A complete listing of programs on this CD.
Readme and disclaimer
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Installing files
If you are new to installing files, see this Help Screen file for a quick overview.
Virus Warnings
Worried about viruses? See these tips.
Bugs and fixes
If your software is crashing or misbehaving, maybe it's a bug.
Easy CD Creator 5.01s patch for Windows 2000
Windows 2000 users who installed Take Two are affected by additional problems with EasyCd Creator 5. This 5.01s update fixes a blue screen of death problem and sluggish startup of Windows 2000. Roxio advises that Windows 2000 users should follow these installation steps: - Close all applications that are currently running.
- Uninstall all previous versions of Easy CD Creator. If you are prompted to restart your system, select "OK" and restart.
- Install Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum. (Note, if you are prompted to update your installer before any files are installed, click "OK". After the installer is updated, you will be prompted to restart your system; select "OK" to restart.)
- After completing the installation of Easy CD Creator 5, you will be prompted to restart, select "NO". DO NOT RESTART.
- Install the 5.01 update. Do Not Restart the system.
- Install the 5.01s update on this page.
- After the 5.01s update has completed, a message will appear telling you that the update was successful.
- Restart your system.
If you donÆt use Take Two, then you wonÆt need this 5.01s update.
Download File
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File details
Author/supplier: Roxio
Web site:
Operating system: Windows 2000
Licence: Free

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