Use ClickLock to drag objects

  1.  to open IntelliPoint.
  2. Click the Activities tab.
  3. Under ClickLock, select the check box.
  4. To adjust the amount of time you need to hold down a button before it "locks," click Settings.
  5. To use ClickLock, point at an object, and then click and hold a button until it "locks" the object. A ClickLock ToolTip appears beside your pointer when ClickLock is locked.
  6. Release the button and move the object on the screen.
  7. Click the button again to release the object.


ClickLock is useful for highlighting text. Click and hold down the primary button until it "locks," and then move the mouse or trackball to select a block of text. After you've highlighted the desired text, click the primary button again to release ClickLock.

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