[Medical] PostMortem: Post-mortem examination on %s. CarriedOutBy: Examiner: %s. Species: Victim species: %s. BornOn: Born on: %s. // "BornOn" refers to where (ie home planet) not when! DiedOn: Victim died on: %s. DiedAt: Estimated time of death: %s. Cause: Cause of death: %s. UnknownDoc: automated analytical systems SpyPrefix: There is forensic evidence suggesting the origin of this agent: %s. [Adjectives] 01: acute 02: severe 03: exacerbated 04: untreated 05: chronic 06: malign 07: stratified 08: globularized 09: indirect 10: advanced 11: compressed 12: bilinear [Evidence] Love: loneliness Food: malnutrition Sleep: sleep deprivation Fun: depression Toilet: bladder wrack Alcohol: thinning of the blood Unknown: general poor health Start: Victim shows signs of [Reasons] Love: Unknown Food: Starvation Sleep: Fatigue Fun: Suicide Toilet: Kidney failure Alcohol: Liver failure Unknown: Unknown