir/src/ I believe that a better documentation is underway. 3.1.3 Parents of cell{} ....................... Mechanism of parents provides mechanism that arranges cell keys to hierarchical trees. Imagine this: you want to have two surfaces in your map. A grass and a sand. Also you would like to have a grate stone over each of the surfaces. You can do something like this: cells[" "]=cell{floor="fl-sand"} cells["."]=cell{floor="fl-leaves"} cells["x"]=cell{floor="fl-sand", stone="st-grate1"} cells["X"]=cell{floor="fl-leaves", stone="st-grate1"} or, better: cells[" "]=cell{floor="fl-sand"} -- sand alone cells["."]=cell{floor="fl-leaves"} -- grass alone cells["x"]=cell{parent=cells[" "], stone="st-grate1"} -- grate over sand cells["X"]=cell{parent=cells["."], stone="st-grate1"} -- grate over leaves This is better, because once you change the surface (let's say you like fl-rough better) you have to change it in just one place. But still, it can be improved a bit: cells[" "]=cell{floor="fl-sand"} -- sand alone cells["."]=cell{floor="fl-leaves"} -- grass alone cells["g"]=cell{stone="st-grate1"} -- grate alone cells["x"]=cell{parent={cells[" "], cells["g"]}} cells["X"]=cell{parent={cells["."], cells["g"]}} And this is perfectly generic. You can replace st-grate1 with st-grate2 and everything changes by itself. You replace fl-sand with fl-rough, and sand changes to rough floor everywhere. This is one point where procedural way of creating levels is better. In map, you have to differ between grate on sand and grate on leaves, like here: level = { "####################", "#.... x ....#", "#XXXXxxxxxx ....#", "#.... xxxxxxXXXX#", "#.... x ....#", "####################" } Hierarchy: cells[" "] \ > -> cells["x"] cells["g"] < > -> cells["X"] cells["."] / You can create a way more complicated trees. You may not create circular inheritance (A has parent B, whereas B has parent A). LUA won't let you do so, but it wouldn't be very wise to do it either. (In fact, it is possible to workaround it and create such a circularity, but it brings no extra functionality, except for some stack overflows) In fact, parent function may be any function that accepts x and y as it's first two arguments. For example: function pr(x,y) print(x, y) end ... some LUA code ... cells["w"] = cell{parent={pr, cells["p"]}} This code writes x and y coordinates of element "w" for each place where element is located. This example itself is good for nothing, there are better usages of this principle. We will discuss them later, in a chapter about multiples. 3.1.4 Drawing map ................. You already saw an example map at the beginning of this document. Well, that was exactly how the maps are created. You make up the string grid, where each char represents one square of Enigma world. Map may be of any size, but it should be at least 20x13 squares, one screen map. At the end of level file, there is usually located a combo of level creating commands. Let's look: oxyd_default_flavor = "a" set_default_parent(cells[" "]) create_world_by_map(level) oxyd_shuffle() More about oxyd_default_flavor variable should be said at /enigma-dir/doc/functions.html. Generally, this variable controls how do the oxyd stones look like. At the time of writing this, it's possible to select between "a", "b", "c", and (surprisingly) "d". It's expectable that next flavor will be "e", should there be any at all. Default parent will be discussed later. Then, there is create_world_by_map. There are several more approaches available, plus you can select a name space of cells. Full command looks this way: create_world_by_map(level, cells) What means, use the map "level". Meaning of chars of this map is described in a table named "cells". However, you may omit the second argument. If you do so, ant.lua will automatically pick a table named "cells". If there is none, a warning will be displayed, and empty table used instead. 3.2 More complicated then -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2.1 Default parents ..................... Now we get to promised default parent. You already know that each cell can have a parent. Any function at all can become a parent of some cell, but it's usual to use another cells as a parents. This makes level designing somehow better to understand and once written levels are easier to maintain. This is everything very nice, but imagine a level built up completely on sand. Every floor square is sand. What happens? Look: cells[" "] = cell{floor="fl-sand"} cells["#"] = cell{parent=cells[" "], stone="st-rock3"} cells["D"] = cell{parent=cells[" "], stone="st-death"} cells["W"] = cell{parent=cells[" "], stone="st-wood"} ... It's boring cut-and-paste. If a single function is automatically parent of everything, there is no need to declare it this way. You can simply put down: set_default_parent(cells[" "]) Well, what if there is a grassy field in the middle of all that sand? No problem. Default parents get executed before any other parents, and these are in turn executed before any other cell elements. That means, that common parents always override default parents, and common cell elements (like stone, floor, ...) always override any parent. So, this is perfectly legal: cells[" "] = cell{floor="fl-sand"} cells["."] = cell{floor="fl-leaves"} cells[":"] = cell{parent=cells["."], floor="fl-himalaya"} ... set_default_parent(cells[" "]) It works as expected: all spaces in map are sand, and it's OK, as sand is default parent. All dots mean grass, even if default parent is sand. And all colons are replaced with himalayas stone floor, even if grass is declared as a parent and sand as a default parent. In fact, this is both power and weakness of the system. Parents are executed every time. They're all functions, so the engine doesn't know what exactly they're doing. It's waste of time - all default parents are executed for each cell every time it gets displayed, and all cell common parents the same. The engine doesn't know that nine out of ten parents set floor, and so he sets floor nine times. 3.2.2 Default cell meanings ........................... After first ten levels or so, you note that you use the same symbols for particular entities. For example letter 'O' for black marble, number '0' for oxyd stone, '#' for stone wall and 'D' for death stone. This made me do something like common cell meaning. Default meanings save time and code in case that you use the component in standard way. You don't have to declare such a component and ant.lua automatically pick its default meaning. For example, look again to the welcome.lua example: cells={} cells[" "]=cell{floor="fl-sand"} cells["#"]=cell{stone="st-greenbrown"} cells["~"]=cell{stone={"st-timer", {action="trigger", target="fart", interval=10}}} cells["*"]=cell{stone={"st-fart", {name="fart"}}} level = { "~##################*", "# #", "# #", "# 0 0 #", "# #", "# #", "# O #", "# #", "# #", "# 0 0 #", "# #", "# #", "####################" } The cells '0' and 'O' are not declared at all, still they may be used at a string map. That is because 'O' and '0' are bound to black marble actor and oxyd stone by default. There are more of a kind: '.' stands for "fl-abyss" 'o' stands for "ac-whiteball-small" 'W' stands for "st-wood" 'B' stands for "st-block" 'D' stands for "st-death" '=' stands for "st-glass" 'X' stands for "st-grate" And maybe some more will be declared in future. Look to ant.lua, to section 'MEANINGS FOR COMMON CELL KEYS'. Besides this, there is a bunch of map moods and modes. These moods and modes map some other cell meanings, if you turn them on. If you write this into your level file: meditation_mode() you turn on meditation mode. In this mode, letter 'O' has a special meaning of a floor pit (hollow) that has to be occupied by a small white marble for the level to be finished. Another modes and their bindings: multiplayer_mode() '1' stands for black marble '2' stands for white marble each of these marbles gets an it-yinyang automatically, so that the player can switch between the marbles. Letter 'O' has still its meaning of black marble without a yinyang item. grass_mode() '#' stands for "st-rock1" ' ' stands for "fl-leaves" metal_mode() '#' stands for "st-rock2" ' ' stands for "fl-metal" It's alike that more modes are to come in future. If you want to override the common meaning, no problem. Just declare the element in your cells table. ant.lua will look for default meaning only in case it doesn't find it there. 3.2.4 use_cells ............... When you rely on a default cell meanings, you happen to miss many of default meanings in your cells table. For example, you don't have to declare cells["#"] in metal_mode, as '#' stands for metal stone already. Well, but what if you want to use given cell as a parent? What if you want to place an actor to non-default floor. There is a sand everywhere in your map, so it's reasonable to use the sand for default parent. But you need an actor on metal floor. Typical construction looks like this: cells = {} cells["_"]=cell{floor="fl-metal"} cells["*"]=cell{parent={cell["_"], cell["O"]}} Ha! But there is no cell["O"], because you use default meanings. And who wants to declare cells["O"] - there are default meanings for you not to have to do this. Well, there is a function that helps you in such a situations: cells = {} use_cells("O") cells["_"]=cell{floor="fl-metal"} cells["*"]=cell{parent={cell["_"], cell["O"]}} That's it. Even better, if you have only one actor in your map, you can override default meaning: cells = {} use_cells("O") cells["_"]=cell{floor="fl-metal"} cells["O"]=cell{parent={cell["_"], cell["O"]}} The function can also get a cellfuncs-table as an argument. This is particularly necessary if you have your definitions in a table with the name different from 'cells'. cells2 = {} use_cells(cells2, "O", "D") It's not very common to use 'use_cells' in map, but it happens once upon a time. 3.2.3 Layered maps .................. It's also possible to map surfaces, stones and items separately. Three maps are created then, and you write: create_world_by_map(floors, fcells) draw_map(0, 0, stones, scells) draw_map(0, 0, items, icells) If you have only one table of cell meanings, named 'cells', you may write this, as 'cells' is being looked for by default: create_world_by_map(floors) draw_map(0, 0, stones) draw_map(0, 0, items) The only tricky thing to avoid is default parent - you may not use default parents in layered maps, or, the default parent may not change map itself. Imagine sand floor for the default parent. You let ant.lua draw floors, and it's OK. Then you let draw stones, and all floors are overridden by default parent. Beware. Or, draw layers in reverse order. 3.2.4 Drawing per partes ........................ Currently, it's possible to draw a map as a whole, by one command, or, for more precious drawing, draw a part of map, or draw just the squares you want to be drawn. These functions are participating in drawing process. They're organized so that the most low-level function is first and the most high-level last. function render_key(rx, ry, key, cellfuncs) function get_cell_by_xy(mx, my, map) function render_map_cell(rx0, ry0, mx, my, map, cellfuncs) function draw_map_portion(rx0, ry0, mxy0, mxy1, map, cellfuncs) function draw_map(rx0, ry0, map, cellfuncs) function prepare_world_by_map(map) function create_world_by_map(map, cellfuncs) Now we'll look on those functions briefly. render_key: render one square of world rx, ry: which square to render key: the cell key, like in string map cellfuncs: table of cell functions, may be omitted *example: render_key(5,15, '#') render_key(5,15, ' ', cells) get_cell_by_xy: get a key at given map location mx, my: coordinates of key at map map: string map render_map_cell: draw given square of map rx0, ry0: where should be left top corner of map located in world mx, my: coordinates of the cell in map map: the map cellfuncs:table of cell functions, may be omitted draw_map_portion: draw given part of map rx0, ry0: where should be left top corner of map located in world mxy0: {mx0,my0} -> coordinates of left top corner of portion mxy1: {mx1,my1} -> coordinates of right bottom corner map: string map cellfuncs:table of cell functions, may be omitted *example: draw_map_portion(0,0, {2,5}, {10,7}, level, cells) draw_map: draw whole map rx0, ry0: world coordinates of left top corner of map map: string map to be drawn cellfuncs:table of cell functions, may be omitted prepare_world_by_map: create Enigma world with the size by given map map: string map, which the size of the world is taken from create_world_by_map: create and draw Enigma world map: string map of the world cellfuncs: table of cell functions, may be omitted 3.2.5 Multichar maps .................... It could happen that you need to use the map, where each cell is defined by more than one character. You may simply create the map so complex, that you run out of chars. You may create the map, where each key is composed of three chars, first declaring floor type, second stone, third item or actor. Generally it's not used, but there is a possibility to do so. Functions in ant.lua can work with such a maps. There is only one thing that you have to do, to let ant.lua know what key width you are using, that is, how many chars are the keys composed of. That thing is: set_cell_key_width(w) where 'w' stands for the width of key. By default it's 1, and you can use any positive whole number that you want. String maps have to reflect cell key width. If you have got a cell key width of 2, strings in map simply cannot have lengths like 7 or 13. Let's convert our example map to multichar: Require("levels/ant.lua") cells={} cells[" "]=cell{floor="fl-sand"} cells["##"]=cell{stone="st-greenbrown"} cells["~~"]=cell{stone={"st-timer", {action="trigger", target="fart", interval=10}}} cells["**"]=cell{stone={"st-fart", {name="fart"}}} level = { "~~####################################**", "## ##", "## ##", "## 00 00 ##", "## ##", "## ##", "## OO ##", "## ##", "## ##", "## 00 00 ##", "## ##", "## ##", "########################################" } oxyd_default_flavor = "a" set_cell_key_width(2) set_default_parent(cells[" "]) create_world_by_map(level) oxyd_shuffle() How are default cell meanings parsed in case of multichar maps? Well, there may be some default meanings, but it's not alike. However, the engine tries. It it doesn't find any meaning among both common cell functions table and default meanings, it picks first char and tries again. So '00' becomes oxyd stone, as well as '0$' or anything else with zero as first char. Behavior of some ant.lua functions may be changed by the fact that the map is multichar. For example, get_map_width() returns correct map size, even if strings in map are twice (three times, ...) longer. get_cell_by_xy() gives back correct cell key, not the char located at, say, [7,15], but the string of two (three, ...) chars located at map position [7,15]. And so on... 3.3 cell{} to depth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.1 Checker floor ................... Sometimes you want to create something as basic as a checkerboard floor. It's, in my opinion, nice design element. You would expect this to be no problem, but... Well, it generally is not a problem in procedural way of map design. But if you have to draw the checkerboard into string map, you soon find out terrible truth. It's boring and map looks messy. I tried, too. And this experience made me to create a mechanism to draw checkerboard floors. This mechanism may be happily used also to create checkerboard stones or anything, but most common it's used for creating floors, thus its name. Syntax is as follows: cells={} cells[";"]=cell{floor="fl-tigris"} cells[","]=cell{floor="fl-sahara"} cells[" "]=cell{{{checkerfloor,{cells[","], cells[";"]}}}} It's kinda LISPy, due to special syntax that we will discuss later on. In fact, this is special case of calling parent. Also, you could write something like this: cells[" "]=cell{parent={{checkerfloor, {cells[","], cells[";"]}}}} and it is the same. By default, a grid of 1x1 square is done, checkerboard squares have the size of one precious Enigma world stone. There are arguments, that change this: sahara= cell{floor="fl-sahara"} tigris= cell{floor="fl-tigris"} solidfloor= cell{{{checkerfloor,{sahara,tigris; side=2, offset=1}}}} Argument 'side' changes the size of the square: here each of the squares takes up area of four stones: 2x2. Argument 'offset' does exactly what it sounds like: it 'shifts' the grid. By default, left top corner of first square of checkerboard is aligned with left top corner of world (square coordinates [0,0]). Offset of 1 moves it to the square [1,1]. Also you can create asymmetric constructions. You may specify also these attributes: sidex: to specify width of squares sidey: to specify height of squares offsetx: to shift the grid to right offsety: to shift the grit down 3.3.2 Random floor .................. Random floor is a similar case to checkerboards. You need one once upon a time and creating such a floor by hand is boring and not so very random as one wishes. That was the reason behind creating random floor parent. Just like the checker floor, also this parent may be used to construct anything random. Random stones, random items, you choose. Random floor is constructed like in this example: normal = cell{floor="fl-rough"} invert = cell{floor="fl-inverse"} tiles = cell{{{randomfloor, {normal, invert}}}} You see, the syntax is very similar to that used in checker floor parent. Soon, you will see this is no coincidence. You can declare as many random elements as you want: normal = cell{floor="fl-rough"} invert = cell{floor="fl-inverse"} sahara = cell{floor="fl-sahara"} tigris = cell{floor="fl-tigris"} tiles = cell{{{randomfloor, {normal, invert, sahara, tigris}}}} Great, you think. What if I want one item to occur more often? The answer is item occurrence factor. Each item may be followed by a number, which declares how often the tile will occur compared to others. If you omit the number (like in above examples), factor of 1 is default. See the example: tigris = cell{floor="fl-tigris"} samba = cell{floor="fl-samba"} stone = cell{floor="fl-stone"} cells[" "] = cell{{{randomfloor, tigris, 3, samba, 1, stone, 20}}} In this case, the floor tiles will be picked in ratio 3:1:20. Most often, the stone floor will occur, approximately twenty times more often than samba floor. Tigris floor will occur less often, approximately three times more than samba. A function 'random' is used to pick random number. Result of the function may be modified by the function 'randomseed', which initiates random seed generator: randomseed(666) -- a truly evil landscape randomseed(date"%d%H%M%S") -- 'real' randomness 3.3.3 Curried function construction ................................... Let's look at a parent functions again. Cell parents provide interface to call another functions. In fact, common cell construction: tigris = cell{floor="fl-tigris"} just assigns a function to name 'tigris'. Later on, you may write things like this: tigris(5, 15) and this means 'place a tigris floor to the square located at [5,15]'. Just as simple. If you construct a cell function like this: cells["%"] = cell{parent=tigris, stone="st-glass"} you just let the function cells["%"] execute the function tigris before everything else. Note, cells["%"] is also function, so you can happen to write things like cells["%"](5, 15)! The rule is: each function may be used as an parent. If it accepts some arguments, first two of them have to be (x,y). Like here, in the example we've seen before: function pr(x,y) print(x, y); end cells["w"] = cell{parent=pr} If you enclose them to the curly brackets, you can call several parents at one run: cells["w"] = cell{parent={pf1, pf2, pf3}} Finally, you may omit leading 'parent=' - if ant.lua finds no 'parent' assignment, it automatically looks for the first item of the table. So, this is perfectly legal: cells["w"] = cell{{pf1, pf2, pf3}} Another problem is passing arguments to parent functions. Let's look to randomfloor parent example once more: tiles = cell{{{randomfloor, {normal, invert}}}} The same could be written also this way: tiles = cell{parent={{randomfloor, {normal, invert}}}} Let's convert it to syntactical rule: tiles = cell{parent={{function_name, argument}}} And we are done. If you enclose parent to double curly brackets, it becomes curry function construction. First element of inner table is function name, all other elements are function arguments. If you omit leading 'parent=', you'll get to triple-curly-encapsulation, rather common in maps with ant.lua: function pr(x,y, greet, name) print(greet..", "" from ["..x..","..y.."]!") end hallo = cell{{{pr, "Hallo", "world"}}} hallo(2,3) This code chunk will produce: "Hallo, world from [2,3]!" Still not at the end. This construction lets you create so called curried constructions. Curried functions are used in some programming languages (Haskell for example). What ant.lua provides is far from curried functions known from such a languages, but it's somehow similar. Look at this to see what's going on: hallo0 = cell{{{pr, "Hallo", "world"}}} hallo1 = cell{{{pr, "Hallo"}}} hallo2 = cell{{{hallo1, "world"}}} hallo0(2,3) hallo1(2,3, "world") hallo2(2,3) pr(2,3, "Hallo", "world") Of course, all these function calls produce the same output. Curried function calls are rather common in maps that use ant.lua. Later on we'll take a look at 'object multiples' - this thing is completely build on top of curried function call. And features like railway generator, puzzle generator or slope generator stand on object groups in turn. It could be said that most features of ant.lua use curried call. ================================================================================ 4] FUNCTIONAL APPROACH ================================================================================ 4.1 Fills, borders, ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several functions for drawing Enigma maps in init.lua. Most of them (if not all) have their counterparts in ant.lua. The difference is, that init.lua functions work with stone/floor/item names, but ant.lua function works with functions. Let's look at how are the basic function, filling the world and drawing border, declared: function fill_world_func(fillfunc, x0, y0, w, h) function draw_border_func(fillfunc, x0, y0, w, h) function draw_func_corners(fillfunc, x0, y0, w, h) You see, first argument is a function, then there are coordinates of area to be filled. The area may actually be omitted completely, and then whole world is filled/bordered at once. Function 'draw_func_corners' behaves similarly to 'draw_border_func', except that it draws only the four corners of given area. As to the 'fillfunc', this can be any function at all, but preferably it should look something like this: function fill(x,y) do_something(x,y) end This function will be executed for each cell at given area (that is for the fill_world function), or for each cell of the border of given area (that is for draw_border function). Note, that also cell{} function have got the form of func(x,y), so you can happily use them: floor0 = cell{floor="fl-himalaya"} stone0 = cell{stone="st-rock4"} actor0 = cell{actor={"ac-blackball", {player=0}}} create_world(20, 13) fill_world_func(floor0) draw_border_func(stone0) actor0(5,5) And we are done. Note that if you haven't got a string map, you must use common function create_world(w,h). How to fill/border/cornerify just a given portion of map? Well, use x0, y0, x, h arguments of function: fill_world_func(floor0, 39, 1, 19, 11) init.lua provides a single function to let you draw a checkerboard of selected floor kinds. In ant.lua there is no function alike. It's possible to do it this way: normal = cell{floor="fl-normal"} invers = cell{floor="fl-inverse"} checker= cell{{{checkerfloor, {normal, invers}}}} fill_world_func(checker) This mechanism is much more generic. You use the same filling function as usual, just add the function that generates checker floor. Note that creating random floor is a matter of rewriting 'checkerfloor' to 'randomfloor', and you can create checkers/randoms from floors, stones, items and even an actors. 4.2 init.lua counterparts - set_, draw_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The library also provides functions similar to set_ and draw_functions from init.lua. Group of 'set_' functions in init.lua was aimed to place a single item/stone/floor/actor to given position. As usual, ant.lua does the same with a single function set_funcs: function set_funcs(fillfunc, poslist) Where 'fillfuncs' is a function to be executed on given positions, and 'poslist' are those positions. Look at examples: set_funcs(doorA, {{2,1},{2,11},{10,1},{10,11}}) set_funcs(fakeoxyd, {{1,1},{1,11}}) set_funcs(oxyd, {{18,1},{18,11}}) Argument 'poslist' is really a list of positions, as you expected. You got the idea. It's also possible to execute several functions at once, though this is seldom used: set_funcs({abyss, doorA}, {{2,1},{2,11},{10,1},{10,11}}) Another useful function is draw_funcs. This is similar to draw_floor, draw_items and others from init.lua. Draw_funcs executes given function at several places in one row: function draw_func(fillfunc, {x0,y0}, {dx,dy}, steps) Real life examples follow: draw_func(stone, {3,2}, {0,1}, 11) draw_func(abyss, {13,0}, {0,1}, 13) First in list is function to be executed, then starting location follows, then increment and finally number of steps to proceed. First line of above example says: "take a function 'stone' and call it for x,y coordinates beginning at {3,2}, and ending up at {3,12}". So, given {dx,dy} is continually added to initial location {x0,y0} exactly 'steps' times, and for each location the function is called. More general syntax is this: function draw_func(fillfunc, xylist, dxdylist, steps) This syntax allows you to use several {x0,y0} locations or several {dx,dy} increments. Let's look at examples: draw_func(stone, {{1,1},{5,1}}, {0,1}, 10) Two vertical rows of 'stones' are drawn, each consisting of ten stone blocks, the first starting at {1,1}, second at {5,1}. draw_func(stone, {0,0}, {{0,1}, {1,0}} 10) Two rows of ten stones are drawn, one horizontal and one vertical, both starting at {0,0}. Also you can use table of functions, if you want to execute several function for each cell: draw_func({floor0, stone0}, {0,0}, {0,1}, 10) Last function of this sub-chapter is 'ngon' drawing function. It's particularly useful for placing several actors to circular/ triangular/ pentagonal/ any other polygonal settings. Basic syntax follows: function ngon_funcs(fillfunc, xylist, radiuslist, count) * fillfuncs: this is, as usual, a function or several functions in a table. * xylist: this is {x0,y0} coordinates of a polygon center. You may also specify several locations, if you want to create several polygons, like in draw_func. * radiuslist: this is a single number, if you want to create a single polygon, or a table of numbers, if you want to create several concentric polygons. * count: a number of elements in polygon A real-world example: ngon_funcs(actor, {10,10}, 2.25, 3) To turn whole polygon by a given angle, include that angle as a last function argument: ngon_funcs(actor, {10,10}, 2.25, 3, 60) And finally, if you want to place stones, floors and items, you have to round their coordinates (you simply cannot place a floor tile to {1.63, 7.25}). This is done via 'roundfunc' syntax: function ngon_funcs(fillfunc, xylist, radiuslist, count, alpha0, roundfunc) For example: ngon_funcs(actor, {10,10}, 2.25, 3, 60, floor) 'floor' is a name of a mathematical function, not a function to draw Enigma floor. You could also use for example 'ceil'. To be precious, you can use any function, that accepts one argument and results it's modified value: function f0(x) return x*x end ngon_funcs(actor, {10,10}, 2.25, 3, 60, f0) But I have no idea what would this be good for :) 4.3 Coordinate mangling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very impressive feature of whole cell{} function mechanism is, that it provides a way to transform a coordinates automatically for you. Maybe you know the problem with placing the items to lower and right edges of map - one never knows what exactly to subtract from level_width to get the right value. Look at the piece of code from the welcome-map example: oxyd(3,3) oxyd(level_width-4,level_height-4) oxyd(level_width-4, 3) oxyd(3,level_height-4) What this piece actually does, is that it places the four oxyd stones to location [3,3] relatively to the four corners of map. Even this line of code: oxyd(level_width-4,level_height-4) Actually means 'place the oxyd three from bottom and three from right', or something alike. In ant.lua code, you can simply write: oxyd( 3, 3) oxyd(-3,-3) oxyd(-3, 3) oxyd( 3,-3) As we all know that negative coordinates don't exist in Enigma, ant.lua converts those so that they become relative to lower/right edges of map. Simple as that. What is even better? It's possible to use coordinates list: oxyd({{3,3}, {-3,-3}, {-3,3}, {3,-3}}) This is good enough, but for the cases like this one, where you need to place some entity to the four corners of imaginary rectangle, there is a function: draw_func_corners(fillfunc, x0, y0, w, h) The tricky thing is that the function requires 'w' and 'h' arguments. This means that you cannot simply write: draw_func_corners(oxyd, 3, 3, -3, -3) as this time, '-3' means 'three squares less than width of the map'. Use this instead: draw_func_corners(oxyd, 3, 3, -6, -6) ================================================================================ 5] OBJECT GROUPS ================================================================================ 5.1 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are object groups? What are they good for? Generally, object group is nothing but a table filled with some special data. If those data are interpreted correctly, they may happen to become stones, actors, floors, coordinates or other meaningful constructions. Imagine that you want to build a map. There are four doors, one in each level corner. And one switch in a center. Now, how do you get all doors open at the same time, after someone switches the button? You use object group, so-called multiple. That multiple holds all the doors at one table, and it can open/close them upon button switch. The advantage is, that you can add as many doors as you want to map, and all will open at once. Another example: a rubber bands. If you want to connect several actors, or actors and stones with rubber bands, you add them to multiple and after the level is drawn, you bind them together with one command. Let's look at some real-world example: cells["O"]=cell{{{add_multiactor, "ac-blackball", actors, {player=0}, 2}}} cells["%"]=cell{{{add_multistone, "st-rock3", stones}}} ... code,map,stuff ... create_world_by_map(level) add_rubber_bands(actors, stones, -10, 4) That's all. No matter how much actors are there, no matter how much stones are they to be bound to. We'll talk about rubber bands more later. Now, as you got the idea what is it good for, let's move on. 5.2 Common multiples -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2.1 Multielement functions ............................ There are four basic object multiples in ant.lua: add_multistone(x, y, face, group, attribs) add_multifloor(x, y, face, group, attribs) add_multiitem(x, y, face, group, attribs) add_multiactor(x, y, face, group, attribs, actor_mode) Basic difference between them is obvious. Step one when creating a multiple is to define a group. It's usual to store the object to logical groups - doors that should open at once have to be in one group, actors to be bound by rubber bands have to be in another. To define a group, do this: group = {} That's it. This has to be done for each group, so that LUA has a space to add objects to. The above example should look like this: actors={} stones={} cells["O"]=cell{{{add_multiactor, "ac-blackball", actors, {player=0}, 2}}} cells["%"]=cell{{{add_multistone, "st-rock3", stones}}} This example also shows a step two. You have to create a rule to fill a multiple with objects. In above example, the group named 'actors' is filled up with the rule add_multiactor ("ac-blackball", the black marble) and 'stones' group is filled up with stones "st-rock3". It's possible to mix up several kinds of elements in one group. For example, it's perfectly reasonable if you store a doors and bridges in one group, and then let them all open/close at once. openables={} cells["-"]=cell{{{add_multistone, "st-door", openables, {type="h"}}}} cells["|"]=cell{{{add_multistone, "st-door", openables, {type="v"}}}} cells["T"]=cell{{{add_multifloor, "fl-bridge", openables, {name="bridgeA"}}}} Moreover, it's also possible to have one object placed in several groups. I've never need such a thing, but it's well possible to do so: openables={} stones={} cells["-(1)"]=cell{{{add_multistone, "st-door", openables, {type="h"}}}} cells["-(2)"]=cell{{{add_multistone, "st-door", stones, {type="h"}}}} cells["-"]= cell{parent={cells["-(1)"], cells["-(2)"]}} cells["D"]= cell{{{add_multistone, "st-death", stones}}} cells["T"]= cell{{{add_multifloor, "fl-bridge", openables, {name="bridgeA"}}}} In this example, the element "-" is added both to 'openables' and 'stones'. Like I said, this is not very common :) 5.2.2 Group actions ................... Fine, so we know everything about creating a group, yet there was no example of real usage. The simplest usage is to send a message to all elements in group. In one of above examples, the group 'openables' grouped together all the elements that could work with a 'openclose' message: send_group_message(openables, "open", nil) This function has the same syntax and semantics as a 'send_message' from init.lua, it just accepts a group of objects at a first place. You can use this on groups of objects only. Since now, there were only the object groups, that is, the groups made up of stones, floors, items and actors. But this will change soon. Sending a message is not the only thing to be done with object group. You can also change the attribute of grouped objects. As in the above case, you can only do this with game elements - stones, floors, you know. This is done this way: set_group_attribs(bolders, {direction=EAST}) First argument is object group, second the attributes to be changed (like in 'set_attribs' from init.lua). 5.2.3 Rubber bands .................. Creating a rubber bands is kinda tricky in a string-map-based level. How to mark which objects should be rubber-banded together? Answer is object groups. Basically, you need two groups for this, one with the objects 'from' which the rubber band be made, and another with the object 'to' which the rubber band will be made. In fact, you can well use the same group for both, and it's often used. There are several rubber-banding functions. We'll go through all of them. First, imagine you want to rubber band each actors with each bolder. Actors are in first group, bolders in another. You can do it this way: add_rubber_bands(actors, bolders, 5, 0) That is, bind each actor with each bolder by rubber band of length 0 and force 5. In a special case of one bolder in 'bolders' group, all actors are bound to a single bolder. In another special case of a single actor in a 'actors' group, poor actor is bound to all bolders. And finally, if there is a single actor and a single bolder, they are simply bound together. Another useful construction is to create a rubber band pairs. This time, you really need two different groups. First object from first group is then bound with first object from second group, second from first group with second from second group, and so on: add_rubber_band_pairs(actors, blocks, 10, 0) It's really useful to have both the groups populated by same number of elements. Above example is picked from a meditation landscape, where each of the small white marbles is bound to one stone block. Last rubber banding function is 'rubber_band_circle'. This time you only need a single group. First object of the group is bound with second, the second is bound with third, and so on. Last one is then bound with the first: rubber_band_circle(actors, 10, 2) In Enigma, you are only allowed to bind the actor and stone or the actor and actor. Because of this, the group in this case has to be made up of the actors only, or, more exactly, the two neighboring elements may not be stone-stone. It's not possible to bind the actor to floor or item, so avoid using those object in rubber band constructions completely. 5.3 Generic multielements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Besides multielements that represent Enigma game objects, there are several so-called generic multielements. Those usually cannot accept multimessages, nor can their attributes be changed by change_group_attribs. These multielements are used in special ant.lua utilities - train-, wormhole- and slope-generator. Everything that was said about common multielements is true for generic multielements, too. They are stored in a table, that has to be declared, so the basic construction looks like this: group={} cells["!"]=cell{{{add_*, group, ...}}} Where add_* stands for the multielement function, group is group which the multielement should be given to, and '...' stands for 'another arguments'. Generic multielement functions are these: function add_multicell(x, y, group, tag) function add_multiobject(x, y, group, func) function add_multitag(x, y, group, tag, func) In upcoming chapters, each of them will be talked about a bit. 5.3.1 add_multicell ................... Each multicell element holds three values: two coordinates (x,y) and a 'tag' value. For example: slopes={} cells["*"]=cell{{{add_multicell, slopes, -1}}} This example will add an element to the 'slopes' table for each asterisk in your string map. Every such element will be tagged to -1. add_multicell element is the most widely used one. 5.3.2 add_multiobject ..................... Another multielement is add_multiobject. This is used rather seldom, much much lesser than add_multicell. Multiobject function is similar to multicell, except for the tag, which is 'function' this time: function add_multiobject(x, y, group, func) Given function gets executed with the (x,y) coordinates, and its result is stored to given table. Real-world examples are rather obscure constructions like this one: cells = {} use_cells(cells, "O") cells["O"]=cell{{{add_multiobject, actors, cells["O"]}}} cells["O"] is a function, we all know. This function has in fact a return value. Simply said, cell{} function that places an actor return this actor. Cell function that creates a stone return this stone. And so on. Because of use_cells(cells, "O") the default meaning for "O" will be added to cells[] table. And add_multiobject will thus add its return value, that is just created actor, to the 'actors' table. In fact, the function can be anything. It doesn't have to result in Enigma object, like in above example. It may well return string or number, or even the table. It's up to you, the level designer, if you find use for this construction. 5.3.3 add_multitag .................. This function is remainder from first implementation of slopes generator. Currently it's used in no map at all, due to it's special nature. function add_multitag(x, y, group, tag, func) add_multitag can store several elements under one tag number (or tag-string, if you pass string for a tag). Structure of a constructed table may look like this: group={ [1]={{5,7},{6,7},{7,7},{9,15}}, [2]={{1,3},{9,3},{1,9},{9,9}} } So, the idea is to store under each tag number a list of coordinates - thus effectively grouping several groups together. As a bonus, each element can have a tag number of its own, which may look like this: group={ [1]={{5,7,"yet"},{6,7,"another"},{7,7,"boring"},{9,15,"multiple"}} } If you do not specify this extra tag number, the tag number of a group is taken: group={ [1]={{5,7,1},{6,7,1}}, [2]={{1,3,2},{9,3,2}} } The 'function' argument of add_multitag is processed in a special way. If it's a function, it's executed with (x,y) arguments, and its result is stored as a tag. Otherwise the value of 'function' itself is stored as a tag. If nil is passed (or the argument is omitted completely), value of a 'tag' is passed as tag. What is this good for? Well... like I said, this is remainder of first slope generator implementation, pure feature creep. If you find use for this, well. Currently there is none. It's well possible that the function will be removed. 5.4 Worm holes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4.1 Forewords ............... Worm hole pairs are nice map addition, seen in many maps across all Enigma map packages. However if you want to create such a pair by traditional resources, you find out that it's far from the comfort of moving letters across the string map. You have to change attributes of given worm hole directly - by choosing another pair of numbers. And as I really am a lazy person, the first thing to do when creating map with wormholes, was to add a generator that would just simplify this task. 5.4.2 Technical background .......................... Wormholes in Enigma have a simple purpose. If an actor enters wormhole, it's moved to arbitrary location in Enigma world. Thus, each worm hole has to be fed up with coordinates of target. The work of wormhole generator stands on top of object groups. You feed the generator with a table of worm hole items and a table of worm hole targets, and it puts them into pairs and create appropriate items with the right attributes. Both the worm holes and their targets are special table of multicells. Basic scheme is this: * declare group for wholes and wtargets * declare whole symbols and wtarget symbols for cells[] * let the map be drawn * render worm holes 5.4.3 Setting up cell{} functions ................................. At first, you have to declare the groups: holes={} targets={} Now add a wormhole pairs. There is function that does this for you, called 'worm_hole_pair': worm_hole_pair(cellfuncs, whole_cell, tgt_cell, whole_parent, tgt_parent, whole_grp, tgt_grp, tagnumber) * cellfuncs is a table of cell functions (usually cells[]) * whole_cell is a letter that will stand for worm hole on string map * tgt_cell is a letter that will stand for a worm hole target * whole_parent is a function to be used as a parent of worm hole cell * tgt_parent is a function to be used as a parent of worm hole target * whole_grp is a group of worm holes * tgt_grp is table of worm hole targets * tagnumber is unique number that identifies the wormhole-target pair For example, the setting might look this way: worm_hole_pair(cells, "A", "a", cells[" "], cells[" "], holes, targets, 1) worm_hole_pair(cells, "B", "b", cells["_"], cells["_"], holes, targets, 2) worm_hole_pair(cells, "C", "c", cells["_"], cells["_"], holes, targets, 3) If you need some special fine-tuning, you can write the same this way (in the example, there is a "A"-"a" pair defined): cellfuncs["A"] = cell{{cells["_"], {add_multicell, holes, 1}}} cellfuncs["a"] = cell{{cells[" "], {add_multicell, targets, 1}}} 5.4.4 Setting up the map ........................ In map, you simply place the whole-letters and wtarget-letters to their places, so that they represent desired actor hyper-jumps. level = { "###################", "#A # a#", "# # #", "# # #", "#b # B#", "###################" } 5.4.5 Post-execution code ......................... When map is drawn, the mission doesn't end yet. You now have the holes{} and targets{} tables filled with reasonable informations. Now, the worm hole generator can transform it to worm holes for you: create_world_by_map(level) render_wormholes(holes, targets, {strength=10, range=5}) And we're done. The important thing is to call generator after the world is drawn. 5.4.6 Multiple wholes per one target .................................... If you want several worm holes to move actor to a single location, just give them same tag-numbers: wholes={} wtgts={} worm_hole_pair(cells, "A", "b", cells[" "], cells[" "], wholes, wtgts, 2) worm_hole_pair(cells, "B", "d", cells[" "], cells[" "], wholes, wtgts, 4) worm_hole_pair(cells, "C", "b", cells[" "], cells[" "], wholes, wtgts, 2) worm_hole_pair(cells, "D", "a", cells[" "], cells[" "], wholes, wtgts, 1) worm_hole_pair(cells, "E", "c", cells[" "], cells[" "], wholes, wtgts, 3) worm_hole_pair(cells, "F", "d", cells[" "], cells[" "], wholes, wtgts, 4) worm_hole_pair(cells, "G", "c", cells[" "], cells[" "], wholes, wtgts, 3) worm_hole_pair(cells, "H", "a", cells[" "], cells[" "], wholes, wtgts, 1) In the example, worm holes "A" and "C" move actor to target denoted by "b". Please note that it's tag-numbers what is important, and that tag numbers have to match with the letter of target location (all pairs tagged with number 2 have the same target letter: "b"). 5.5 Railways -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5.1 What are railways ....................... Railways, or trains, are the constructions in Enigma maps, that... that actually behave like a train. Train has fixed, predefined journey, a rail. On this rail there is arbitrary number of vehicles moving, each of them "drawing" Enigma tiles (usually floors). It's usual that "train" is composed of two vehicles: one that sets up the floor and another that replaces it with abyss, water or other lethal surface. Trains are actually incorporated to three of my Enigma maps: ant08 (Mourning Palace), ant10 (Circularity) and ant11 (Cannonball). Go on and look at them if you want to find out what's going on exactly. 5.5.2 Technical background .......................... Each train (that is a vehicle/railway combination) is defined by two tables: * table of cells that the railway consists of * table of engines - path constructors and destructors Basic idea is, that in each tick, each of engines is moved on to the next cell of the railway. Each engine marks its rail - every field it enters is marked with its tag number, causing that it never can step on this field again (this prevents the engine from loosing its direction). So, the engine tagged with '1' can step only to fields, that are not marked with '1', and similarly for '0'. Engines with tag '1' are called 'constructors', and those are 'locomotive' of the train. Engines tagged with '0' are destructors, and they are acting as a last wagon of a train. Their mission is to erase tagnumber, so that locomotive can move to the field later, when it visits it again. The path should be circular, and one field thick. In fact, engines are always trying to keep their direction, so that they do not turn until they have to. Thus it could be possible to create a two-fields thick railway. It's not very simple though, and I never tried it. The train will fail if it goes into the tight corner - it cannot invert its direction. 5.5.3 Setting up cell{} functions ................................. To setup a rail, you need four cells. One for train constructor, one for train destructor, one for the body of train and one for the pathway. Example of a typical construction follows: path = {} loco = {} cells["!"]=cell{parent={cells["."], {add_multicell, path, 0}}} cells["_"]=cell{parent={cells["!"], {add_multicell, path, 1}, cells["'"]}} cells["c"]=cell{parent={cells["_"], {add_multicell, loco, construct}}} cells["d"]=cell{parent={cells["!"], {add_multicell, loco, destruct}}} That means: * cells marked "!" are part of path and are tagged to zero * cells marked "_" are also part of path, but are tagged to 1 instead * cells marked "c" are engines, and are tagged by function 'construct' * cells marked "d" are also engines, but are tagged by function 'destruct' Note that one of parents of cells["!"] function is cells["."], denoting that outside the train, there is abyss (or whatever happens to be under cells["."]). Similarly, cells["_"] has cells["'"] as a parent, and this is how the train body will look like. This is how the path and train looks like after startup, after the train starts to move, 'construct' and 'destruct' functions drive what will be displayed! If you want to simple setup, do this: path = {} loco = {} cells["."]=cell{how does the railway look like} cells["'"]=cell{how does the train look like} cells["!"]=cell{parent={cells["."], {add_multicell, path, 0}}} cells["_"]=cell{parent={cells["!"], {add_multicell, path, 1}, cells["'"]}} cells["c"]=cell{parent={cells["_"], {add_multicell, loco, cells["'"]}}} cells["d"]=cell{parent={cells["!"], {add_multicell, loco, cells["."]}}} This is not very wise, as cells[] functions are bloated with functionality. Remember all these curried constructions and the like - they provide much power, but this drawbacks in rather slow execution (up to four times slower than init.lua functions). Both 'construct' and 'destruct' functions are called repeatedly each tick, for each move the train does. The faster they are, the better. In my opinion, it's better to create hard-core functions that do the dirty work fast enough: function construct(x, y) set_floor("fl-normal", x, y) end function destruct(x, y) set_floor("fl-abyss", x, y) end cells["."]=construct cells["'"]=destruct cells["!"]=cell{parent={cells["."], {add_multicell, path, 0}}} cells["_"]=cell{parent={cells["!"], {add_multicell, path, 1}, cells["'"]}} cells["c"]=cell{parent={cells["_"], {add_multicell, loco, construct}}} cells["d"]=cell{parent={cells["!"], {add_multicell, loco, destruct}}} 5.5.4 Binding the train to railway .................................. Now you have the cells declared, but still the train is not ready. You have to make up the function that moves engines on the railway each time it's called. Don't worry, it is as simple as this: rail = new_rail(loco, path) Now, each time the rail() function gets called, it moves all the engines ahead, processing 'construct' and 'destruct' functions. To do this repeatedly (your train should move on fluently), let the function be called by timer stone: cells["~"]=cell{stone={"st-timer", {action="callback", target="rail", interval=0.15}}} Ready. Now just draw the map and you are done. 5.5.5 Setting up the map ........................ In your string map, the path will be denoted by exclamation marks, the train by underscores, locomotives by 'c' and last wagons by 'd'. Don't forget to add a timer stone '~' to make your train move! Result map could look this way: level = { "####################", "#!!!!!!! !!c___d!!#", "#! !!!! !#", "#!!!!! !!!!#", "# !!!!!!!!!!! #", "###################~" } And that is all. Congratulations, your map just got a train. 5.6 Puzzles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.6.1 Forewords ............... Puzzles are popular map constructions overall. The puzzle consists of several 'puzzle stones', that may only be moved together. You can create constructions of dozens puzzle stones as well as two or three stones big ones. Creating puzzles is not complicated at all, it's simply boring. It means that you have to declare several cells to become several kinds of puzzle stones - one with sockets to left and down, one with up and right, one with left, down and right, one with... You got it. But if you want to create so called 'complete cluster' (each stone of puzzle has all the sockets connected to other stones), it's just a matter of dumb work to make up a cluster elements out of the cluster layout. This is where ant.lua brings help. In fact, it's somehow possible to create also open clusters, but this feature is not very strong and generally you better rely on boring hard-coding cell functions. 5.6.2 Technical background .......................... The puzzle generator aims at creating complete puzzle clusters. It needs a table, in which there are coordinates of a puzzle stones, reads this table and places right puzzle elements to Enigma world. In the table, there is in fact a 'layout' of a puzzle cluster. The step-by-step recipe to create a puzzle cluster is here: * declare a layout table * declare a cell function that represents cell stone * draw a map * render puzzles 5.6.3 Setting up puzzle ....................... You have to declare a table where LUA will store the layout in. This is done in usual way: puzzles = {} Next, declare a cell function: cells["*"]=cell{{{add_multicell, puzzles}}} Now draw the string map: level = { "####################", "# #", "# *** *** #", "# * ***** * #", "#*** *** #", "####################" } And draw it: create_world_by_map(level) Like in case of wormholes, in this moment the table of puzzles is filled with information about layout of puzzle. You just have to pass this information to puzzle generator: render_puzzles(puzzles) Done! 5.6.4 Fake puzzles .................. There is one more feature of the puzzle generator, that can help you in creating incomplete puzzles. You can declare a cell to act as if there is a puzzle stone, but in fact no stone is rendered there. Effectively this will make neighboring stones to open thir sockets to this field. To set up this fake puzzle stone, declare the puzzle cell this way: cells["&"]=cell{{{add_multicell, puzzles, 2}}} Then the puzzle won't be generated on given map element, but it's neighbors will have their sockets opened in this direction like there should be one. 5.6.5 Puzzle kinds .................. There are several puzzle kinds in enigma. There is a classic puzzle, an Oxyd1 compatible puzzle, plus 'st-bigbrick' stone that is actually being constructed like a puzzle (it has nearly the same attributes as 'st-puzzle' does). To let level designer choose a puzzle kind, it's possible to pass a 'kind' argument to a render_puzzles() function. If this argument is omitted, ant.lua automatically picks a 'puzzle' kind. If it's supplied, it has to be a function with this interface: function some_puzzle(x, y, connections) In init.lua, there are currently (at time of writing this) two functions with necessary syntax and semantics: puzzle() and puzzle2() (for Oxyd1 compatible puzzles). The call then looks this way: render_puzzles(puzzles1) render_puzzles(puzzles2, puzzle2) You could declare your own rendering function. For example: function bigbrick(x, y, conn) set_stone("st-bigbrick", x, y, {connections=conn}) end render_puzzles(puzzles3, bigbrick) 5.7 Slopes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7.1 Forewords ............... Slopes are Enigma construction that pushes the actor to move in one direction. It's gradiented floor. Gradients can create really big constructions, beveled areas, both sunken and raised. With slopes, its very similar to puzzles. Both the fact, that declaring cell functions is boring, and the way the slopes are generated. 5.7.2 Technical background .......................... Slope generator can create a wide variety of slope settings, but some things it's simply unable to do. It has no intelligence, it's just automaton that reads input data and based on them it decides what kind of slope will be on this or that place. It works on a pattern matching basis. Each cell setup is compared with a table of patterns, the nearest one is picked up and we hope it's the right one. It happens that some complicated settings are just not parsed the right way, or there are ambiguities. There is no simple remedy for this situation, than to add another pattern to patterns database. Most of the time, the patterns match just well and slopes are happily (and correctly) generated. Next thing is setting up where is the center of desired shape. The program needs to know how to shape slopes, whether "up-down" or "down-up". The point that declares where is the "upside" of sloped shape is called 'pivot'. The basic step-by-step recipe follows: * create table for slopes and pivots * create cell functions for slopes and pivots * create map * let the pivot be spread * render slopes Most of work is done by ant.lua for you, but there are some steps that may require some skill and experience. 5.7.3 Setting up cell{} functions ................................. Tables for cells and pivots are created in common fashion: slopes={} pivots={} Into 'slopes', the overall layout of the shape will be placed. This is similar table to the one used in puzzle generator. In 'pivots' table, the locations of 'central points' are stored. Next, cell functions are created: cells["*"]=cell{{{add_multicell, slopes, 1}}} cells["&"]=cell{{{add_multicell, pivots, slopes}, cells[" "]}} You see, add_multicell is used once more. Tag '1' has meaning of 'here be the slope'. Cell '&' is tagged by the slopes table. This way the pivots are bound to slopes, so that it is possible to lay several concentric slope shapes. 5.7.4 Setting up the map ........................ Now the map is populated with the asterisks, representing the slope boundary, and one or more pivot ampersands, placed *INSIDE* that boundary. Please note that it's really necessary to place a pivot inside a closed boundary, otherwise the stack overflows, or others errors occur. level = { "####################", "# ************** #", "# *& * #", "# * * #", "# ************** #", "####################" } 5.7.5 Post-execution code ......................... After the map is drawn, the tables are fed up with information about the shape. Now two steps have to be done: the pivot has to be spread, so that the whole boundary gets filled, and program can effectively differ between "up" and "down". Then, the slope can be rendered. Piece of code that processes the thing looks right like this: create_world_by_map(level) spread_tag(pivots) render_slopes(slopes) That's it. Slopes got rendered and everyone is happy. 5.7.6 Mixing several slopes ........................... Sometimes you want to create several slopes where one bounds another. You could need to create two slopes overlapping. It can happen (it happens) that you need to create a slope that the program cannot render correctly. In all such cases, you should break your slope to several parts, and place each one to separate table: slopes1={} slopes2={} pivots1={} pivots2={} cells["*"]=cell{{{add_multicell, slopes1, 1}}} cells["@"]=cell{{{add_multicell, slopes2, 1}}} cells["&"]=cell{{{add_multicell, pivots1, slopes1}, cells[" "]}} cells["%"]=cell{{{add_multicell, pivots2, slopes2}, cells[" "]}} cells["^"]=cell{parent={cells["*"],cells["@"]}} You have to reflect this in your map: level = { "####################", "# ********** #", "# *@@@@@@@@^@@@ #", "# *@&% * @ #", "# *@ * @ #", "# *@@@@@@@@^@@@ #", "# ********** #", "####################" } Rendered by Enigma, this doesn't look very nice, as one slope just overrides another. Well, at least you got the idea how it works. 5.7.7 Fake slopes ................. Like in puzzles, you can create also fake slopes. Fake slope is a cell, that behaves like a slope, but it never gets rendered. Fake slopes are tagged by the number '2': cells["+"]=cell{{{add_multicell, slopes, 2}}} 5.7.8 Invert slopes ................... If you want to create inverted-slope (southwest instead of northeast and so on), tag it with a number -1: cells["+"]=cell{{{add_multicell, slopes, -1}}} You can also create a whole boundary invert, by using 'invert' argument in 'render_slopes' function: render_slopes(slopes, -1) Actually you can pass anything non-nil as invert argument, and whole boundary gets inverted. If there are invert cells in boundary, the are drawn 'normally' - that is, double inversion results to original state, like in De Morgan's. 5.8 Afterwords -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's perfectly possible to mix up generators of ant.lua in map. Not just several instances on one generator, like two trains or two slopes. It's of course possible to mix up trains with slopes and puzzles. Just remember, that some constructions are static. If you are creating engine with slope in center, that would move over the map, you don't need the slope generator. It cannot help you, unless you want to spread tag and render slopes each round over and over. Well, this was the core of ant.lua. There are a few helper functions besides this, but in fact ant.lua will provide you no better functionality. ================================================================================ 6] HELPER FUNCTIONS ================================================================================ 6.1 Debugging -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a simple fact that even in enigma maps there tend to be errors. ant.lua can help you in map designing by providing warning and error messages each time some ill argument gets passed or something. If you debug, you may use several ant.lua functions that provide warning and debug messages. The functions follow: function warning(text) function be_pedantic(mode) function debug(text) function debug_mode() function debug_mode_off() 6.1.1 Warnings .............. This function displays a warning message in a following format: warning: [ant.lua]: Where is replaced by your text. If you want no warnings to occur, that is, if a warning means that the map is broken and there is no need to even try if it works, you may turn on pedantic mode: be_pedantic() In pedantic mode, each warning turns to error. If an error occurs during the map load time, the map never gets loaded. Pedantic mode is turned off this way: be_pedantic(0) 6.1.2 Debugs ............ ant.lua provides a number of debugging messages. These inform you about the code execution and about some checkpoints that were passed. If you find yourself in doubt whether a function gets executed at all, turn on debug mode: debug_mode() In debug mode, the messages like this one: debug: [ant.lua]: creating world [20x13] Appear on your terminal every once in a while. You can produce your own debug messages, should you want: debug("beer overflow: fridge limit reached (improbable)") I use this when creating some really complicated maps with lots of LUA experiments in. You can leave the messages in a file even after the debug, just remove the debug_mode() line. I remove them though, as I like clean code :). 6.2 Clone table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function makes a copy of a table. It's just a shallow copy though, only the first layer of values is copied, nested tables stay intact. cf = clone_table(cellfuncs) 6.3 Sending messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sending messages is a common way how to make one object do the things like opening, closing, switching on and off, triggering etc. As long as you use the triggers and switches for this purpose, everything is OK. If you want to send a message on your own, you have to write things like this: enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("doorA"), "open", nil) There is a function that provides this in a simple interface: send_message_named(objname, message, third) Well, in fact I do not know what the 'third' argument means, but I never saw anyone to pass anything other than 'nil' here. Above example changes this way: send_message_named("doorA", "open", nil) Much better. Besides this, it's possible to send a message to the group of objects. This is covered in chapter [5.2.2 Group actions]. ================================================================================ ~end of ant_lua,txt~