// HALF-LIFE SPEECH SYSTEM SENTENCES. DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! Max of 1023 sentences. // countdown CTR0 zero CTR1 one second CTR2 two CTR3 three seconds CTR4 four CTR5 five seconds remaining CTR6 six CTR7 seven CTR8 eight CTR9 nine CTR10 ten seconds remaining CTR11 eleven CTR12 twelve CTR13 thirteen CTR14 fourteen CTR15 fifteen seconds remaining CTR16 sixteen CTR17 seventeen CTR18 eighteen CTR19 nineteen CTR20 twenty seconds remaining // doors, general NA0 access denied NA1 access is denied NA2 unauthorized access NA3 illegal access NA4 this door is locked NA5 unauthorized access NA6 entry forbidden NA7 entry not permitted NA8 no unauthorized personnel NA9 you do not have access to this facility NA10 (p102) sorry, you may not enter NA11 (p102) sorry, this door is locked NA12 (p102) please, move away from this area NA13 (p102) please, move away from door NA14 (p103) you will not get in NA15 (p103) entry is not an option NA16 (p104) will we do this all day NA17 (p104) move on immediately NA18 (p105) no, no, and no(p80) EA0 access granted EA1 access permitted EA2 entry granted EA3 entry permitted EA4 access authorized EA5 entry is permitted EA6 access authorized EA7 access to facility, granted EA8 access granted // doors, security lockout ND0 security lock is engaged ND1 secure area, no entry ND2 security lockout, no entry ND3 secure door, no entry ND4 security system in force ND5 security system armed, no entry ND6 door is secured ND7 illegal access, move away ED0 security lock disengaged ED1 security clear, proceed ED2 security lockout, released ED3 secure override accepted ED4 security access acknowledged ED5 security system disengaged ED6 door security disengaged // blast doors NF0 emergency blast door activated NF1 emergency blast shield activated NF3 the blast containment shield is down EF0 emergency blast door, open EF1 emergency blast shield, deactivated EF3 blast containment shield is, open // fire door NFIRE0 fire containment door is down EFIRE0 fire containment door, open // chemical door NCHEM0 chemical leak containment door activated ECHEM0 chemical leak containment door, open // radiation door NRAD0 radiation containment door activated ERAD0 radiation containment door, open // generic containment door NCON0 emergency containment door engaged ECON0 emergency containment door disengaged // broken locked door NG0 sorry, this door is inoperative NG1 sorry, door out of service NG2 door damage detected, please call service personnel // maintenance door NH0 no access, maintenance area NH1 no personnel permitted in maintenance area EH0 maintenance area access granted EH1 maintenance area door open // turrets, defensive systems T0 extreme hazard, defense system is armed in this zone T1 hazard area, defense system activated T2 danger, turret perimeter defense system armed T3 extreme hazard, nearest defense system engaged T4 danger, base defense turret system may power up T5 danger, automatic defense system activated // warnings WE0 warning, high voltage cable WE1 warning, high power cable WE2 warning, electric shock hazard WE3 warning, severe electric shock hazard // danger DR0 danger, radiation leak detected DR1 danger, radiation hazard detected DR2 danger, high radiation level detected DR3 danger, severe radiation hazard, evacuate area immediately DR4 danger, safety violation, extreme radiation level detected DC0 danger, chemical leak, area now a high health hazard DC1 danger, chemical coolant leak, health hazard zone DC2 danger, chemical containment breach, all personnel evacuate this area DC3 danger, supercooled chemical leak DC4 danger, supercooled helium leak DB0 danger, liquid biohazard leak in immediate area DB1 danger, coolant leak, severe biohazard now in this area DB2 danger, liquid biohazard released, evacuate area DB3 danger, biohazard detected in immediate area // training room TR_A three, two, one, deeoo(p110) TR_B deeoo(p110) (p102 t20) target system deactivated // HEV Suit // powerup HEV_AAx fvox/bell, HEV_logon, powerarmor_on, atmospherics_on,vitalsigns_on, automedic_on, weaponselect_on, munitionview_on, communications_on, safe_day HEV_A0 fvox/bell, HEV_logon HEV_A1 fvox/blip blip(p130) powermove_on HEV_A2 fvox/blip blip powerarmor_on HEV_A3 fvox/blip blip(p130) atmospherics_on HEV_A4 fvox/blip blip vitalsigns_on boop, boop, boop HEV_A5 fvox/blip blip(p130) munitionview_on HEV_A6 fvox/blip blip communications_on HEV_A7 fvox/blip blip(p70) weaponselect_on HEV_A8 fvox/blip blip(p70) automedic_on HEV_A9 fvox/fuzz power_level_is onehundred percent HEV_A10 fvox/safe_day, bell // medical HEV_DEAD0 fvox/beep beep, beep beep, beep, beep, flatline HEV_DEAD1 fvox/beep beep, beep beep, beep, flatline HEV_MED0 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) innsufficient_medical HEV_MED1 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) automedic_on HEV_MED2 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) administering_medical HEV_HEAL0 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) wound_sterilized, blip(p130 v50), blip(p130 v40), hiss, morphine_shot HEV_HEAL1 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) torniquette_applied, bleeding_stopped HEV_HEAL2 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) bleeding_stopped HEV_HEAL3 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) blood_plasma HEV_HEAL4 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) hiss, antitoxin_shot HEV_HEAL5 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) hiss, antidote_shot HEV_HEAL6 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) hiss, wound_sterilized HEV_HEAL7 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) hiss, morphine_shot HEV_HEAL8 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) medical_repaired HEV_DMG0 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) minor_lacerations HEV_DMG1 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) major_lacerations HEV_DMG2 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) internal_bleeding HEV_DMG3 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) blood_toxins HEV_DMG4 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) minor_fracture HEV_DMG5 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) major_fracture HEV_DMG6 fvox/(p160) boop, boop, boop, (p100) blood_loss HEV_DMG7 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) seek_medic HEV_HLTH0 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) health_dropping HEV_HLTH1 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) health_dropping2 HEV_HLTH2 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, beep, (p100) health_critical HEV_HLTH3 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, beep, (p100) near_death HEV_HLTH4 fvox/(p140) beep, beep, (p100) health_dropping2, evacuate_area HEV_HLTH5 fvox/(p140) beep, beep, beep, (p100) health_critical, evacuate_area HEV_HLTH6 fvox/(p140) beep, beep, beep, (p100) near_death, evacuate_area immediately HEV_SHOCK fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) warning, shock_damage HEV_FIRE fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) warning, heat_damage // items HEV_AIM_ON fvox/blip targetting_system activated HEV_AIM_OFF fvox/blip targetting_system deactivated HEV_BATTERY fvox/blip get_battery acquired HEV_MEDKIT fvox/blip get_medkit(v80) HEV_PISTOL fvox/blip get_pistol acquired HEV_SHOTGUN fvox/blip get_shotgun HEV_GRENADE fvox/blip get_grenade acquired HEV_ASSAULT fvox/blip get_assault acquired HEV_44PISTOL fvox/blip get_44pistol acquired HEV_RPG fvox/blip get_rpg acquired HEV_SATCHEL fvox/blip get_satchel acquired HEV_TRIPMINE fvox/blip get_tripmine acquired HEV_HORNET fvox/blip get_alien_wpn HEV_SQUEEK fvox/blip get_alien_wpn HEV_EGON fvox/blip get_egon acquired HEV_GAUSS fvox/blip get_gauss acquired HEV_XBOW fvox/blip get_crossbow acquired HEV_9MM fvox/blip get_9mmclip acquired HEV_44AMMO fvox/blip get_44ammo acquired HEV_BUCKSHOT fvox/blip get_buckshot acquired HEV_BOLTS fvox/blip get_bolts acquired HEV_RPGAMMO fvox/blip get_rpgammo acquired HEV_AGRENADE fvox/blip get_assaultgren acquired HEV_EGONPOWER fvox/blip get_egonpower acquired // time //HEV_C1t fvox/bell time_is_now one AM //HEV_C13t fvox/bell time_is_now one PM // power levels HEV_D00 fvox/fuzz fuzz(p130), power_restored HEV_D01 fvox/fuzz fuzz(p80), hev_shutdown HEV_0P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_below five percent HEV_1P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), ten percent HEV_2P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), fifteen percent HEV_3P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), twenty percent HEV_4P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), twenty five percent HEV_5P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), thirty percent HEV_6P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), thirty five percent HEV_7P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), fourty percent HEV_8P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), fourty five percent HEV_9P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), fifty percent HEV_10P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), fifty five percent HEV_11P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), sixty percent HEV_12P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), sixty five percent HEV_13P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), seventy percent HEV_14P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), seventy five percent HEV_15P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), eighty percent HEV_16P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), eighty five percent HEV_17P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), ninety percent HEV_18P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_restored(e30), ninety five percent HEV_19P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_level_is onehundred percent // weapon/ammo HEV_AMO0 fvox/blip ammo_depleted // suit HEV_V0 fvox/blip, voice_on HEV_V1 fvox/blip, voice_off HEV_E0 fvox/buzz buzz, armor_gone HEV_E1 fvox/buzz, armor_gone HEV_E2 fvox/buzz, hev_critical_fail HEV_E3 fvox/buzz, hev_general_fail HEV_E4 fvox/buzz, hev_damage HEV_E5 fvox/buzz, powermove_overload // time remaining countdown //HEV_F10t fvox/bell time_remaining ten seconds //HEV_F15t fvox/bell time_remaining fifteen seconds //HEV_F20t fvox/bell time_remaining twenty seconds //HEV_F30t fvox/bell time_remaining thirty seconds // detections HEV_DET0 fvox/blip blip blip, biohazard_detected HEV_DET1 fvox/blip blip blip, chemical_detected HEV_DET2 fvox/blip blip blip, radiation_detected HEV_DET3 fvox/blip blip blip, bio_reading HEV_DET4 fvox/blip blip blip, antitoxin_shot(e50), onehundred percent HEV_DET5 fvox/blip blip blip, antitoxin_shot(e25) radiation_detected(e50), onehundred percent //HEV_GR0r fvox/range twenty meters(t60) //HEV_GR1r fvox/range nineteen meters //HEV_GR2r fvox/range eighteen meters // SCIENTIST SC_OK0 hybrid/letsgo SC_OK1 hybrid/leadtheway SC_OK2 hybrid/letsgo SC_OK3 hybrid/alright SC_OK4 hybrid/nowhereelse SC_OK5 hybrid/letsgo SC_OK6 hybrid/alright SC_OK7 hybrid/leadtheway SC_OK8 hybrid/nowhereelse SC_WAIT0 hybrid/illwait SC_WAIT1 hybrid/istay SC_WAIT2 hybrid/illwait SC_WAIT3 hybrid/istay SC_WAIT4 hybrid/illwait SC_WAIT5 hybrid/istay SC_WAIT6 hybrid/illwait // fail to follow player any more SC_STOP0 hybrid/stop1 SC_STOP1 hybrid/stop1 SC_STOP2 hybrid/stop1 SC_STOP3 hybrid/stop1 // player is staring at scientist SC_STARE0 hybrid/whatisgoingon SC_STARE1 hybrid/iknowwhy SC_STARE2 hybrid/whatisgoingon SC_HELLO0 hybrid/whoareyou SC_HELLO1 hybrid/whatisgoingon SC_HELLO2 hybrid/whoareyou SC_HELLO3 hybrid/whatisgoingon SC_HELLO4 hybrid/whoareyou SC_HELLO5 hybrid/whatisgoingon SC_HELLO6 hybrid/whoareyou SC_HELLO7 hybrid/whatisgoingon SC_HELLO8 hybrid/whoareyou SC_IDLE0 hybrid/howlong SC_IDLE1 hybrid/whoresponsible SC_IDLE2 hybrid/happening SC_IDLE3 hybrid/iknowwhy SC_IDLE4 hybrid/happening SC_IDLE5 hybrid/howlong SC_IDLE6 hybrid/whoresponsible SC_IDLE7 hybrid/iknowwhy SC_IDLE8 hybrid/happening SC_IDLE9 hybrid/whoresponsible SC_IDLE10 hybrid/howlong SC_IDLE11 hybrid/happening SC_IDLE12 hybrid/whoresponsible SC_IDLE13 hybrid/iknowwhy SC_NOGO hybrid/stop SC_HEAR0 hybrid/ihearsomething SC_HEAR1 hybrid/ihearsomething SC_HEAR2 hybrid/ihearsomething SC_WOUND0 hybrid/iwounded SC_WOUND1 hybrid/iwounded SC_MORTAL0 hybrid/iwoundedbad SC_MORTAL1 hybrid/iwoundedbad SC_PLFEAR0 hybrid/whatyoudoing SC_PLFEAR1 hybrid/whyyoudoing SC_PLFEAR2 hybrid/whatyoudoing SC_PLFEAR3 hybrid/whyyoudoing SC_PLFEAR4 hybrid/whatyoudoing SC_PLFEAR5 hybrid/whyyoudoing SC_FEAR0 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR1 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR2 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR3 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR4 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR5 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR6 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR7 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR8 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR9 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR10 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR11 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_FEAR12 hybrid/feelslikemyskull SC_SCREAM0 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM1 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM2 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM3 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM4 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM5 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM6 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM7 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM8 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM9 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM10 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM11 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM12 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM13 hybrid/stop SC_SCREAM14 hybrid/stop // predisaster scientist SC_PHELLO0 hybrid/whoareyou SC_PHELLO1 hybrid/whoareyou SC_PHELLO2 hybrid/whoareyou SC_PHELLO3 hybrid/whoareyou SC_PHELLO4 hybrid/whoareyou SC_PHELLO5 hybrid/whoareyou SC_PHELLO6 hybrid/whoareyou // outdoor WILD0 ambience/(v30) quail1(p103), quail1(t10), quail1(p101) WILD1 ambience/bee1(v75) WILD2 ambience/bee2(p105) WILD3 ambience/hawk1(p98 v30) WILD4 ambience/hawk1(p105 v20) WILD5 ambience/(v50 p97) quail1, quail1(t15) WILD6 ambience/bee1(p98 v50) WILD7 ambience/bee1(p97) WILD8 ambience/quail1(p98 v20)) WILD9 ambience/des_wind1(v50) WILD10 ambience/des_wind2(v50) WILD11 ambience/des_wind3(v50) WILD9 ambience/des_wind1(v40 p105) WILD10 ambience/des_wind2(v40 p98) WILD11 ambience/des_wind3(v40 p103) WILD12 ambience/wren1(v80) // rocket ROCKET0 ambience/steamburst1 ROCKET1 ambience/steamburst1(p80) ROCKET2 ambience/steamburst1(p120) ROCKET3 ambience/rocket_groan1 ROCKET4 ambience/rocket_groan2 ROCKET5 ambience/rocket_groan3 ROCKET6 ambience/rocket_groan4 // distant war zone FAR_WAR0 ambience/(v50) distantmortar1 FAR_WAR1 ambience/(v60) distantmortar2 FAR_WAR2 ambience/(v50) distantmortar3 FAR_WAR3 ambience/(v15) biggun3 FAR_WAR4 ambience/(v20) rifle2 FAR_WAR5 ambience/(v10 p120) jetflyby1 FAR_WAR6 ambience/(v10) mgun_burst4 FAR_WAR7 ambience/(v30) distantmortar1 distantmortar3 distantmortar2 FAR_WAR8 ambience/(v10) biggun2 biggun2 biggun2 FAR_WAR9 ambience/(v15) mgun_burst1 FAR_WAR10 ambience/(v20) biggun1 rifle2 FAR_WAR11 ambience/(v60) distantmortar1 distantmortar1, distantmortar2, distantmortar1 FAR_WAR12 ambience/(v30) distantmortar2, distantmortar2 distantmortar2 distantmortar2, distantmortar3 distantmortar1 FAR_WAR13 ambience/(v10) mgun_burst2 FAR_WAR14 ambience/(v15) mgun_burst3 mgun_burst3 FAR_WAR15 ambience/(v10) rifle1 rifle1 FAR_WAR16 ambience/(v10) biggun2, biggun2 biggun2 // near war zone NEAR_WAR0 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst3 mgun_burst3 mgun_burst3(v50) NEAR_WAR1 ambience/(v60) rifle1 rifle2 rifle2 rifle1 rifle1 NEAR_WAR2 ambience/(v60) alienflyby1 NEAR_WAR3 ambience/(v60) biggun3 biggun3 biggun3 NEAR_WAR4 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst4 mgun_burst3 rifle1 mgun_burst4 NEAR_WAR5 ambience/(v60) jetflyby1 NEAR_WAR6 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst4 mgun_burst3 NEAR_WAR7 ambience/distantmortar1 distantmortar3 distantmortar2 NEAR_WAR8 ambience/(v60) biggun2 biggun2 biggun2 biggun2(v30) NEAR_WAR9 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst1 mgun_burst1 rifle2 mgun_burst3 NEAR_WAR10 agrunt/(v40) ag_fire1 ag_fire2 ag_fire2 ag_fire1 NEAR_WAR11 ambience/distantmortar1 distantmortar1, distantmortar2 NEAR_WAR12 ambience/(v60) mgun_burst2 mgun_burst2 mgun_burst3 mgun_burst2