[General] PeaceOnceMore: The war you had with another player has reverted to peace. //Bomb01: Administrator, sensors indicate an explosive device has been planted on the station. LowPower: You are low on Power. You should think about placing more Power Boosters. CriticalPower: Your Power Level is critical. Shut down unused facilities or build more Power Boosters. RoomPowerFailed: A room has suffered a power failure: %s RoomRepair: A room is in need of urgent repairs: %s RoomDestroyed: A room has been destroyed! %s //FurnitureDestroyed: An item of equipment has been destroyed! CrimeCommitted: A crime has been committed! CapturedCriminal: A criminal has been incarcerated. DeadCriminal: A criminal has been killed! //MerchantDocked: A Merchant Ship has docked. //MerchantUndocked: A Merchant Ship has departed. //PassengerDocked: A Passenger Ship has docked. //PassengerUndocked: A Passenger Ship has departed. //ScuzzerPowerFailed: A Scuzzer is out of power and has shut down. //ScuzzerMalfunctioned: A Scuzzer has malfunctioned and requires re-booting. ScuzzerDestroyed: A Scuzzer has been completely destroyed. PlayerNewTech: Your researchers have developed a new technology: %s PlayerUpgradeTech: Your researchers have improved current technology: %s OpponentTechTaunt1: An opponent has developed a new technology: %s OpponentTechTaunt2: An opponent has developed a new technology and wishes to gloat at your ineptitude: %s OpponentTechTaunt3: An opponent has developed a new technology and chooses to wave it under your nose in a smug fashion: %s OpponentTechTaunt4: An opponent has developed a new technology and wishes to express his pity at your own feeble research attempts: %s OpponentTechTaunt5: An opponent has developed a new technology: %s //TradeShipDetected: A trade ship was detected near your station. DeadVisitor: A visitor has just died. You have been charged 1000e to compensate the family of the deceased. //DeadResident: One of your residents has just died. You have been charged 1000e to compensate the family of the deceased. DeadAgent: An enemy agent working undercover on your station has been terminated. //RunOutOfCargo: You have run out of a type of cargo: %s FactoryComplete: A Factory has completed its production. //GreyLeaving: One of your Grey residents has quit and is leaving the station! //SaltyLeaving: One of your Groulien Salt Hog residents has quit and is leaving the station! //TargLeaving: One of your Grekka Targ residents has quit and is leaving the station! //GorLeaving: One of your Kasvagorian residents has quit and is leaving the station! //TurkLeaving: One of your Turakken residents has quit and is leaving the station! //SirenLeaving: One of your Siren residents has quit and is leaving the station! MSirenLeaving: One of your Siren residents has quit and is leaving the station! //KarmaLeaving: One of your Karmarama residents has quit and is leaving the station! //MonkLeaving: One of your Zedem Monk residents has quit and is leaving the station! //SomeoneWantsToLoad: %s wants to load savegame number %d. Is this OK? DidntHaveSaveGame: %s didn't have a matching savegame to load, so no-one can load, sorry. Win: YOU'RE A WINNER! Lose: LOST! IN SPACE LostAllDecks: All of your territory was taken over, leaving you with no choice but to flee the station! No3DCard: Your graphics system does not meet the minimum specifications required to run Startopia. ReinstallDX: 3D system error. Please try re-installing DirectX. OhDearMe: Unrecoverable error. //*********************************************************THESE ARE THE WAVS THAT HAVE BEEN RECORDED!!!************************ // TomF - note any commented out have equiavlents above. Don't want to have things multiply defined. Already: You are already trading with someone //Arona_busy: Arona is busy elsewhere //Arona_gone: Arona has departed //Arona_received: Arona received your reply Assassin01: I've received a coded message from the Guild of Retirements. They're asking if you'd like to make use of their services. Shall I confirm the appointment? (3000e per enemy) Assassinate01: A visitor has been assassinated Assassinate02: A resident has been assassinated Auction01: An auction has been called. Do you wish to bid? Bomb01: Administrator, sensors indicate an explosive device has been planted on the station. Bomber01: I've received a coded message from the Guild of Demolitions. They're asking if you'd like to make use of their services. Shall I confirm the appointment? (3000e per enemy) BreachProgress: There is a breach in progress on the following segment. Do you wish to cancel the directive?|Segment %d, deck %d. Cannotaffordfurniture: Your equipment costs too much (%d). You don't have enough energy (you only have %d). Cannotaffordroom: Your room design costs too much (%d). You don't have enough energy (you only have %d). Cannotaffordtohirepeep: You can't afford to hire that alien. Cannotbeamup: You cannot beam that up. //CapturedCrim: A criminal has been incarcerated. Cargorunout: You have run out of a type of cargo: %s Chargedforfurniture: You have been charged the following for your equipment: %d. Chargedforroom: You have been charged the following for your room. Confirm01: Are you sure you want to do that Administrator? //CrimeCOmmited: A crime has been committed. //CriticalPower: Your power level is critical. Shut down unused facilities or build more power boosters. Deadagent: An enemy agent working undercover on your station has been terminated. //Deadcrim: A criminal has been killed. Deadresident: One of your residents has just died. You have been charged 1000e to compensate the family of the deseased. Deadvisitor: A visitor has just died. You have been charged 1000e to compensate the family of the deseased. Didnthavesavegame: Someone didn't have a matching savegame to load, so no-one can load. Sorry. Donthavesavegame: You don't have a savegame in that slot. Explode01: A bomb has exploded on your station. FactoryComplete: A factory has completed its production. FurnitureDestroyed: An item of equipment has been destroyed. FurnitureRepair: An item of equipment is in need of urgent repairs. Gorleaving: One of your Kasvagorian residents has quit and is leaving the station. Greyleaving: One of your Grey residents has quit and is leaving the station. Karmaleaving: One of your Karmarama residents has quit and is leaving the station. Loaded: Loaded. LoadFailed: Load Failed. Loading: Loading. // ok, so the text doesn't match the speech, but hopefully no-one will mind LoadRefused: The call to load a saved game has been refused by %s. Loadsavegameok: Someone wanted to load a save game? Is this ok? //Loser: Lost. In Space. //Lowpower: You are low on Power. You should think about placing more power boosters. MerchantDeparted: The merchant ship has departed. MerchantDocked: A merchant ship has docked. Mish1: Mission One. The Groulien Workers Party. Mish2: Mission Two. The Grey Council. Mish3: Mission Three. The Targ Collective. Mish4: Mission Four. The Galactic Rehab Authority. Mish5: Mission Five. The Turakken Committee. Mish6: Mission Six. The Karmarama Commune. Mish7: Mission Seven. The Kasvagorian Kingdom. Mish8: Mission Eight. The Zedem Conclave. Mish9: Mission Nine. The Polvakian Aristocracy. Mish10: Mission Ten. The Siren Agency. MustOwnAll: You must own all the decks to be able to occupy part of an adjacent segment. Navblocked: You can't place that there. Visitors will not be able to reach certain equipment. Navnodoors: You have no doors in this room. Without them, visitors will not be able to reach certain equipment. Notforrecycling: It's not available for recycling. Notready: The merchant ship isn't in a position to trade right now. Notthere: I see no ships. Nottrade: You can't trade with passenger ships. Notyours: Please don't prod at other players ships. OpponentTechTaunt1: An opponent has developed a new technology. OpponentTechTaunt2: An opponent has developed a new technology and wishes to gloat at your ineptitude. OpponentTechTaunt3: An opponent has developed a new technology and chooses to wave it under your nose in a smug fashion. OpponentTechTaunt4: An opponent has developed a new technology and wishes to express his pity at your own feeble research attempts. OpponentTechTaunt5: An opponent has developed a new technology! Passengerdeparted: A passenger ship has departed. PassengerDocked: A passenger ship has docked. Patternbufferfull: Your pattern buffer is full. Playernewtech: Your researchers have developed a new technology. Playerupgradetech: Your researchers have improved current technology. //Resbored: Your residents are bored. //Resdirty: Your residents are unclean. //Reshorny: Your residents are lovesick. //Reshungry: Your residents are hungry. //Restired: Your residents are tired. //Resunhappy: Your residents are unhappy. Roomdestroyed: A room has been destroyed. //Roomfailure: A room has suffered a power failure. Roomplacementforbidden: Room placement forbidden. //Roomrepair: A room is in need of urgent repairs. Saltyleaving: One of your Groulien Salt-Hog residents has quit and is leaving the station. Saved: Saved. Savefailed: Warning. Save Failed. Repeat - your game has not been saved to disk. Saving: Saving. ScuzzerDestroyed: A scuzzer has been completely destroyed. // Not used. //ScuzzerMalfunction: A scuzzer has malfunctioned and requires rebooting. ScuzzerPowerdown: A scuzzer is out of power and has shut down. SegmentBreach: Warning. One of your segments is being breached. SegmentTakeover: Warning. A rival is attempting a hostile takeover. //Ship_detected: A merchant ship was detected near your station. Sirenleaving: One of your Siren residents has quit and is leaving the station. TakeoverProgress: There is a takeover in progress on the following segment. Do you wish to cancel the directive?|Segment %d, deck %d. Targleaving: One of your Grekka Targ residents has quit and is leaving the station. Trade01: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that current markets are stable. Trade02: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that Medical Supplies are in great demand. Trade03: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that Luxury Goods are in great demand. Trade04: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that Blackmarket Goods are in great demand. Trade05: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that Alien Items are in great demand. Trade06: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that Food Supplies are in great demand. Trade07: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that Industrial Materials are in great demand. Trade08: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that Hardware is in great demand. Trade09: The Galactic Trade Federation reports that Mineral Ores are in great demand. //Trader_busy: The Trader is busy elsewhere now. //Trader_gone: The Trader has departed. //Trader_leaving: The Trader is leaving now. //Trader_received: The Trader received your reply. //Tradeshipdetected: A trade ship was detected near your station. Turkleaving: One of your Turakken residents has quit and is leaving the station. Tutorgo1: Would you like to initiate the tutorial Administrator? Tutorgo2: Here's a Tutorial I prepared earlier. Tutorgo3: A tutorial is ready, should you require one. Underattack: Alert! You are under attack. UndoBreachProgress: There is an 'undo breach' in progress on the following segment. Do you wish to cancel the directive?|Segment %d, deck %d. //Visbored: Your visitors are bored. //Visdirty: Your visitors are unclean. //Vishorny: Your visitors are lovesick. //Vishungry: Your visitors are hungry. //Vistired: Your visitors are tired. //Visunhappy: Your visitors are unhappy. //Winner: You're a Winner! YouQuitGame: You have lost because you quit the game. YouRequestedLoad: Your request to load a game has been sent to other players. ZedemLeaving: One of your Zedem Monk residents has quit and is leaving the station. lose01: No collector and no energy? It's all over Administrator. The dream lies in tatters, flapping in the solar winds. AronaEnd: Hi there. Yep it's your old pal Arona. What, you didn't recognise me? Anyway I've got to congratulate you on your overwhelming success. I've been cruising these space-lanes for hundreds of years and no one's ever been as good at running stations as you. You never knew your parents did you? Well, it is time for that to change. You see I am not only Arona Daal, I am...YOUR FATHER! Accept your destiny, join me and together we can rule the Galactic Trade Federation. Don't get too excited now, as you are not yet to be a Trade Master like myself. Indeed your training has only just begun...