// Show the character's location tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpargument = BLUE ShowBlipXY IfKilled // This reduces the height of the char tmpdistance = rand & 1023 + 11000 tmpargument = 6 PlaySound tmpargument = 0 // Last words... SetState // IfTargetIsOnSameTeam // Fragged! tmpargument = 3 // IfTargetIsSelf // No, just a damage tile tmpargument = 4 // SendMessage // tmpargument = 65535 // Drop money DropMoney // tmpargument = 45 // SetBumpHeight // IfAttacked // Attacked SetTargetToWhoeverAttacked // IfTargetIsAlive // IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam // Go after 'em tmpargument = 1 // SetState // tmpdistance = rand & 2047 + 11000 // Ouch! tmpargument = tmpdistance & 1 + 4 PlaySound // Else // Complain tmpargument = 2 // SendMessageNear // tmpargument = 1 // tmpdistance = rand & 2047 + 11000 // PlaySound // SetTargetToOldTarget // Else //Attacker died already SetTargetToOldTarget // IfTargetKilled // Return to follow mode tmpargument = 0 // State 0 ( Follow ) SetState // IfTimeOut // This is done every so often GetContent tmpx = tmpargument tmpy = 1 IfXIsEqualToY // Say "After Her" tmpargument = 8 tmpdistance = 11025 PlayFullSound tmpargument = 5 SendMessageNear tmpargument = 0 SetContent Else IfXIsMoreThanY // Say it next time tmpargument = tmpx - 1 SetContent SetTargetToNearbyEnemy // Look out for enemies tmpargument = 1 // SetState // Change to combat mode tmpargument = selfhateid // IfTargetHasID // Battle cry versus hate group IfTargetIsOldTarget // tmpargument = 0 // NOP Else // tmpargument = 1 // SendMessageNear // tmpargument = 3 // tmpdistance = rand & 2047 + 11000 // PlaySound // tmpargument = 0 // Check state IfStateIs // State 0 ( Follow ) tmpx = leaderx // tmpy = leadery // tmpturn = 16384 + leaderturn // Stand to side tmpdistance = 100 // Compass // Else // State 1 ( Combat ) tmpx = targetdistance // Close enough to attack? tmpy = 200 // IfXIsLessThanY // tmpargument = LATCHRIGHT // Right Attack == 2 PressLatchButton // tmpy = 700 IfXIsMoreThanY tmpargument = 0 SetState tmpx = leaderdistance IfXIsMoreThanY tmpargument = 0 SetState tmpx = targetx // Move towards enemy tmpy = targety // tmpturn = targetturnto // tmpdistance = 200 // Compass // ClearWaypoints // AddWaypoint // tmpargument = rand&20 // Try again later SetTime // // Use shield? IfTargetIsAttacking IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam IfFacingTarget tmpargument = LATCHLEFT PressLatchButton IfBumped // Bumped SetTargetToWhoeverBumped // IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam // Try to counter tmpargument = LATCHRIGHT // PressLatchButton // Else // Get around other character tmpargument = 0 // Return to follow state SetTargetToNearbyEnemy // Look out for enemies tmpargument = 1 // Stay in combat state Else // Revert SetTargetToOldTarget // SetState // tmpx = rand&511+selfx-256 // tmpy = rand&511+selfy-256 // ClearWaypoints // AddWaypoint // tmpargument = 40 // Try again soon SetTime // // Ya! Unarmed attack sound IfUsed tmpdistance = rand & 1023 + 11000 tmpargument = 7 PlaySound End // Finished with this character