\b;Walkthrough 1) You'll find a \l;titanium cube\u object\titan; left in a smashed up bot factory. Use it to build a \l;power station\u object\station;. 2) The \l;recycler\u object\botrecy; is designed to convert derelicts back into usable titanium cubes. 3) Build both a \l;repair center\u object\repair; and a \l;radar\u object\radar;. 4) Recharge one of the \l;power cells\u object\power; available and power a \l;winged shooter\u object\botfj;. 5) Eliminate all \l;ants\u object\ant;. Note that you should recharge and repair the shooter regularly. Check your levels. 6) Fully charge the \l;grabber\u object\botgr;'s power cell, then radio-control it to the summit... a) Access the first level by ramp on west; b) On first level travel east to find second ramp; c) On second level travel south to find third ramp; d) On third level travel west for access to summit; ...then, with the chunk, straight back to the spaceship by the most direct route so as to save the remaining power. 7) Climb aboard the ship yourself and take off. \t;See also \l;Controls\u command;