[Profile] Heading: User Profiles New: New Profile Delete: Delete Profile Continue: Continue Exit: Exit DeleteConfirm: Are you sure you want to delete this profile? [Name] EnterName: Enter your name ProfileExists: That profile already exists. Overwrite? [CD] InsertDisk: Please insert your Startopia CD into the following drive: %s: InsertDiskQuickly: Insert your Startopia CD! People are waiting for you! [Play] Missions: Play Missions Sandbox: Play Sandbox Load: Play Saved Game Multi: MultiPlayer Options: Options Back: Back [Missions] Play: Continue Back: Back Tutorial: Show Tutorials Mish0: Tutorial Mish1: Mission 1 - The Groulien Workers Party Mish2: Mission 2 - The Grey Council Mish3: Mission 3 - The Targ Collective Mish4: Mission 4 - The Galactic Rehab Authority Mish5: Mission 5 - The Turakken Committee Mish6: Mission 6 - The Karmarama Commune Mish7: Mission 7 - The Kasvagorian Kingdom Mish8: Mission 8 - The Zedem Conclave Mish9: Mission 9 - The Polvakian Aristocracy Mish10: Mission 10 - The Siren Agency Mish11: Mission 11 - Test Mission Mish12: Wayne testbed 2 Mish13: Wayne testbed 3 TMish0: Tutorial 1 - Building and beaming TMish1: Tutorial 2 - Advanced building and Aliens TMish2: Tutorial 3 - Cargo and Trading TMish3: Tutorial 4 - Biodeck Basics TMish4: Tutorial 5 - Combat and Conquest TMish5: Tutorial 6 TMish6: Tutorial 7 TMish7: Tutorial 8 TMish8: Tutorial 9 TMish9: Tutorial 10 [Pause] SaveGame: Save LoadGame: Load Options: Options ReplayMission: Restart Mission ExitMission: Quit Mission ExitGame: Quit StarTopia Back: Back [Sandbox] Sandbox1: Sandbox Sandbox2: Sandbox without AI Play: Continue Back: Back [Multi] Back: Back GameSpy: GameSpy TCPIPLAN: TCP/IP LAN IPXLAN: IPX LAN PatchDownload: A more recent version of Startopia is available!|Do you want to download the patch now? MandatoryPatchDownload: A mandatory update for Startopia is available!|Do you want to download the patch now? DownloadComplete: Download complete! DownloadCompleteRun: Download complete! Please exit the game and run %s. FileName: File Name: FileSize: File Size: DownloadingWait: Downloading, please wait! PleaseChooseMirror: Please choose a mirror to download the patch from. FailedLocally: The patch could not be written to your disk, sorry. Try again? DownloadFailed: Sorry, The download failed. Try again? WillNowExit: The game will now exit. PatchSavedRunNow: The patch has been saved to %s. Do you want to run it now? DontForgetRun: Don't forget to run the patch you downloaded (%s). URL: URL: OutOfSync: Network syncronisation failed|Please reload from most recent autosave NetworkLost: Lost contact with the network [LAN] Back: Back Create: Create Join: Join ProtocolNotInstalled: This protocol is not installed on your machine. ProtocolNotWorking: This protocol is not working. CreateGameDidntWork: A game could not be created. IPXGames: IPX Games TCPIPGames: TCP/IP Games CantCreate: A game could not be created. [HALL] Back: Back Create: Create Join: Join [Option] Gfx: Video Sfx: Audio Ctrl: Controls Back: Back [DEBATE] LetsGo: Let's GO! AbandonGame: Abandon Game WaitingForServer: The server is still loading, please wait! [GameID] OK: OK Cancel: Cancel SpaceChickensEpisode: %s's Game [Staging] Launch: Launch Leave: Leave Ready: Ready? PossibleProblem: GameSpy is taking longer than expected to reply. PossibleProblemSolved: GameSpy has now registered your game. [Chat] WasKicked: %s was kicked out of the room. IsntRunning: %s isn't running the game yet. HasArrived: %s has arrived! HasGoneAway: %s has gone away. [General] ServerQuit: The server has exited the game. IfYouLeaveTheGameDiesSure: When you abandon a game that you created, the other players are unable to continue. Do you want to exit anyway? Okay: Okay Cancel: Cancel Yes: Yes No: No ExitGame: Quit StarTopia Sure: Are you sure you want to quit StarTopia? SureYouWantToLeave: Are you sure you want to leave this game? SomePlayersNotArrivedYetSure: Not all the players are ready to start. Are you sure you want to continue anyway? PlayerLeft: %s has left the game. [Load] SlotName: Save Slot [Save] Save: Save Delete: Delete SlotExists: You are trying overwrite an existing savegame. Is this OK? DeleteConfirm: Are you sure you want to delete this savegame? [Hardware] Insufficient: Hardware Insufficient MemoryInsufficient: We do not support systems with less than 64MB of memory. Click OK if you want to carry on regardless, but we do not recommend it. If you do, then at the very least, you should turn the quality options down to their minimum settings before starting a game. CPUNotSupported: StarTopia requires an Intel® Pentium(tm) or above. We recommend a 300mhz processor or greater. Your computer appears not to meet these requirements, but just in case, we're giving you the option to continue anyway. If you think your computer will run the game, click OK, but be warned that it will crash if you are wrong. If you don't feel like taking the chance, click Cancel. CloseAllApps: StarTopia, like most games, will play smoother if you make sure all other applications are closed beforehand. This includes e-mail, instant-messaging applications, and virus-scanners -- see the Read Me file for more information. Click OK if you have already done this (we won't bother you about it again) or click Cancel to quit and come back later.