// ZZ> This function makes the character move around IfKilled // Size JoinGoodTeam // For rebirth... tmpargument = 45 // SetBumpHeight // tmpargument = 0 // SendMessageNear // tmpargument = rand & 1 tmpdistance = 22050 PlaySound IfSpawned JoinNullTeam // For rebirth... tmpargument = 30 SetTime IfAttacked tmpargument = rand & 1 tmpdistance = 22050 PlaySound IfMounted tmpargument = rand & 1 tmpdistance = 22050 PlaySound IfTimeOut // This is done every so often ClearWaypoints // SetTargetToNearbyEnemy // Run away tmpturn = targetturnto + 24000 // tmpdistance = 600 // Compass // Else tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy AddWaypoint // tmpargument = rand & 15 + 20 // Wait a while and try again SetTime // IfBumped // Wander SetTargetToWhoeverBumped tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpturn = targetturnto + 32768 tmpdistance = 500 Compass ClearWaypoints // AddWaypoint // End // Finished with this character