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Jewels of Anubis
The Jewels
of Anubis is a puzzle game where your goal is to win Pharaoh's treasure
by removing all the jewels from the screen. Your time is limited and
at the start of a new game, a grid of 100 Jewels will appear. Using
your mouse, point to 2 identical jewels and click on the left button.
Jewels can only be removed if they can be connected by straight lines
with 2 or fewer right angles between them. In other words, if there
is a path of 3 (or less) line segments between the jewels, they will
disappear. However, if the jewels cannot be connected with 3 lines,
they cannot be removed. |
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Author/supplier: ZapSpot
Web site:
Operating system: Windows 95/98/Me/NT42000
Licence: Free, but game displays ads.
Requirements: None specified

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