// ZZ> This function makes the character wanders around its enemy IfKilled // This reduces the height of the char tmpargument = 0 // SendMessageNear // tmpargument = 40 // SetBumpSize // tmpargument = 45 // SetBumpHeight // tmpargument = 65535 // Drop money DropMoney // tmpargument = 0 // tmpdistance = rand & 2047 + 10000 // PlaySound SpawnPoof // PlaySound // IfAttacked // Counter attack SetTargetToWhoeverAttacked // IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam // BecomeLeader // tmpargument = 1 // Enter combat mode SetState // Else // SetTargetToOldTarget // tmpargument = rand & 1 // tmpdistance = rand & 4095 + 8000 // // PlaySound // IfTargetKilled // Return to follow mode tmpargument = 0 // SetState // IfBumped // Attack whoever it bumped SetTargetToWhoeverBumped // IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam // Make sure it's an enemy IfHoldingMeleeWeapon // Got Weapon? PressLatchButton // Else // Scooch around friendly tmpx = rand & 255 + targetx - 128 // tmpy = rand & 255 + targety - 128 // ClearWaypoints // AddWaypoint // SetTargetToOldTarget // IfTimeOut // This is done every so often IfStateIs0 tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy SetTargetToNearestEnemy IfFacingTarget SetTurnModeToWatchTarget tmpargument = 1 SetState Else SetTurnModeToSpin IfStateIs1 tmpx = targetdistance tmpy = 1000 IfXIsLessThanY tmpx = targetx tmpy = targety Else tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpargument = 0 SetState ClearWaypoints // AddWaypoint // tmpargument = rand & 15 + 30 // Wait a while and try again SetTime // End // Finished with this character