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This month PC World presents a collection of over 300 photographs from all the Apollo space missions. It includes fifteen poster size pictures from Apollo 11 (see folder called 'Apollo11-hi res' for these larger files). The images are grouped according to the Apollo missions, but note that there are no images for the Apollo 2 and 3. This page on the NASA site explains the absence of these two mission. Alternatively you can read a summary on this CD by reading Explanation - Apollo2and3.txt in the Apollo folder. Pictures are Courtesy of NASA for readers of New Zealand PC World.

Viewing the images
The images in this collection are in JPG format which can be viewed in most Web browsers. They can be found in the d:/october/apollo folder of this CD, where d is your CD-ROM drive. Click here to view the files in this folder.

Alternatively, many graphics programs allow you to sort files and browse thumb nail images (smaller images that use less resources). Examples include Paint Shop Pro and IrfanView. IrfanView is a free program which also has basic editing and batch conversion features.

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