// ZZ> This item is goes away when picked up, Runs end conditions IfSpawned SetTurnModeToSpin DisableExport IfTimeOut // Make sparklies SpawnPoof tmpargument = 10 SetTime IfGrabbed EnableExport BeatModule tmpargument = 0 tmpdistance = 11025 PlayFullSound StopMusic SetTargetToWhoeverIsHolding tmpargument = 0 SendMessageNear tmpargument = 100 tmpdistance = EXPSECRET GiveExperienceToTarget tmpargument = 300 tmpdistance = EXPQUEST GiveExperienceToTargetTeam // Set the end text ClearEndMessage tmpargument = 1 AddEndMessage tmpargument = 2 AddEndMessage // Mark this module as beaten, hidden modules may open up tmpargument = [BEAT] AddIDSZ // Become the export object SetTargetToSelf tmpargument = 125 ChangeTargetClass End // All done