// ZZ> This function makes an item fall to the floor when spawned IfScoredAHit SetTargetToRider tmpargument = 30 tmpdistance = EXPROLEPLAY GiveExperienceToTarget IfSpawned // General stuff SetTurnModeToWatch MakeAmmoKnown tmpx = selfx - 200 tmpy = selfy ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint IfDismounted // Turn it west tmpx = selfx - 200 tmpy = selfy ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint IfHealed // Drop the rider SetTargetToRider DropWeapons tmpx = 15 tmpy = 0 AccelerateTarget IfMounted IfAmmoOut GetState // NOP Else SetTargetToRider IfTargetIsAPlayer tmpargument = 0 SendMessageNear tmpargument = 5 tmpdistance = 12500 PlaySound IfUsed // Set number of shells to drop tmpargument = 8 SetContent tmpargument = 0 SetTime // Play the machine gun sound IfAmmoOut tmpargument = 0 StopSound tmpargument = 3 tmpdistance = 11025 PlaySoundLooped tmpargument = 2 SetState Else tmpargument = 0 tmpdistance = 11025 PlaySoundLooped tmpargument = 1 SetState // Firing state IfStateIs1 IfTimeOut // Down the count tmpargument = 0 GetContent tmpargument = tmpargument - 1 SetContent // Check ammo IfAmmoOut tmpargument = 0 StopSound tmpargument = 2 SetState // Drop a shell Else tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpdistance = selfz tmpargument = 3 SpawnExactParticle // Do again in 9 frames tmpargument = 9 SetTime // Stop sounds tmpargument = 0 IfContentIs StopSound SetState // Do an echo tmpargument = 2 tmpdistance = 11025 PlaySound // Whirring state IfStateIs2 IfTimeOut // Down the count tmpargument = 0 GetContent tmpargument = tmpargument - 1 SetContent // Do again in 9 frames tmpargument = 9 SetTime // Stop sounds tmpargument = 0 IfContentIs SetState tmpargument = 3 StopSound // Do the hum out tmpargument = 4 tmpdistance = 11025 PlaySound End // All done