//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IfHealed // Damage is inverted to make the Gelfeet invincible... tmpargument = 0 tmpdistance = rand & 2047 + 10000 PlaySound // Drop the item it's carrying tmpargument = ACTIONHA DoAction IfTimeOut tmpargument = 100 SetTime SetTargetToRider IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam // Hurt the character tmpargument = 512 DamageTarget // Corrode items tmpx = rand & 1 tmpy = 0 IfXIsEqualToY SetTargetToTargetLeftHand tmpargument = [RUST] IfTargetHasVulnerabilityID tmpargument = 0 SendMessageNear PoofTarget Else SetTargetToTargetRightHand tmpargument = [RUST] IfTargetHasVulnerabilityID tmpargument = 0 SendMessageNear PoofTarget Else // Corrode items tmpargument = [RUST] IfTargetHasVulnerabilityID tmpargument = 0 SendMessageNear PoofTarget IfBumped // Eat the enemy SetTargetToWhoeverBumped tmpx = targetz tmpy = selfz + 30 IfXIsLessThanY IfFacingTarget tmpargument = ACTIONME DoAction tmpargument = 0 tmpdistance = rand & 2047 + 6000 PlaySound IfSpawned // This is done once in a lifetime ClearWaypoints // Now go there tmpx = 7735 // Waypoint 0 tmpy = 5287 // AddWaypoint // tmpx = 7735 // Waypoint 1 tmpy = 6469 // AddWaypoint // tmpx = 6627 // Waypoint 2 tmpy = 6469 // AddWaypoint // tmpx = 6627 // Waypoint 3 tmpy = 5287 // AddWaypoint // tmpx = 7435 // Waypoint 4 tmpy = 5587 // AddWaypoint // tmpx = 7435 // Waypoint 5 tmpy = 6169 // AddWaypoint // tmpx = 6927 // Waypoint 6 tmpy = 6169 // AddWaypoint // tmpx = 6927 // Waypoint 7 tmpy = 5587 // AddWaypoint // End // Finished with this character