TRON 2.0

Editing Tools Documentation




The documentation contained in this release is provided as reference material for anyone interested in creating custom maps or basic mods for TRON 2.0. Since the tools are nearly identical to those used for NOLF2, the NOLF2 tools have been used as a starting point. Anyone familiar with NOLF2 editing should have no problems getting started creating maps for TRON 2.0. The sections below include steps on setting up your TRON 2.0 installation for content editing and also provide an overview of the various documents in this release and their relation to one another.


Please note that these tools and their documentation are provided on an “as is” basis and are unsupported.  Due to the complexity of the subject matter and the rapidly changing nature of the technology, some of this material is outdated.  When working with attribute files, in particular, it is recommended that the headers be thoroughly reviewed before making any changes.  That said, we hope you have a great deal of fun creating new worlds for TRON 2.0.




  • Copy the Tools directory to your TRON 2.0 directory

The Tools directory contains the applications needed to work with or create custom levels, models and special effects.  Copy the entire Tools directory to your root TRON 2.0 folder. (C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0 by default). 


  • Extract the TRON 2.0 assets

The various assets used to create the game are compressed into large files called .rez files. To access these assets, they must first be extracted using a command line utility called LithRez.exe, which is found in the Tools directory. To learn the basic syntax for manually extracting or creating .rez files, explore to the Tools directory using the command prompt and then type “lithrez ?” without the quotes. The number of rez files found in your TRON 2.0 directory may vary depending on which updates were installed.  Explore to your TRON 2.0 directory and make a quick list of the names of the rez files it contains.  These typically include game.rez, game2.rez, gamep3.rez, gamep4.rez, sound.rez and gamedll.rez. To simplify the process of extracting .rez files, a .bat called LithRez.bat is included in the Tools directory that automatically extracts the .rez files to the appropriate directories. LithRez.bat main purpose is to provide a clear example of the syntax used to extract .rez files and it should be edited to reflect the .rez files found in your TRON 2.0 directory. Keep in mind that the .bat file assumes the program was installed to the default path - C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0. If the game was installed to a different directory, the paths in LithRez.bat will need to be updated accordingly. All files should be extracted to *:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Game.  LithRez.bat can be easily edited with any text editor by right-clicking on the file name and choosing Edit. Once opened, delete any lines pertaining to .rez files you don’t have (or add entries for any .rez files that are not listed there) and make sure that the installation paths are correct. Extracting the .rez files can take quite a while. While they’re extracting, you might want to move on to the other portions of the documentation. Once the .rez files are finished extracting, a Game directory containing all the extracted assets will exist in your TRON 2.0 directory.  




  • Using DEdit to Create Worlds

This document will introduce you to DEdit, LithTech’s primary level creation tool.  It covers DEdit setup and configuration, basic level design, adding objects and prefabs, lighting, and other skills you’ll need to know in order to create levels for TRON 2.0. This document also features a description of each of the objects that can be placed within a level. 


  • Processing Your Levels

This document will answer the most commonly asked questions regarding how to use processor.exe to compile your DEdit worlds into usable levels.


  • Content Packs and Modifications

This series of short tutorials covers the basics of creating map packs and other mods.


  • Adding and Modifying Weapons

This document covers everything you need to know about modifying the TRON 2.0 weapons and adding new ones.


  • Working with character models

If you plan on modifying or adding character models, this document will show you how.  It covers everything from exporting models from Maya to editing them with ModelEdit.


Reference Documents


On-screen transmissions, skill rewards, music, and other aspects of gameplay are achieved through the use of commands sent to the player as a message.  This document details all of the possible player messages and how to use them.


  • AI Overview

This document serves as an overview of AI systems.  It also includes details regarding AI Nodes, Goals, SmartObjects, and other systems you’ll need to become familiar with before adding AI to your levels.


  • AI Gameplay Setup

Once you understand the basic AI systems, this document will provide further information on how to use these systems to create gameplay with your AI.


  • FXed Reference

This document contains information regarding the use of FXed to modify and create special effects.


·        Texture Scripts – Artist’s Reference

This document describes what textures scripts are for, and provides reference materials for artists who wish to use them.


Sample Maps


While the documentation provides a wealth of information, the best approach is often to carefully examine a production map after having played it several times. For that reason, a SinglePlayer map, a Disc Arena / Disc Tournament Multiplayer map and a SinglePlayer / Multiplayer LightCycle map have been included in the samplemap directory. Read through the sections on lithrez for instructions on extracting the .rez file to your Game directory so that the maps’ .tbw and .ltc files can be studied in the in DEdit.