//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Jump over corpses IfBumped SetTargetToWhoeverBumped IfTargetIsAlive tmpargument = [CHES] IfTargetHasID tmpargument = LATCHJUMP PressLatchButton Else tmpargument = LATCHJUMP PressLatchButton SetTargetToOldTarget //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tmpargument = 0 IfStateIsNot GetContent tmpx = tmpargument tmpy = 0 IfXIsMoreThanY tmpargument = tmpx - 1 SetContent // Check messages IfBumped tmpargument = 0 IfContentIs IfStateIs2 // "Good!" AddStat tmpargument = 8 tmpdistance = 12000 PlaySound tmpargument = 3 SetState DropKeys tmpargument = 5 SendMessageNear tmpargument = 30 SetContent IfStateIs1 // "So is it a deal?" tmpargument = 7 tmpdistance = 12000 PlaySound tmpargument = 2 SetState tmpargument = 60 SetContent tmpargument = 4 SendMessageNear //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Move around... IfTimeOut IfStateIs3 tmpargument = 0 IfContentIs SetTargetToSelf SetTargetToTargetLeftHand SetTargetToSelf SetTargetToTargetRightHand GetState // NOP Else tmpargument = LATCHPACKRIGHT PressLatchButton Else tmpargument = LATCHPACKLEFT PressLatchButton tmpargument = 100 SetContent // Get in a fight tmpdistance = 250000 SetTargetToDistantEnemy // Charge! tmpx = targetx tmpy = targety tmpdistance = 300 tmpturn = targetturnto Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint // Take a stab? tmpx = targetdistance tmpy = 120 IfXIsLessThanY IfFacingTarget tmpargument = rand & 1 + 1 PressLatchButton tmpargument = 10 SetTime Else // Follow the Player around SetTargetToLeader tmpx = targetdistance tmpy = 200 IfXIsLessThanY tmpx = targetx tmpy = targety tmpturn = targetturnto + 32768 tmpdistance = 100 Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint tmpargument = 20 SetTime Else tmpy = 600 IfXIsLessThanY // Run after the player tmpx = targetx tmpy = targety tmpturn = targetturnto tmpdistance = 400 Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint tmpargument = 20 SetTime Else // Walk around... tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpturn = selfturn + 8192 tmpdistance = 200 Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint tmpargument = 20 SetTime Else // How close is the player? tmpargument = [ROGU] tmpdistance = 6 // Friends and Enemies SetTargetToNearestBlahID tmpx = targetx - selfspawnx tmpy = targety - selfspawny tmpx = xydistance tmpy = 400 IfXIsLessThanY tmpy = 200 IfXIsLessThanY IfStateIs0 // Talk to the player tmpargument = 90 // Delay SetContent tmpargument = 6 tmpdistance = 12000 PlaySound tmpargument = 3 SendMessageNear tmpargument = 1 SetState Else tmpx = selfspawnx tmpy = selfspawny tmpturn = targetturnto tmpdistance = 150 Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint tmpargument = 20 SetTime Else // Approach the player tmpx = selfspawnx tmpy = selfspawny tmpturn = targetturnto tmpdistance = 150 Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint tmpargument = 20 SetTime Else // Walk around in a circle tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpturn = selfturn + 8192 tmpdistance = 200 Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint tmpargument = 20 SetTime Else // Walk around in a circle tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpturn = selfturn + 8192 tmpdistance = 200 Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint tmpargument = 20 SetTime //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Handle death by sending a message and other stuff IfKilled tmpargument = 2 tmpdistance = rand & 1027 + 11000 PlaySound tmpargument = 0 IfTargetIsOnSameTeam tmpargument = 1 SendMessage // Drop goodies tmpargument = 65535 DropMoney // Make the character body tmpargument = 45 SetBumpHeight //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Handle being attacked by blocking or countering or running away IfAttacked SetTargetToWhoeverAttacked IfTargetIsOnSameTeam tmpargument = 5 tmpdistance = rand & 1027 + 11000 PlaySound tmpargument = 2 SendMessageNear Else tmpargument = rand & 1 + 3 tmpdistance = rand & 1027 + 11000 PlaySound SetTargetToOldTarget //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End //------------------------------------------------------------------------------