IfHealed // Spawn a defense ping IfStateIs0 tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpdistance = selfz tmpargument = 0 SpawnExactParticle tmpargument = 1 SetState tmpargument = 20 SetTime IfAttacked // Must die in 1 hit to disallow punching it open tmpargument = 512 HealSelf // Spawn a defense ping IfStateIs0 tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpdistance = selfz tmpargument = 0 SpawnExactParticle tmpargument = 1 SetState tmpargument = 20 SetTime IfTimeOut // Ready the pings tmpargument = 0 SetState tmpargument = 500 SetTime IfKilled // Smash open tmpargument = [GOOD] IfTargetHasSpecialID tmpargument = 20 tmpdistance = EXPROLEPLAY GiveExperienceToTarget tmpturn = 0 Else tmpturn = 1 // Check for passages to open tmpx = passage tmpy = 0 IfXIsEqualToY // Play the break sound tmpargument = 2 tmpdistance = rand & 1023 + 10500 PlaySound Else tmpargument = tmpx OpenPassage // Play the secret music tmpargument = 1 tmpdistance = 11025 PlaySound // Give experience tmpargument = 20 tmpdistance = EXPSECRET GiveExperienceToTarget tmpturn = 2 tmpargument = tmpturn SendMessageNear // Drop goodies DropItems tmpargument = 65535 DropMoney // Replace self with an imposter... tmpargument = 48 tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpdistance = selfz tmpturn = selfturn SpawnExactCharacterXYZ GoPoof End