//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Death and let the player team win IfKilled tmpargument = 35 SetBumpHeight IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam tmpargument = 0 SendMessageNear // Award quest experience tmpargument = 100 tmpdistance = EXPQUEST GiveExperienceToTargetTeam // Finish it up BeatModule EnableExport // Mark this module as beaten, hidden modules may open up tmpargument = [BEAT] AddIDSZ // Fix the end text ClearEndMessage tmpargument = 2 AddEndMessage tmpargument = 3 AddEndMessage tmpargument = 4 AddEndMessage tmpargument = 5 AddEndMessage //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Make the GrubMum do the decoy dance at the beginning of the module. // This lets the players know what the target of the quest is. IfSpawned DisableExport ClearWaypoints tmpx = 2112 tmpy = 6208 AddWaypoint // tmpx = 2624 // tmpy = 6336 // AddWaypoint tmpx = 4032 tmpy = 6080 AddWaypoint tmpx = 4032 tmpy = 5668 AddWaypoint //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Handle wandering around IfStateIs1 // Wander around the boss room IfAtWaypoint CleanUp tmpx = rand % 1332 + 508 tmpy = rand % 1594 + 462 ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint Else // Teleport from the waterway to the boss room IfAtLastWaypoint IfSpawned GetState // NOP Else tmpx = 1280 tmpy = 1280 tmpargument = 1 SendMessageNear Teleport ClearWaypoints AddWaypoint Sneak tmpargument = 1 SetState ShowMap ShowYouAreHere //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Damage anyone that touches the Mum IfBumped SetTargetToWhoeverBumped IfTargetIsOnHatedTeam tmpargument = 900 DamageTarget //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZZ> Let the characters know where she is... tmpx = selfx tmpy = selfy tmpargument = GREEN ShowBlipXY //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End //------------------------------------------------------------------------------