// ZZ> This function makes an item fall to the floor when spawned IfSpawned // tmpargument = ACTIONJB // DoAction // KeepAction // DisaffirmCharacter // IfStateIs1 // Spellbook burning? IfTimeOut // All burned up? tmpargument = 0 // IfContentIs // Blank? // Blank burn message tmpargument = 5 Else // Spell? // Find the nearest book-burner tmpargument = [HEAL] tmpdistance = 6 // Friends and Enemies... SetTargetToNearestBlahID // Give Experience tmpargument = 25 tmpdistance = EXPROLEPLAY GiveExperienceToTarget // Approval message tmpargument = 7 Else // Spell burn message tmpargument = 1 // SendMessageNear // UndoEnchant // GoPoof // tmpargument = 0 // FIX FOR NETWORK SetState // FIX FOR NETWORK Else // It's not burning... IfReaffirmed // Catch on fire? DetachFromHolder // tmpargument = 1 // SetState // tmpargument = 75 // Set death time SetTime // tmpargument = ACTIONKD // DoActionOverride // KeepAction // IfInWater // Make the spellbook go blank tmpargument = 0 // Is it blank? IfContentIs // Yes tmpargument = 0 // Else // No, so make it blank SetContent // tmpargument = 3 // SendMessageNear // MakeUsageKnown // IfGrabbed // Change into a spell SetTargetToWhoeverIsHolding // IfTargetIsAPlayer // tmpx = 0 // tmpargument = 0 // IfContentIs // Saved a blank one tmpx = 4 // tmpargument = selfstate < 1 + tmpx // SendMessageNear // tmpargument = 0 // SetState // tmpargument = 0 // IfContentIs // Is it soggy? tmpargument = 0 // NOP Else // No, so memorize the spell BecomeSpell // IfHitGround // Make a sound tmpargument = 0 // tmpdistance = rand & 2047 + 10000 // PlaySound // End // All done