Suppressing 1-2-3's splash screen

Most windows programs display a graphics logo or splash screen at start-up. If you're a 1-2-3 user, you can bypass Lotus's splash screen by adding a switch to the command line used to start 1-2-3. These switches differ for each version of the spreadsheet program.
The procedure for modifying the command line varies with the version of Windows you have. If you use Win 95, find the Shortcut that loads 1-2-3. This may be a desktop icon or an entry in your Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Lotus SmartSuite folder. Right-click the Shortcut and select Properties.

Lotus 1-2-3 command-line switches

In the Properties dialogue box, click the Shortcut tab, and modify the Target field by adding the correct switch.
If you're using Windows 3.x, select the 1-2-3 icon in Program Manager and press <Alt>-<Enter> to display the Program Item Properties dialogue box. Then modify the Command Line field by appending the appropriate switch.
- John Walkenbach

Category: Spreadsheet
Issue: Nov 1997
Pages: 180

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