Everything MaDdoG has released falls in the general 'utility' area. From there,
Categories: Word processing |
OS enhancements |
Development |
Word processing utilities
AmiFind integrates into Lotus' Ami Pro word processor and provides the
file-finding functionality that Lotus left out. Locate your old documents
by any combination of description, text contents, keywords, date, and filename.
Also works with Lotus Word Pro files saved in the .SAM format.
Operating system enhancements
Boot ChoOSer
Boot ChoOSer is a Windows interface to the boot manager included with Windows NT.
Boot ChoOSer sits on your taskbar and allows you to reboot to any operating system
installed on your computer with a single click. Requires Windows NT and any
other operating system to be useful.
QueuePlay is a media clip player for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. QueuePlay
lets you queue up a list of audio and/or video clips, then plays them back in
order. You can also save playlists for later use.
Development assistants
LFN libraries (LFNlib)
LFNLib enables programmers to quickly add Windows 95 long-file-name support
to existing 16-bit applications written in C.
Internet utilities
NetLyrix is a viewer for the song-lyric files commonly found on Internet sites
such as ftp.uwp.edu. NetLyrix will organize your collection of such lyrics
and help you find them by album or song title.