[OPTCON] // Control remap options. // These probably need better text. // 2D controls. ConCursor: Cursor Keys ConCursorS: Cursors + Shift ConCursorC: Cursors + Ctrl ConCursorCS: Cursors + Shift + Ctrl ConMouseS: Mouse + Shift ConMouseC: Mouse + Ctrl/Middle Button ConMouseCS: Mouse + Shift + Ctrl/Middle ConMouseEdge: Mouse at edge of screen // 2D Control options. ConMove: Move ConLook: Look ConPivot: Orbit // 1D controls. ConMouseWheel: Mouse Wheel ConMouseWheelPressed: Mouse Wheel Pressed ConPgUpPgDn: Page Up/Down ConHomeEnd: Home/End ConInsDel: Insert/Delete ConPlusMinus: Plus/Minus ConSquareBrackets: Square Brackets [ ] ConPadPlusMinus: Keypad Plus/Minus ConPadTimesDivide: Keypad Multiply/Divide // The mouse wheel sliders. Sensitivity: Sensitivity // 1D control options. ConMoveUpDown: Height ConMoveFwdBack: Move ConZoomInOut: Zoom ConDeckUpDown: Change Deck ConLookUpDown: Look Nothing: Nothing //Reverse: Reverse // make sure you've a blank line at the end!