[groulien salthog] [1] Barmy Blimey Bidgy Bodgy Chavvy Digsy Chuffy Lugsy Guvvy Dodgy Monty Kippy Fusty Parky Rumpy Shufty Squiffy Yakky Manky Mardy Matey Bevvy Stonky Backy Faffy Gooly Grubby [2] Wangle Bodge Agro Mate Lugs Guvnor Stonker Skive Chuff Kip Yonks Eck Guum Arf Owt Gaffe Faff Gander Goolies Grub Jubbly Naff Nowt Wazzock [3] wangle bodge agro mate lugs guvnor stonker skive chuff kip yonks gaffe faff gander goolies grub jubbly naff nowt wazzock [special name] Karl Zielinski [special hobby] Breaking things - anything Hurting Coders Walking Stoob, my faithful Spawn [special name] Dracoraptor [special hobby] Not being unemployed Fiddling with space ships Hating Gem Slugs [special name] Scott Whitten [special hobby] Officiating geriatric jai alai Fine Corinthian leather Watching people run for their lives [special name] David Lawson [special hobby] Soccer Good Looking Sirens Fast Ships [special name] Mark Smartie [special hobby] Listening to unlistenable music Chairman of the toast festival Brewing [special name] Jakey Milo Smart [special hobby] Quoting film soundbites Singer of songs Model railway construction [special name] J.J. Smart [special hobby] Dinosaur design Ancient terra cricket Black belt - snakes and ladders [special name] Peter 'Echo' Tweedie [special hobby] Mixing music Extreme Sports Gaming [special name] Ollie Shaw [special hobby] Unnecessary surgery Spin cycling Goatsucking [special name] Gary Carr [special hobby] I like liver I like bacon I like liver and bacon [special name] Tobias Maher [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Michael O'Callahan [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Ross Webb [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Sean Lamacraft [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Daniel Smith [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Jimmy Holloway [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Philip Crosbie [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Gary Pugsley [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Mathew Mengech [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Phillip McPhearson [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Rowan Denison [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Michael Ogden [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Chris Ranson [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Jake Holman [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Tony Ciniglio [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Alison Bridgeman [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [special name] Rob Stevens [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [grey] [1] Daa Kaa Maa Raa Saa Dee Kee Mee Ree See [2] 'lo 'mo 'no 'bo 'do 'fo 'go 'ro 'vo 'zo [3] dok las gan nok vel mak [special name] Wayne Imlach [special hobby] Designing computer games Growing Bonsai Memau [special name] Mike Diskett [special hobby] Cheese making Flannel collecting Shining a light on humans knees [kasgorvian] [1] R G B H V D F M Sk Sh Ch [2] ' a e i o u [3] akk okk ekk agg ogg egg arr orr err oog ook aak arg erg ugg ash [special name] John Steels [special hobby] Drinking Collecting dust Indulging in the fine art of CLANGE [special name] Tom Forsyth [special hobby] Stress-testing keyboards Officially gorgeous cars Vanished parrots [special name] Chris Knott [special hobby] Animating Lifting weights Getting jolly baity [thyorian grekka targ] [1] Ik Snik Nik Tik Scrit Neep Eep Meep Beep Ip Bzz Zip [2] ik snik nik tik scrit neep eep meep beep ip bzz zip [3] ik snik nik tik scrit neep eep meep beep ip bzz zip [special name] Michael Burnham [special hobby] 70's cop shows Facial Hair Grooming Definitely not snowboarding [special name] Dimes [special hobby] Hot mud drinking Retro-gaming Chart & graph making [special name] Robert Carter [special hobby] Playing games Testing Startopia [karmarama] [1] Bird Flower Cloudy Butterfly Firefly Crystal Feather Ziggy Joy Happy Harmony Sunny Spirit Hippy Dreamy Velvet Mook Zion Dylon Luna Fern Forest Little Funky Fuzzy Fluffy Bongo Bungle Mellow Spacey Trip Trippy Zowie Zappy Wibble [2] Morning Evening Sun Moon Star Sky Cloud Earth Rainbow Tree Autumn Winter Summer Spring Ocean Love Cosmic River Rain Mist Hemp Glitter Fairy [3] groove shadow child soul song fern spirit stone dust seed bright burst flower beam shine light dream blossom wind karma dance bubble boogie glitter wobble wave [special name] Guy Simmons [special hobby] Tuning fish Buttering muffins Flabbing gasteredly [special name] Jan Svarovsky [special hobby] Bazack Tending Rowing Piano [special name] Robert Stevens [special hobby] Video games Playing basketball Eating sugary food [special name] Stuart Black [special hobby] Mind Mechanics Solar Surfing Wearing Clothes [zedem] [1] Zan Zen Zin Zon Zun Zam Zem Zim Zom Zum Zad Zed Zid Zod Zud Zab Zeb Zib Zob Zub [2] a i e o u ana ina ena ona una ane ine ene one une ani ini eni oni uni ano ino eno ono uno anu inu enu onu unu ala ila ela ola ula ale ile ele ole ule ali ili eli oli uli alo ilo elo olo ulo alu ilu elu olu ulu [3] c k l m n z [special name] Metal Dog [special hobby] Keeping up with 1800's fashion trends Ferret herding Theistic pontification [special name] Barry Meade [special hobby] Corrupting souls Saving Corrupted souls Interplanetary horse trading [turraken] [1] Doctor Professor Technician Researcher Inventor [2] Giga Mega Kilo Centi Milli Micro Nano Pico Proto Electro Quantum Astro Thermo Spectro Chrono Hydro Cosmo Gyro Plasma Ultra Delta Geo Iso Quasi Semi Crypto [3] watt volt hertz joule neutron proton photon nucleus phase fusion grav matrix particle synth ray beam laser morph nebula flux tron node void scope vortex bolt [special name] Mark Zarb-Adami [special hobby] Cloning Maths Eating pizza [special name] Tom Ireland, BSC, UFO, IPPE [special hobby] Being Intergalactic Pinch Punch Emperor Building starships out of gold foil Keeping space chickens [special name] Martin Smith, MEng [special hobby] Hitting things with Latex Fixing other people's computers for free Watching bad Sci-Fi programmes [special name] Mark Baker [special hobby] Vegetarian cookery Removing excess alcohol from the universe The pursuit of beauty and truth, in female form [special name] Rob Smith [special hobby] Playing keyboards Cycling Swimming [siren] [1] Lar Nar Mar Har Par Sar Ler Ner Mer Her Per Ser Lor Nor Mor Hor Por Sor Lal Nal Mal Hal Pal Sal Lel Nel Mel Hel Pel Sel Lol Nol Mol Hol Pol Sol Lav Nav Mav Hav Pav Sav Lev Nev Mev Hev Pev Sev Lov Nov Mov Hov Pov Sov [2] ' al el il ol ul av ev iv ov uv ar er ir or ur [3] ium aeus eus ion aeon um us al il i a [special name] Mark Rose [special hobby] Headbanging Being purple [special name] Pippa Kyle [special hobby] Chocolate Rocket science Latex [special name] Richard Franke [special hobby] Hanging round in bars Having buttered scones for tea Moaning at programmers [special name] Kimlan Lou-Hing [special hobby] Liming Sleeping too much [special name] Simon Keating [special hobby] Keeping Peravian War Hogs Entertaining for money Eating my wing fleas [special name] Helen of Smart [special hobby] Collecting fine gowns Interior design critic Hair dressing [gemslug] [1] Argle Blutt Blag Bleeg Blog Blob Blat Blart Blurg Burp Bung Chut Chung Clump Clag Clot Clog Chug Crang Crump Dump Durg Dong Engle Fluffle Flarg Flob Flart Flab Flange Fung Farg Flarble Glut Glub Grub Grunt Gunge Grump Grot Hump Hoop Ible Joob Jub Job Klump Krat Kump Klang Klag Lump Lurch Loog Lurm Mong Mung Mush Mash Nurgle Nung Nerk Naff Niff Nudge Oof Ogle Phat Phurt Phart Phlab Poop Pong Pleeg Plub Quing Quirm Quack Rung Rank Rubble Rash Splurg Splat Slurm Slag Sludge Stench Shug Shunt Snot Splat Trunk Twang Turg Trog Tang Twang Thunk Thwip Vung Vunge Wung Wunk Whack Wobble Wibble Yank Zung Zlurb Zlodge Zlurg [2] Argle Blutt Blag Bleeg Blog Blob Blat Blart Blurg Burp Bung Chut Chung Clump Clag Clot Clog Chug Crang Crump Dump Durg Dong Engle Fluffle Flarg Flob Flart Flab Flange Fung Farg Flarble Glut Glub Grub Grunt Gunge Grump Grot Hump Hoop Ible Joob Jub Job Klump Krat Kump Klang Klag Lump Lurch Loog Lurm Mong Mung Mush Mash Nurgle Nung Nerk Naff Niff Nudge Oof Ogle Phat Phurt Phart Phlab Poop Pong Pleeg Plub Quing Quirm Quack Rung Rank Rubble Rash Splurg Splat Slurm Slag Sludge Stench Shug Shunt Snot Splat Trunk Twang Turg Trog Tang Twang Thunk Thwip Vung Vunge Wung Wunk Whack Wobble Wibble Yank Zung Zlurb Zlodge Zlurg [3] blutt blag leeg blog blob blat blart blurg burp bung chut chung clump clag clot clog chug crang crump dump durg dong fluffle flarg flob flart flab flange fung farg flarble glut glub grub grunt gunge grump grot hump hoop joob jub job klump krat kump klang klag lump lurch loog lurm mong mung mush mash nurgle nung nerk naff niff nudge phat phurt phart phlab poop pong pleeg plub quing quirm quack rung rank rubble rash splurg splat slurm slag sludge stench shug shunt snot splat trunk twang turg trog tang twang thunk thwap vung vunge wung wunk whack wobble wibble yank zung zlurb zlodge zlurg [special name] Lisa Busby [special hobby] Moaning Galactic Law Boyfriend training