// Check for a kill order IfOrdered tmpx = selforder tmpy = [UNDO] IfXIsEqualToY UndoEnchant // Undead are sustained by magic IfSpawned MakeCrushValid EnchantTarget // target is self... // Make ping as if it were invincible IfHealed IfStateIs0 tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpdistance = selfz tmpargument = 4 SpawnExactParticle tmpargument = 1 SetState tmpargument = 20 SetTime // Die and poof IfKilled tmpargument = MESSAGEDEATH SendMessageNear SpawnPoof tmpargument = 1 tmpdistance = 22050 PlaySound tmpargument = [WAKE] tmpdistance = [WAKE] OrderSpecialID IfCrushed tmpargument = MESSAGEDEATH SendMessageNear SpawnPoof tmpargument = 1 tmpdistance = 22050 PlaySound tmpargument = [WAKE] tmpdistance = [WAKE] OrderSpecialID // Chase good guys IfTimeOut IfTargetIsSelf tmpdistance = 90000 // Square of range SetTargetToDistantEnemy tmpx = rand & 511 - 256 + selfspawnx tmpy = rand & 511 - 256 + selfspawny Else tmpx = targetdistance tmpy = 700 IfXIsMoreThanY SetTargetToSelf tmpx = rand & 511 - 256 + selfx tmpy = rand & 511 - 256 + selfy Else tmpx = targetx tmpy = targety ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint tmpargument = 20 SetTime tmpargument = 0 SetState // Find a new target IfTargetKilled SetTargetToSelf tmpargument = 0 SetTime // Make good guys unable to attack IfBumped IfStateIs0 SetTargetToWhoeverBumped IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam tmpargument = [HUMA] IfTargetHasID tmpargument = 1 SendMessageNear tmpargument = 1 SetState tmpargument = 250 SetTargetReloadTime tmpargument = 40 SetTime tmpargument = 2 tmpdistance = 30870 PlaySound tmpturn = targetturnto + 32768 tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpdistance = 300 Compass ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint SetTargetToSelf // All Done End