Tour Of Duty V.1 --Information If you downloaded this, expecting to try out a bunch of new weapons, or some new vehicles... Then your out of luck, and will have to wait untill our next release. v.1 is all about fixing problems that you people won't stop complaining about, and adding new maps. If you like the way Battlefield Vietnam plays right now, then this mod isn't for you. So don't complain about how there is no new weapons etc. --Installation: Extract the TOUROFDUTY folder to ../EaGames/BattlefieldVietnam/Mods/ --IMPORTANT Music no longer stops when you exit a vehicle. If you do want to shut it off hit your Musiclist key, (default 0), then hit Q, which is a song titled Stop Music. If you forget which key, once the music list is open, you can scroll up and down using the arrow keys. --Known Issues For some reason, it would not let me play any music during the loading screens or the menu. When i tried it stopped playing on the normal BFVietnam menu.. So for now its bugged. The map River Raid, has a problem. You can walk through most of the trees and rocks. No idea why, but... i can't fix it. Using the STOP MUSIC song, will shut off your music, for about 2 minutes. For now, it's the best we can do. Alot of bushes or trees might be slightly above the ground. Since the over and undergrowth system is still new... we are learning. For now, its just something funny to look at. Once we learn more about the program, we can fix it. --New Changes V.1 Added map "Ambush" Added map "Rumble in the Jungle" Added Map "Mekong River Wet Season" Added Map "Mekong River Dry Season" Added Map "River Raid" Added Map "Hamburger Hill" Added Map "Saigon Jungle" Swapped The M60 with the Mossenberg Shotgun (should even things up ALOT) M40 Skin changed slightly RPD Less accurate and longer reload M60 less accurate and longer reload Cobra Added 2 more Rockets Shotgun now has more ammo Xm148 now carries 20 Rounds instead of 30. M14 now has 20 rounds, slightly slower rate of fire Mutt Takes less damage from water Mutt TOW has a bit longer reload Easier to Airlift Vehicles Smoke Grenades changed to Purple (Can't be vietnam without Purple Haze!) PungiSticks have slightly larger radius. PungiSticks last 30X longer Caltrops last 30X longer Bouncing Bettys last almost 30X longer SKS56 Has faster rate of fire Claymores Last 30X longer, no longer explode after certain amount of time. Exp Packs last 30X longer Exp packs have slightly larger explosion C4 last 30X longer C4 have slightly larger explosion AVmines last 30X longer Landmines last 30X longer Claymores will only explode when you use the detonator, no longer explode when somone gets close. All tanks/artillary have MUCH less of a firing arc Car15 Skin changed MossenBerg has 8 rounds instead of 6 SA7 has 1 extra rocket. SA7 reload is slightly longer. M16 Sniper has 1 extra magazine. Snipers carry 2 extra smoke grenades RPD has 120 Rounds to balance the slow firerate.' BM21SAM Missles have more of an arc. Lowered Player health from 30 to 20. Bouncing Bettys have larger explosion. ---Credits Dice Ea Games Project Head: Chris "Rigell" Hill Co Leader: James "Jadams" Adams Saigon Jungle Map: Surfin Charlie The beta testers of course and lastly, thanks to everyone who bitched in the forums for all the ideas.